Houston Area Wayalife-ers!

I don't mind a little bit of both :cool:

That is what the camp site after a full day of wheeling is for :thumb:

Why drive an hour south to sit on the galveston beach and drink beer, when I have a chair within walking distance of the fridge, with cold beer in it. :dont_know:
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That is what the camp site after a full day of wheeling is for :thumb:

Why drive an hour south to sit on the galveston beach and drink bear, when I have a chair within walking distance of the fridge, with cold beer in it. :dont_know:

You drink bears?!? Thats a whole 'nother level of badass!
Everyone else enjoying this great weather? Had the doors off all week and it's been really nice.

Hell yeah, I pulled the whole rear end of the jeep appart last night, determined to find what was squeeking. Turns out, the passenger rear bump stop was rubbing the trac bar bolt, so today after work I shortened up the rear control arms about 3 turns and what do you know, my right pull is completely gone. ...Guess it wasn't radial after all... :thumb:
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