I would love to shove my diamond studded 4x4 shifter up wayoflife's royal arse!

It's comments like this that just drive me crazy! Jim - listen closely - you're a pathetic excuse for a "good Christian" - do you think Jesus would have engaged with anyone in the way you have. :thinking:
I run into "Christian" hotheads like you almost every day, hardly an example for others.
If you're going to drag your faith into a petty argument then you best back way up and approach with humility and better regard for others who (in this case) are being repulsed by your attitude and demeanor.
You need to hit the reset button on your banter.
Come-on, be courageous and admit you've blown it - live out the "forgiveness" you've said you're giving and be a better man.

^^^^ I stay away from the religious conversations.... for the most part. Long sad story..... BUT, Amen Preacher!!!! hit the nail on the head, preach it..... I'm out.:thumb:
By the bullying comment I was referring to everyone else feeling the need to pile on. Kind of senseless imo.

I guess I'm one of the bullies then because I called this :asshat: out for his complete inability to formulate a coherent sentence.

I make no apologies. You don't have be educated to avoid being ignorant, all you have to do is have some pride in the way you present yourself.
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nah not really just have a thing for numbers

Why do I get the feeling you are full of it? Something about your screen name and comments just doesn't add up. I see you keep in contact with some of our previous fans. Have they been rubbing one off on you?

Edit: No, there is not a typo in the last sentence above.
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Ok I am truly sorry to Eddie, and all that did not like my approach especially the Doberman comment not fair at all. I tried several layers of tactics and the JKO stickers aren't fair to you or the site sorry again Eddie. I truly wanted to see some passion and look we are at 4 pages! The only thing that even remotely set me off was your doubt at my seals and after tonight still aren't leaking! You need to be thick skinned to live up here so I am rather amused at the comments. The Christian comment right after a partial threat was meant to elevate your dopamine level for reaction and was in poor taste, sorry. This was a test for me since there has been a lot of drama with other forums and some members on here and you have passed with flying colors. I figured after the chanting started I would be gone but you didn't. Kudos to you again. Trust is something that is built and I think with many on this topic you have reaffirmed this and also gained much.

The pictures below shows my typical ride home and what happened tonight. Picked up my boys 9 and 6 and headed home but took the section line since it has been wet and mud should be found. We'll we find a Nissan Extera on one side so we opt for the other. Get closer and yep he is stuck. Figure I can pop through hole beside me and get behind him but this hole is deep. I am high centered with one wheel doing anything. Other guy has a 4 year old son and a puppy with him. Now for the sad part. I call and have help on the way and this Ford dually jacked to the sky on 35's pulls up. Asks if we are OK but then proceeds to tell us he made all the holes with his mud runner truck on 44's and there is no way we are getting out. Proceeds to tell us $100 each and he will get us out. Then he points back to a house and tells me if we change our minds he lives there as he eats his hard shell tacos. I comment to him he has quite the racket going on and he comments "yah made over a couple of grand already and spring is only starting". Now if this isn't capitalism I have no idea what else could be. Buddy shows up gives me a yank to get off my frame and I tell boys to get out. This time I use the V8 and pop through the hole and pull out the Nissan. This young guy is ex tactic thanks me and ask what he owes. Nothing just a beer next time I see ya and off he goes. That is what I want to instill in my boys, pay it forward and have some fun while doing it. Kindness to thy neighbor and not my selfish behavior I have exhibited here today. I expect you guys are for the most part the same otherwise you would not be here on this site with your passions but looking out your window for the next sucker to get stuck!


PS. Eddie, I did have it in 4 wheel drive and my shifter knob is a tire! Again truly sorry!
Why do I get the feeling you are full of it? Something about your screen name and comments just doesn't add up. I see you keep in contact with some of our previous fans. Have they been rubbing one off on you?

Likewise. Total bullshit.
If some douche made holes like that and then tried to charge me $100 for a recovery, I'd strongly consider introducing his ass to the toe of my boot.
...I truly wanted to see some passion and look we are at 4 pages!....
....The Christian comment right after a partial threat was meant to elevate your dopamine level for reaction and was in poor taste, sorry.

In other words, you were purposefully being a troll.

The only thing that even remotely set me off was your doubt at my seals and after tonight still aren't leaking!

Never said that they still should be. Just that an overfilled diff should NOT cause a seal leak so long as the vent tube is free and unobstructed! Why that simple and very specific point would set you off is beyond me.

This was a test for me since there has been a lot of drama with other forums and some members on here and you have passed with flying colors. I figured after the chanting started I would be gone but you didn't. Kudos to you again.

This was some kind of "test"? I'm sorry but I call BS and honestly, I have half a mind to show you the door just for saying that.

The pictures below shows my typical ride home and what happened tonight. Picked up my boys 9 and 6 and headed home but took the section line since it has been wet and mud should be found. We'll we find a Nissan Extera on one side so we opt for the other. Get closer and yep he is stuck. Figure I can pop through hole beside me and get behind him but this hole is deep. I am high centered with one wheel doing anything. Other guy has a 4 year old son and a puppy with him.

:rolleyes2: Look, since you seemed to have missed it, the only reason I gave you grief about wheeling your Jeep is because you seemed to think that nobody is bending their front axles. In fact, you told me and I quote, that you're "not trying to inflame you prostate but since when does everyone bend there axles?" That's when I asked if you "ever wheel your Jeep" - as in, if you did, you would know what I'm talking about. Of course, I now see that you've installed a TRUSS even though you're only running 35's and so really, I have no idea why you would have said what you said.

Now for the sad part. I call and have help on the way and this Ford dually jacked to the sky on 35's pulls up. Asks if we are OK but then proceeds to tell us he made all the holes with his mud runner truck on 44's and there is no way we are getting out. Proceeds to tell us $100 each and he will get us out. Then he points back to a house and tells me if we change our minds he lives there as he eats his hard shell tacos. I comment to him he has quite the racket going on and he comments "yah made over a couple of grand already and spring is only starting". Now if this isn't capitalism I have no idea what else could be. Buddy shows up gives me a yank to get off my frame and I tell boys to get out. This time I use the V8 and pop through the hole and pull out the Nissan. This young guy is ex tactic thanks me and ask what he owes. Nothing just a beer next time I see ya and off he goes. That is what I want to instill in my boys, pay it forward and have some fun while doing it. Kindness to thy neighbor and not my selfish behavior I have exhibited here today. I expect you guys are for the most part the same otherwise you would not be here on this site with your passions but looking out your window for the next sucker to get stuck!

Oh thank goodness that you're not like other people - thieves, adulterers or heaven forbid, like the guy who wanted to charge $100 to yank you out. I'm sure you fast twice a week and as you have stated, yank others out for free!

I get it, you're a "good Christian".

PS. Eddie, I did have it in 4 wheel drive and my shifter knob is a tire! Again truly sorry!

If you really are sorry, just say as much - "I'M SORRY". That's all that is needed and that's all that's all it would take to make this all water under the bridge.
I am sorry! But really Eddie why the tearing apart? In good faith I will remove the JKO stickers and never mention them again at noon on my lunch! I will even burn them as an olive branch! Your call!!



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