January 25th trip to Rausch Creek.

Booking our room tonight. Yea boyyyyy.😁.

Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile!!!! 2012 JKU Sport
Tell him you'll leave the doors on this trip. He can just stay in and roast in the Jeep sauna. :D

Yeah but he still has to make the trip from the front door to the driveway. Every degree below 70 makes the trip a foot longer.

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CB tuning w/ an SWR meter is dangerous stuff. Just ask MikeO. :D

Dangerous? How so? It sounds like there is a good story in here. I'm a HAM operator and have never had a problem adjusting SWR. You do have to make sure your wiring is connected properly, but a CB just doesn't have enough power to really fry anything. That is if it is an unmodified CB and not one of those 10 meter radios....
Dangerous? How so? It sounds like there is a good story in here. I'm a HAM operator and have never had a problem adjusting SWR. You do have to make sure your wiring is connected properly, but a CB just doesn't have enough power to really fry anything. That is if it is an unmodified CB and not one of those 10 meter radios....

While trying to tune MikeO antenna he stepped off the bumper and twisted his ankle really bad to the point he had to bag the trip altogether.
Anyhow, if anyone needs help with radios or electronics, I would be happy to volunteer some my time.

Tuning radios sounds like a good activity the night before over a couple of beers at the hotel. "Breaker Breaker. If you can hear this, bring more Beer...."
Anyhow, if anyone needs help with radios or electronics, I would be happy to volunteer some my time.

Tuning radios sounds like a good activity the night before over a couple of beers at the hotel. "Breaker Breaker. If you can hear this, bring more Beer...."

It's all good. I'm back in the game. I still have to adjust my radio though. :beer:
While trying to tune MikeO antenna he stepped off the bumper and twisted his ankle really bad to the point he had to bag the trip altogether.

You leave out the part that it was a pointy rock he landed on :bleh:

It's all good. I'm back in the game. I still have to adjust my radio though. :beer:

Glad to know that you're going to make it man.

1 week! it doesn't look like it's going to be to cold either. right around 30 or so

That is good news. The warmer the better. Snow on the ground is fine but I would prefer for it to not be snowing while wheeling.

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That is good news. The warmer the better. Snow on the ground is fine but I would prefer for it to not be snowing while wheeling.

Sent from my phone?[/QUOTE]

Indeed it is.
I am looking forward to this trip for sure...If anybody is going up 83N and want to go together let me know...I know myself and a Red Rubi will be driving up together from the York, PA area.

Keoni I'm heading up 83 as well from Baltimore. Lets try to meet along the way.

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