Kick me off and the site and you won't have to deal with me anymore

I make two points with the bullshit going on the last two days. 1.) If you have the tools and know how, build some of your own shit and run it. Build it how you want for your Jeep and your Jeep only. If it looks like another one on the market (especially EVO, don't worry about ACE LOL) don't post a picture of it on WAL. 2.) If you are going to call someone out on a certain part that they built, make sure you call out other people copying other products on the market. This will never be me until someone starts to profit off of it.

Do you understand what I'm driving at yet? Probably not.

Wait.... Nope. One more time? clueless. Dilution of the marketplace occurs not only through counterfeiting for profit, but also through counterfeiting for personal use. That is a point that you either cannot or will not understand.

The only point you have made is that you are a tool.
WTF are you talking about? I will leave. It's my choice when to, if I don't get kicked off first. Do I care if I get kicked off? No. I am welcomed here by some. But not these guys.

You wouldn't happen to be a millennial would you, born post 1982? Holy fuck, you done pounding your fists and proclaiming your right yet?

You are seriously a troll. You are wrong and your accusations are baseless. They are OPINIONS, not FACTS. Do you understand the difference?
Dilution of the marketplace occurs not only through counterfeiting for profit, but also through counterfeiting for personal use. That is a point that you either cannot or will not understand.

With the comment you made above you should have said the following to two people:

The one building the brackets for the rotopax- "Hey, that will be a copy of what EVO already did and you know this. Why don't you pay them to build them for you. If you build them yourself you are taking money out of EVO's pockets." ---- Nope, you are for him building them.

The second person, they are building a cargo net-"Hey, make sure the cargo net is a design totally different than something on the market already. If not, you're stealing from other manufacturers." ---Nope, you were actually interested in what she is making and like them.

In your opinion this only pertains to someone building EVO parts. Cargo nets and Rotopax brackets can be made everyday without your disapproval. You are basically saying "Oh wait, if you have many EVO parts already on your Jeep it's ok to make something like they did to add to it. I like you because you are a supporter of EVO already."

Like I said about 10 pages ago. If this is your stance on people copying shit on the market already, do it for everyone.

You are a hypocrite.
With the comment you made above you should have said the following to two people:

The one building the brackets for the rotopax- "Hey, that will be a copy of what EVO already did and you know this. Why don't you pay them to build them for you. If you build them yourself you are taking money out of EVO's pockets." ---- Nope, you are for him building them.

The second person, they are building a cargo net-"Hey, make sure the cargo net is a design totally different than something on the market already. If not, you're stealing from other manufacturers." ---Nope, you were actually interested in what she is making and like them.

In your opinion this only pertains to someone building EVO parts. Cargo nets and Rotopax brackets can be made everyday without your disapproval. You are basically saying "Oh wait, if you have many EVO parts already on your Jeep it's ok to make something like they did to add to it. I like you because you are a supporter of EVO already."

Like I said about 10 pages ago. If this is your stance on people copying shit on the market already, do it for everyone.

You are a hypocrite.

Wait.... Nope. One more time?
With the comment you made above you should have said the following to two people:

The one building the brackets for the rotopax- "Hey, that will be a copy of what EVO already did and you know this. Why don't you pay them to build them for you. If you build them yourself you are taking money out of EVO's pockets." ---- Nope, you are for him building them.

The second person, they are building a cargo net-"Hey, make sure the cargo net is a design totally different than something on the market already. If not, you're stealing from other manufacturers." ---Nope, you were actually interested in what she is making and like them.

In your opinion this only pertains to someone building EVO parts. Cargo nets and Rotopax brackets can be made everyday without your disapproval. You are basically saying "Oh wait, if you have many EVO parts already on your Jeep it's ok to make something like they did to add to it. I like you because you are a supporter of EVO already."

Like I said about 10 pages ago. If this is your stance on people copying shit on the market already, do it for everyone.

You are a hypocrite.

You are a dense motherfucker aren't you. Take a deep breath, count to potato, and exhale.
For the love of god, this thread is STILL going on??? :naw:

For someone who has changed his location to now read "Far From WAL", you sure do spend a hell of a lot more time on here that I do and I own the place. :crazyeyes:


Clearly, there are some things in life that are more important to you and spending your time on a forum that you don't even like is one of them. :cool:
Alright, Lets give this one last go.

Point 1:
"Under the patent statute, one who uses a patented invention without authorization from the patent holder is liable for patent infringement. However, an accused infringer can escape a finding of infringement by invoking the common-law experimental use exception, which permits a de minimis use of a patented invention where the use was motivated by an experimental purpose."

Point 2:
"Recent decisions from the Federal Circuit addressing experimental use have demonstrated that the exception is extremely narrow and unavailable in most practical circumstances."

"it is clear that under most practical circumstances neither industrial nor academic researchers can successfully invoke the experimental use exception to charges of patent infringement."

Point 4:
"Policy considerations weigh in favor of limiting the patent monopoly to permit use of the patented invention to develop ideas and expand scientific and technological knowledge. However, the appropriate limits on any permissible use are best addressed by detailed legislation, rather than by continued judicial reformulation of the experimental use exception."


In summary:
You are fucking WRONG


I award you Keyboard Commando

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With the comment you made above you should have said the following to two people:

The one building the brackets for the rotopax- "Hey, that will be a copy of what EVO already did and you know this. Why don't you pay them to build them for you. If you build them yourself you are taking money out of EVO's pockets." ---- Nope, you are for him building them.

The second person, they are building a cargo net-"Hey, make sure the cargo net is a design totally different than something on the market already. If not, you're stealing from other manufacturers." ---Nope, you were actually interested in what she is making and like them.

In your opinion this only pertains to someone building EVO parts. Cargo nets and Rotopax brackets can be made everyday without your disapproval. You are basically saying "Oh wait, if you have many EVO parts already on your Jeep it's ok to make something like they did to add to it. I like you because you are a supporter of EVO already."

Like I said about 10 pages ago. If this is your stance on people copying shit on the market already, do it for everyone.

You are a hypocrite.

Still talking and still not making sense. EVO doesn't sell Rotopax brackets, or did you not pay attention to a single thing that Drew said?

Just because you think a net is the same as a slider, it does not make it so...there is a profound difference between ubiquitous and unique. But, you are a fucking idiot so you will never understand.

You can think I am a hypocrite all you want. Like I said about 10 pages ago, zero fucks given.
Alright, Lets give this one last go.

Point 1:
"Under the patent statute, one who uses a patented invention without authorization from the patent holder is liable for patent infringement. However, an accused infringer can escape a finding of infringement by invoking the common-law experimental use exception, which permits a de minimis use of a patented invention where the use was motivated by an experimental purpose."

Point 2:
"Recent decisions from the Federal Circuit addressing experimental use have demonstrated that the exception is extremely narrow and unavailable in most practical circumstances."

"it is clear that under most practical circumstances neither industrial nor academic researchers can successfully invoke the experimental use exception to charges of patent infringement."

Point 4:
"Policy considerations weigh in favor of limiting the patent monopoly to permit use of the patented invention to develop ideas and expand scientific and technological knowledge. However, the appropriate limits on any permissible use are best addressed by detailed legislation, rather than by continued judicial reformulation of the experimental use exception."


In summary:
You are fucking WRONG

View attachment 199646

I award you Keyboard Commando

View attachment 199645

I want that patch!
Alright, Lets give this one last go.

Point 1:
"Under the patent statute, one who uses a patented invention without authorization from the patent holder is liable for patent infringement. However, an accused infringer can escape a finding of infringement by invoking the common-law experimental use exception, which permits a de minimis use of a patented invention where the use was motivated by an experimental purpose."

Point 2:
"Recent decisions from the Federal Circuit addressing experimental use have demonstrated that the exception is extremely narrow and unavailable in most practical circumstances."

"it is clear that under most practical circumstances neither industrial nor academic researchers can successfully invoke the experimental use exception to charges of patent infringement."

Point 4:
"Policy considerations weigh in favor of limiting the patent monopoly to permit use of the patented invention to develop ideas and expand scientific and technological knowledge. However, the appropriate limits on any permissible use are best addressed by detailed legislation, rather than by continued judicial reformulation of the experimental use exception."


In summary:
You are fucking WRONG

View attachment 199646

I award you Keyboard Commando

View attachment 199645

This was helpful to me. Thanks for posting. Also, if it helps others, I looked and couldn't find any patents for cargo nets.
Lol. She hasn't even finished her net yet, so you are basing your opinion on nothing more than the fact that it has squares and is made out of flat webbing. If her net turns out to be a blatant copy of an existing manufacturer's product, I will absolutely bust her chops about it. Perhaps you didn't understand my first post in her thread, but I said I was interested in seeing how it turns out. As in, I'm interested in seeing what she comes up with. Thus far, she has sewed together some squares. That's hardly proprietary styling to anyone. Again, completely ubiquitous in the marketplace.

You have yet to show me a single JK slider available on the market that is made in the same industrial ladder design as EVO's. The ACE comes close. In my opinion, it's a piss poor attempt at a copy and it was done after so many people had their other craptastic sliders bend. There is another company out there that makes nearly an identical copy to EVO's at a lower price point. They brag about copying EVO. As far as I'm concerned, they suck huge donkey dicks.

Answer me this, why haven't throngs of other manufacturers copied EVO's design if it is as commonplace in the market as square netting?

You think I am protective of a few select companies. You are dead wrong. I am protective of intellectual property and the value of entrepreneurial spirit. You, by your own admission, value neither.

Since you seem to be a bit dull, I went ahead and highlighted a couple things and made them bigger for you to see. Sharkey isn't attacking a single incident, but rather, your "logic" about the incident. You keep trying to drag it back to an action, when we are trying to get you to understand that your logic is wrong. Since you can't seem to see this from the context of a mechanical/fabrication standpoint I will hit you with a different scenario. You have a lab partner and you do an experiment, collect your data, and then have to write up a FORMAL lab report. Your partner finishes this lab report before the weeks end and you haven't done any of it. So instead, you read your partners paper, "paraphrase" (reference to "similar") and use all the same sources for your literature review and discussion sections (copy the design with minuscule or unnoticeable difference). The only thing you don't "paraphrase" is the results section, (using steel to fab sliders) because there is a standard to follow for all papers. You turn this paper in and what do you think happens? You didn't copy word for word, your paper was just "similar" to your partners, but guess what... you and your partner get slammed with plagiarism, you know why? It is because despite the fact you did the work, you didn't do any of the design work or individualize your sources. Now, can you tell me that you think plagiarism is not okay, but fabricating a mechanical structure near identical to someone else's design is? You call everyone on here a hypocrite, but you sir, are the epitome of hypocrisy.

WTF are you talking about? I will leave. It's my choice when to, if I don't get kicked off first. Do I care if I get kicked off? No. I am welcomed here by some. But not these guys.

Funny how none of these others who welcome you here chimed in to your defense. :hmm: As for leaving... bye. Nobody here will miss you.

Do you understand what I'm driving at yet? Probably not.

I don't even think you know what you are driving at anymore. For 16 pages now, nobody has given a single fuck about your argument. You think you would eventually get the hint that your logic is flawed. The fact that don't, tells me you probably display numerous traits of secondary psychopathy and clinical narcissism. This would also explain why it seems like you would be such an intolerable person to be around. Like that guy that just continues to argue for the sake of hearing himself talk, or in this case reading his typed words out loud. Anyone with any kind of sense and intelligence would probably want to eat a bullet trying to discuss any relevant topic with you. :twocents:
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