Kickoff to Summer Sierra Camping Trip 2013: May 24th - 27th

This is absolutely a kid friendly trip and as mentioned, we'll try to see if we can't all more to come. Ray, I will add you to the maybe/standby list.
We can get the time off, just need to find somebody to watch the dogs and we are there... Looks promising and my Jeep should be here on Friday!

I hear you on the dogs, trying to find a sitter as well! Can't wait to have one orw two drinks!
You guys had to plan that on a weekend I have to be at a baptism. Jerks! (Big smile with teeth) I'm so jealous and hopefully can go next time.
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Man that really did fill up quickly. If you can add me to the standby list that would be awesome, but that to looks real full.
I know chances are looking pretty slim, but I'd love to join in on this trip if room opens up. Put me on the stand by list! :thumb:
We will be on the way back from Overland Expo and Arizona so maybe not for all nights but 1 or 2.
I see a lot of friendly face coming :).
I had a blast last year! The ghost towns were very cool!

Make sure you guys bring your mud flaps...cough cough... Moohie.
Okay guys, I'll update the list now. So you know, we'll be heading up this weekend to do some scouting around for alternate camp sites. While I'm sure we can get upwards of 20 rigs setup at the place we always go, there's just no guarantee that we will get it on a holiday weekend and so I'd really like to have a Plan B, C or even D if needed before giving the okay for more people to come. Needless to say, I will let you all know what the scoop is next week so stay tuned :cool:
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