Looking for a big dick for my new Jeep

I'm a live one because I replied to your comment?!?

guess you didn't stalk me very well off the other forums....the name doesn't stand to "bigmuthafukintoy"......it stands for "BADmuthafukintoy" from way back in the day when I had a Toyota......

and I'll make myself perfectly clear.... I don't give two shits about your opinion on MY jeep......I've heard stories about this forum, so glad to see they are true!:doh:

You're a loser. Let me guess, you like the videos too. You trolls are all the same.

If you "heard" than why are you here. Not only that, but you post this bullshit thinking this is your personal Facebook. Get lost.

???.......the reason I came here was to help look for a JK (hence the wanted ad)......I was done with this thread after I bought my jeep.....then people asked for pics.....so I posted some, unknowingly that their was a problem between jko and here.....the rest was not brought on by me

Forgive me. The videos and to use this site as your Facebook AND your personal Craigslist.
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So you have never heard something negative about something and still given it a chance to base your opinion on your own personal experience instead of basing it off other peoples opinions?!? :idontknow:
To all you Eddie and Wayalife nut swingers, I appreciate the warm welcome....peace out!IMG_6995.jpg

(Drops Mic and leaves room)
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