no shots, ever. I want assurances, upfront payment and life policy if I die from covid (willing to bet my death will not be attributed to covid even if it was the catalyst)
the fear mongering and obedience training is working on some people.
I recently went to an office bldg to visit a client, when we got into the elevator he promptly went to the "stand here" circle on the floor and faced the rear wall. I had to ask him WTF are you doing??
He and his entire family have already had covid and they are going to get the vaccine anyways so they can feel "safe again" that's some quality BS brainwashing there.
I also noticed every occupied office I could see on his floor, the people inside their own offices kept their masks on. They looked at me like, can we go without a mask?? Felt like I had made a major discovery, breathing air without a mask.
For the surgeon wearing a mask during surgery, those masks are far more effective than what the general public is wearing.
Fauci quickly backtracked and told the public not to buy that type of mask and because he painted himself into a corner, any mask will do...
What's the carrot going to be????