Hey guys thanks for the responses. I know everyone is busy, but I appreciate it. Well I finished at 1:20 AM. I started at about 1:30 PM. Let this not put fear into people who will want to do this later but just a few thoughts as I drink a beer to wind down and type this.
1st. Thanks Eddie for the awesome detailed write up and pictures.
2nd Thanks for everyone who voted or mentioned something in the thread.
I started this afternoon when I got my 3 month down, ugh. I should have waited for another day b/c I went into this frustrated. However. After an hour or two I had the fender flare lined, off and ready to cut. I bought a Dremel yesterday. I think 8100 series. Looked nice, wasn't cheap…kind of middle of the road. Cordless, yada yada yada. Having never used a Dremel I thought how hard can this be…well…it really was pretty easy. Until I started my cut and got about 3 minutes in and oh boy the thing is dead or overheating. Charged/cooled down (about 30 minutes) and tried again…got a bit further and thought holy crap this is gonna be a long day. Any people on the East Coast you've been hearing about the Duretcho** coming so I thought, well I'll do one side and take my time on the other. Only problem was I needed to finish one side and with this stupid Dremel I wasn't getting far. Stage right comes neighbor (laughing because I have my nice new (to me) JK fenderless, tools in every direction, wife just comes home, baby now up, I'm p*ssed because my tool isn't working the way I thought it would…you get the point. Nice guy nonetheless. Asks if I want to alternate between his $50 Dremel and mine ($80). Sure why not…I may break the thing but what the hell. At this point I'd been working for probably 2 1/2 hours and only had 1/4 of the fender flare cut. Within 15 minutes of using his, it was done! Like slicing butter, I was in heaven I thought for sure! This is great. Get it cleaned up, Cut that monstrosity substructure to fit (which it still didnt', at least the way I wanted it to) and begin using the trim moulding, nothing too bad, not too many hiccups and get light 1 installed and I'm rolling…oh light installed twice because I did it in the wrong hole the first time, oppps….time delay.
somehow its now 730 and I think to myself okay that sucked, but at least my wayalife guys got back to me, my wife is still here, my baby hasnt started walking, and i haven't broke my neighbors power tool yet. So I'm in business.
Sky check…cloudy, possible rain enroute. Decision time. Do I start #2 and just plan on doing the electrical work, remove fender flare, eat dinner and leave it at that? Well kinda…So by 9pm the flare is off. Im having issues with the light (at least I drilled in the right hole this time) but everything is ready for tomorrow or tonight.
Eat dinner. Still off hook for having to do baby stuff since I had that little munchkin all day. Scarff down dinner its not 10. Decision. Go time!
Diving in I now know that Dremel #2 is the way to go…..OHHHHHH SNAP…If i could get the damn "EZ Lock" blade off. Yeah it locks easily, but not one damn direction on how to get the blade off. Reverse the process right? Hmmm….Not when there is plastic shavings or fiberglass or whatever the hell that stuff was. No youtube video to help me just a man and his thoughts and there is no way in hell I'm going to the neighbors to ask. Eventually my shear luck, a rag, some B@ll$ I get it off without shredding my hand. Blade 2 now. Its damn near 1030. By 1035 Blade 2 is out. I don;t know what I did but it looked like it was about to go flying like something out of a Wesley Snipes film so I dumped it *quickly this time. Blade 3. 1045. Blade 3 sh*ts the bed. Down to one more blade and have at least half of fender flare 2 to go. Done, cut quick and simple. 11 oclock done with cutting and by 1120 I've managed to trim the substructure of the second fender flare. This time ensuring a better fit. Awesome, I'll be done by 12!! Hahaha…not so fast…as Lee Corso would say…that damn moulding took me well over an hour, more like an hour and a half. I'm not sure if there is an easy way to do it or not, but my goodness. I listened to the same playlist on my ipod twice just while trying to get the trim on that thing. Anyways, its done, (the front). 12 hours later, a few beers later, a few cuss words later, but $600 bucks saved, and some pride for finishing the job myself. I'll post some better pics tomorrow from my camera, but these are from my phone.
Goodnight all!!