King Shocks Coilover for sale

4) "new" or "washed" are not the same thing. Used, means used, and yours look really used.

I think I said the very same thing in my 20's to a guy who introduced his "new" girlfriend to me (she was my ex-girlfriend.)

...which have 40,000+ miles on them, have been rebuilt three times and would still bring a better price than this guy's nasty used parts.

Damn brother, that's a lot of mall miles. ;) I hope all is well with you and that you are getting some time stateside to play.
... I hope all is well with you and that you are getting some time stateside to play.

Ok, you caught me ;( I'm actually overseas in a land where people really, really do hate me. In fact I'm probably on a most wanted list in my current location. I'm nowhere near my jeep......
Ok, you caught me ;( I'm actually overseas in a land where people really, really do hate me. In fact I'm probably on a most wanted list in my current location. I'm nowhere near my jeep......

But have you created any human speed bumps lately? Because that's what really gets the party started! 😉 Stay safe sir in foreign lands.
The least this guy could do is remove the Metro-Dade Firefighter tag from the front of this "Masterpiece"....SMH


Why? Who else has so much disposable income and time to do a project like this? :idontknow: ;)
Ok, you caught me ;( I'm actually overseas in a land where people really, really do hate me. In fact I'm probably on a most wanted list in my current location. I'm nowhere near my jeep......

Sorry to hear that. Stay safe my friend. :beer:
This is the price If they were new or washed
View attachment 98996

Which model/price is it? The top is for the IBP optioned model. The bottom one's new are cheaper that your price, I assume that's what you're comparing them to since you didn't mention they are IBP. That's a big feature/selling point, so surely it would have been listed here:

King Shocks Coilover for sale
I have a used pair of coilover for sale size 12" and 14"
Asking $1050 for pair OBO

Where's a toolbag emoticon when you need one...:asshat:
Sorry to hear that. Stay safe my friend. :beer:

Well during my three weeks at home I did visit your lovely state and get to 'pilot the space shuttle', so I would say my time back in the US was pretty freaking awesome.

Now for the rest of the participants in this for sale thread; don't confuse my post of pointing out the use of the Mexican dialect (which many don't understand) with anything demeaning to our neighbors south of the international border or descendants thereof on this side of said border (legal or illegal). If we are going to derail a thread, let's keep it above the belt and not racially, ethnically or transgender'ally charged. I applaud rollover41's attempted mastery of two languages and so should you all, just not his attempted pricing of a used item for sale. In closing, I think we are all better participants of this forum through our continued understanding of different cultures and their peoples.

Warmest regards
G of the CM 2's
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