2011 JK sport 2 door 3.8 auto with 3.21 gears. currently running 32's.
2008 4/d Jk automatic don't know the gears, 3.8 engine
For 35's go with. 5.13
Ok, I can run 5.13 in front or rear diffs or both?
Cool, now since the gearing is out of the way, brands............and price
Gears only done by a shop could be around 1500 more or less.....
I regeared to 4.56 both axles, air lockers on both plus sleeved and gusseted the front D30 and it was 3400 out the door
You could have had a PR44 in the front for just a bit more then that.
Maybe Eddie will chime in on this one and give a little insite for those of use with D30 front and D44 rear's. want to make sure i get it right when the time comes. his choice of brands, what all is needed, good C gussets to throw on, etc etc.
Gears only done by a shop could be around 1500 more or less.....
I regeared to 4.56 both axles, air lockers on both plus sleeved and gusseted the front D30 and it was 3400 out the door
If you have a D30 I would rethink the 5.13's in it. The R&P is super tiny with a 5.13 in a D30. 4.88's will be good and the R&P is a bit bigger.
2 grand more.. I can buy a lot of goodies with that
I got a reputable jeep place out here in pa charging 300 and axel. not to bad in my opinion
Im not trying to hitch hike this thread but does anyone know a place around San Diego that would do a gear reduction for a decent price?
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