I would love to shove my diamond studded 4x4 shifter up wayoflife's royal arse!

I am sorry!

So leave it at that!

But really Eddie why the tearing apart?

Because all your other fluff makes your apology seem insincere.

In good faith I will remove the JKO stickers and never mention them again at noon on my lunch! I will even burn them as an olive branch! Your call!!

:cheesy: You're kidding yourself if you really think that I give a hoot about your JKO stickers. Since you missed it, I simply pointed them out because posting pics like that is something trolls like do.

:cheesy: At least you have a sense of humor.
I am being sincere! I tried in every direction with humor, sourcasim, innuendo, some truths, some false and some cheesy lines all mixed together to make it impossible to tear my thoughts apart yet you still did! It was suppose to be a mess! Why on earth would of I subjected myself to this when I could of just sat back as usual and minded my own business? We all have our faults and I have exposed myself enough. Only reason I re-brought up the stickers is to prove my sincerity otherwise I would be a TROLL with an intention to do you harm and not care either! I seem to be caring about your responses more then maybe I need to be! Below is my first posts to you and how I still feel!
Re: Welcome to WAYALIFE!!
Quote Originally Posted by jims68
Thanks Eddie and hope to add some knowledge to myself and maybe others on the way! Have been watching the LS builds going on and enjoy the progress reports. I did one of Robbies first KITS so it is fun to see what others do and do different on the builds. Great Forum and keep up the Great Work!!

Quote Originally Posted by wayoflife
Hey jims68,
I just noticed you signed up and wanted to say hello and welcome you to WAYALIFE.com!

aka - wayoflife
No kidding! It's be real nice if you could post up some pics of your Jeep and give a list of your mods [end]
That was almost 1 year ago.


Just an observation, but have you not noticed that the more you open your mouth, the deeper the hole you are digging yourself into? Personally, if I were in your shoes I'd just shut my trap while I'm ahead and move on to greener pastures before Edie's patience for you runs out. Just a little food for thought.
Just an observation, but have you not noticed that the more you open your mouth, the deeper the hole you are digging yourself into? Personally, if I were in your shoes I'd just shut my trap while I'm ahead and move on to greener pastures before Edie's patience for you runs out. Just a little food for thought.

What he said ^^^^. Just call it a day and move along.
Just an observation, but have you not noticed that the more you open your mouth, the deeper the hole you are digging yourself into? Personally, if I were in your shoes I'd just shut my trap while I'm ahead and move on to greener pastures before Edie's patience for you runs out. Just a little food for thought.

Could not have said it any better.


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I'm sorry but I stopped reading at "pacific"....unbelievable!


Same post knocked me off track when he accused Eddie of going for the "Juggler". I don't know Eddie, but he seems like a nice enough guy that he wouldn't go after the juggler, or the clowns, or the bearded lady. :cheesy:
Well I will give you this much grammar seems to mean more then structure or meaning!!:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Well Eddie what I just did is what you look like in a rant! Not nice and not pleasant to read. We are arguing about the same dumb thing just a different view. Either you like to incite anger and stand back and watch the show which makes you a sadistic son of bitch or you are that extreme in passion that no one else can be right. I was hoping for the second but now I have doubts as to your true convictions.
As for me being such a dumb ass then how did this happen????? (1)

And then how the hell did this happen?? (2)

And if I am not allowed to use four wheel drive then how did this happen?? (3)

And how the hell did I break this?? (4)
Not the best examples but I don't do selfies! And I did all of the above in a 22 x 26 foot garage with no lift and body on with help from Robbie over the phone and not a trip to Vegas Hmm??? Could of I done it the other way yes but then I would not have any satisfaction in that. I would not have a better understanding on how ALL systems work and function. I am here to help others and learn period. Your belittlement and amusement I could care less about. I keep making changes and learning as I go. That is where YOU come into play as the owner and moderator. I read your assessments and compile what you and others say then make a decision based on all of that. You can break all of this down AGAIN and compile your thoughts between the words and lines to discredit if that's your agenda. I hope you don't but that is the stat I have been watching and you seem to enjoy it Ha Ha he cant spell suit Yuk Yuk. Oh and my shifter is a tire knob not diamond studded just sounded meaner at the moment. Ten minutes till quitting time then mud for me. Hope I don't break my junk dana 30!!

Ill just leave this here! 10174880_843132339035844_2968365555711553416_n.jpg
I don't have a dog in this fight, but the other posters, XFLSTL, and Bearjew1,
DO have a point. Folks DO pile on here.

Ok, before the flame suit is needed,

( Notice I could spell suit?)

Off to study the the maps of the Mojave Road, for a few days, before I will be doing it again with some folks.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but the other posters, XFLSTL, and Bearjew1,
DO have a point. Folks DO pile on here.

So take a stance and defend the one being "piled on" rather than self-righteously criticizing the actions of others from a far.

Well, the Eddie-minions do rush in as usual. Seems like they love to get Eddie's attention and show their support for him- it's touching and sweet.

Well, the self-righteous new guys do trickle in well after the fact as usual. Seems like they love to look down on everyone else so that they get support from all the other trolls - it's touching and sweet.
Interest to who? You maybe, but that's subjective.

What is of interest to ME is how you might think that claiming the "minions" are showing support (kissing ass) and you won't get flamed. I support Eddie as I do my other friends, I've never met you but this post sure makes you seem like:

1) An asshat
2) Someone who doesn't care that Wayalife is a privilege
3) Someone who isn't going to last much longer here

Just sayin'

Agreed here.

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