Get it? Got it? Good or bad... So called vaccine.

They aren’t making the teachers get them so I would guess the kids are still a ways out.

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I actually don’t think it will be mandatory for kids, certainly not at least for a few years.

In Nevada (at least where I live), kids 16 and up can start getting vaccinated beginning next week. Like I said though, we aren’t giving it to our kids.

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I actually don’t think it will be mandatory for kids, certainly not at least for a few years.

In Nevada (at least where I live), kids 16 and up can start getting vaccinated beginning next week. Like I said though, we aren’t giving it to our kids.

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I think Tina said something like 50 or 60 percent of parents in her district want their kids to get it before going back to school.

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I'm not against vaccinations. This was ram rodded through as a reaction to this "pandemic." Give it time and more effectiveness and I may be open to it. I didn't even get the flu shot until a couple years ago until my medical authority required all EMT's to wear a mask if they didn't get it. I figured I was s healthy adult and if I got the flu I'd deal with it. Seeing that we are all wearing masks I didn't get it this year.

As for now my wife, kids, and I will not be getting it.

Let me pose this question. If you could get a birth control shot but still had to wear a condom would you get it?

Also this seems like where we are heading. Dr Suess seemed to be foreshadowing.

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If you could get a birth control shot but still had to wear a condom would you get it?

Perfect analogy.
Yes, perfect analogy. Asymptomatic spread of semen and fertilization of eggs from a distance happens all the time. (The analogy also ignores that condoms are not just for prevention of pregnancy and a birth control shot or pill does NOTHING to prevent the spread of disease). But then again, some people also believe in immaculate conception of virgins.

Personally, I think wearing a mask after getting vaccinated is stupid. I also think it is very smart for people over the age of about 60-65, and anyone who is particularly susceptible to respiratory infections, to get the vaccine. For everyone else, they should make the decision that works for them.

Once those people who want the vaccine have been able to get it, then there is zero reason to have further shutdowns or to require masks.

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For those who would like to read a little deeper than forum, posts...

I've got more, if anyone really cares.

The real problems may show up for those who get it, in a few months. When re-infected with any coronavirus.

I certainly hope, not...

Vaccine passports... Pure government control effort. If their "vaccine", won't stop transmission, or give immunity, what other reason could there be.

Fun fact.... I've NEVER in my life, been on a commercial airline, or a cruise ship. Life is just fine, without them.
But then again, some people also believe in immaculate conception of virgins.

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Ya' just can't stop with the attacks, huh, Sharkey?

Coronavirus, is the least of your worries, my friend.
If you could get a birth control shot but still had to wear a condom would you get it?

Perfect analogy.
Yes, perfect analogy. Asymptomatic spread of semen and fertilization of eggs from a distance happens all the time. (The analogy also ignores that condoms are not just for prevention of pregnancy and a birth control shot or pill does NOTHING to prevent the spread of disease). But then again, some people also believe in immaculate conception of virgins.

Personally, I think wearing a mask after getting vaccinated is stupid. I also think it is very smart for people over the age of about 60-65, and anyone who is particularly susceptible to respiratory infections, to get the vaccine. For everyone else, they should make the decision that works for them.

Once those people who want the vaccine have been able to get it, then there is zero reason to have further shutdowns or to require masks.

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I wouldn't say it's a perfect analogy. It was more a satirical approach to lighten the mood. Sharkey had to go and ruin that with logic and his lawyer brain...haha. Yes I know condoms do more than prevent pregnancy.

I'm not judging anyone who chooses or not to get vaccinated. My dad is going to be 78 this yeah and made the decision to get it. As I've said it's all too new and time will tell as to weather or not I get it. I'm not at all worried about the 5G tinfoil hat stuff.

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Ya' just can't stop with the attacks, huh, Sharkey?

Coronavirus, is the least of your worries, my friend.

The attacks? I like to point out the ironies of the situation. Some people believe in things that clearly cannot be proven true and then reject things for which there is at least some actual scientific evidence. I find that very ironic.

Rest assured, my friend, I don’t have any worries.

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I wouldn't say it's a perfect analogy. It was more a satirical approach to lighten the mood. Sharkey had to go and ruin that with logic and his lawyer brain...haha. Yes I know condoms do more than prevent pregnancy.

Ha! I know what you meant, and I actually agree with your point. I, like most people, have spent my life believing that a vaccine was something that actually prevented you from getting something. Like with many things in life, I was wrong and now know better. In medical terms, a vaccine does not have to prevent the vaccinated person from contracting or carrying a particular virus.

These vaccines will likely prevent many old or otherwise compromised people from ending up in the hospital or grave if they catch this particular coronavirus. In other words, it will likely keep them from developing the disease Covid. It should also keep many metropolitan hospitals from becoming overwhelmed again. Those are both good things.

Should it be mandatory? No. Should the public health measures that are still in place be there? No, at least no in my opinion. Do masks, as used by the general population, make an appreciable difference in the equation? Not in my personal opinion.

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I'm in healthcare so I've seen the nastiness of this virus first hand. I work with elderly everyday and I've been through a couple outbreaks and it's pretty devasting. I know there are a lot of unanswered questions related to these vaccines and I've spoken to doctors and pharmacists about the vaccine. Basically it's really not even a vaccine in it's simpliest terms. A normal vaccine is a weakened form of the acutal virus so your body can fight it off and build up resistance to it via antibodies. The covid vaccines are made in a lab and when injected it basically tells your cells to be coated in an certain protein which fights off the covid virus. It in no way alters your DNA. It definitely will help fight off the virus if you were to get infected. I've seen hundreds of people get the vaccine with minimal side effects. I have yet to hear of a personal story of someone dying after taking the vaccine but I'm not saying it hasn't happened or won't happen, I just haven't seen it. The media has a tendency to overdramatize things but I got my vaccine and urge my friends and family to do the same. It's safe from what I've seen and experienced.

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Basically it's really not even a vaccine in it's simpliest terms. A normal vaccine is a weakened form of the acutal virus so your body can fight it off and build up resistance to it via antibodies.

The covid vaccines are made in a lab and when injected it basically tells your cells to be coated in an certain protein which fights off the covid virus. It in no way alters your DNA. It definitely will help fight off the virus if you were to get infected.

I've seen hundreds of people get the vaccine with minimal side effects.

It's safe from what I've seen and experienced.

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So... you are saying it is experimental, gene therapy, and even though it has been rushed into production, we should trust it? And, this gene therapy, mRNA, non-vaccine, has never, ever, been tried on humans, but, we should go ahead? Because humans have died from Covid 19?
Excuse me, while I sit this one out...
So... you are saying it is experimental, gene therapy, and even though it has been rushed into production, we should trust it? And, this gene therapy, mRNA, non-vaccine, has never, ever, been tried on humans, but, we should go ahead? Because humans have died from Covid 19?
Excuse me, while I sit this one out...

Your mind was made up before you posted so do what you want. It has been tested and this isn't gene therapy. There have been many clinical trials before this was put on the market. It doesn't alter or do anything to your DNA. mRNA is very very different. Like I said, in my experience with this vaccine vs the actual virus I haven't seen a single death to the vaccine but have seen many deaths to the actual virus. In the end it's still your choice. Just remember, the polio vaccine was experimental at one point in history too as well as many other things that have protected and prevented many life changes diseases.

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So... you are saying it is experimental, gene therapy, and even though it has been rushed into production, we should trust it? And, this gene therapy, mRNA, non-vaccine, has never, ever, been tried on humans, but, we should go ahead? Because humans have died from Covid 19?
Excuse me, while I sit this one out...

The vaccine does not change your genetic code (DNA). Any argument to the contrary is nonsense. It is also nonsense to conclude that no humans have died from Covid 19 (if that is what you were in fact implying).

Do you personally know any doctors who were treating these patients? I have two in my immediate family. Sorry, but if you think Covid is fake or not real, I pretty much put that in the same category as believing the earth is flat and we never landed on the moon.

Now, did covid deserve the public health measures that were put in place? Not even close (in my opinion).

Edit: and it isn’t brand new either. mRNA delivery technology has been in the works since long before covid. It is newer, and there is much to learn about it for sure (which is why I have no interest in giving it to my kids at this point).

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Getting a vaccine is a personal choice. One of the primary reasons for a vaccine is often overlooked...a virus needs a live human body to live, and more importantly, to mutate.

I used to not get an annual flu vaccine until I reached a certain age...I now get it every year. I get my tetanus booster when needed. When I travel to some "third world" country, I ask my doc what should I get vaccine-wise prior to going.

My wife has already got her first shot of Pfizer, and I will be getting the vaccine as well as soon as I can.
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