Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

...then Eddie selling the site /trademarks to one of the other admins and leaving to open WayALife.

^^This is not correct.

Nonetheless, generally speaking, hate and jealously come from those that want what someone else has. It's as simple as that.
Nice work my friend. Being that you're from the area and a veteran, I'm sure CBS 5 will be all over this. I appreciate you posting up the email you sent and for articulating yourself as clearly as you have. No BS, just the facts and with a desire to uncover the truth.

Be safe and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

No problem bother, it was time to put up, or shut up. This has gone on long enough without getting true exposure. If we are all wrong about Mr. Robert Basil, I will personally apologize to him in person. However, if we are correct in uncovering a guy with ulterior motives and a nefarious agenda, I believe I will once again log into JKF and make my first post in almost two years addressing the issue as tactfully as I can muster.
Response from CBS 5 just received:


Thank you for your email. We did a story last year about a valley man who was utilizing a fake charity to line his pockets with cash at the expense of people who generously gave money to help navy seals. I will follow up on your tip. May contact you if I have any follow up questions?



Sent from my iPhone

Awesome work brother! Be safe over there!
I just spent the last hour or so going over the JKF thread and all 63 posts from Mr. Basil. The one thing I found interesting was of the 63 posts not one mention of any charities just about himself.

For a guy who's supposedly being doing this for about 8 years and who's supposedly raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for them, one does have to wonder why he NEVER mentions who "them" is. Of course, if you try to look into who "them" might be, absolutely ZERO information can be found.

I have read through this thread(sorry I thought I had already but I had skipped a few pages). I hope after review that this guy is investigated and we all get to see what comes out. It you are doing something legit then you have nothing to worry about and you should welcome the chance to prove your self in the right. It appears as if Robert, is running at every chance he has to change the hearts and minds of those that he attacked himself (Eddie). I am quit sure if this would have been anything other than a publicity stunt he would have asked Wayalife, before the trip not after it was over if he could have keep the sticker to support the troops, if he actually wanted to go instead of starting a war. I read the invite and I did not see anything saying that you could not have two windshild banners for that matter. I do want to know Eddie, how bad do they hate you over at JKF I am not a memeber anywhere but here I actually do not even have a facebook or tweeter or any other social media stuff but it appears you pissed them off. But in light of this Good Job!

I wonder exactly why probably a question for another time and place....But it most likely is linked to the hater part of JK-F and people hate a winner.

Most of the haters are just jealous and feel that I am undeserving of what I have. They all seem to think that I've magically arrived at where I am, have never worked a day in my life and get everything for free. Of course to them, this is just so unfair.

I'm a member on both (lurker only on JK-F) and I can tell you as a third party, that if God forbid something happened to Eddie, they would be celebrating on JK-F. There is allot of hate there...

This is all true but when they're stuck on the trail and I'm the only guy standing in front of them, they don't seem to mind the help. Oh yeah, it's happened and more than once and I don't even get a simple "thank you" after the fact :cheesy:

As it was before my time on either site, Everything I've understood comes down to a bunch of bannings on the JK-F site, then Eddie selling the site /trademarks to one of the other admins and leaving to open WayALife. Then all of the A$$wholes that were banned came back to JK-F and seem to have taken over the site, throwing a lot of hate, which is probably why they were banned in the first place.

Just to set the record straight, we sold JKF to a company called Internet Brands and we retained ALL our "JK" logo copyrights and trademarks. WAYALIFE.com has been around since 2000 but in the form of a blog. We made it into a forum PRIOR to the sale of JKF and had it written into our contract that it was NOT a competing website. By the time we sold JKF, we had about 70,000 members and even if just 1 in a 1000 were worthy of a ban, you can see how that can add up in a hurry. Once we were no longer required to assist with the transition of JKF, Cindy and I left and never looked back. At that point and time, all the people we did ban came back and that's why you see so much hate there for me. As for why these lovely people got banned in the first place goes, well, I personally think it's pretty self-explanatory.

If your an A$$whole, and get banned, once your back, nothing usually changes, your still an A$$whole....

Yup, that about sums it up. :yup:
No problem bother, it was time to put up, or shut up. This has gone on long enough without getting true exposure. If we are all wrong about Mr. Robert Basil, I will personally apologize to him in person. However, if we are correct in uncovering a guy with ulterior motives and a nefarious agenda, I believe I will once again log into JKF and make my first post in almost two years addressing the issue as tactfully as I can muster.

Well, this guy has been actively editing his website, aggressively scrubbing his online records and even getting his daughter to remove incriminating comments on FB. I just hope there'll still be enough crap left behind for the media to dig up and expose.
Well, this guy has been actively editing his website, aggressively scrubbing his online records and even getting his daughter to remove incriminating comments on FB. I just hope there'll still be enough crap left behind for the media to dig up and expose.

That was my intent by providing a link to this thread in my email, as it may be the only trail of historical data from beginning to end.
Response from CBS 5 just received:


Thank you for your email. We did a story last year about a valley man who was utilizing a fake charity to line his pockets with cash at the expense of people who generously gave money to help navy seals. I will follow up on your tip. May contact you if I have any follow up questions?



Sent from my iPhone

Thank you :thumb:
That was my intent by providing a link to this thread in my email, as it may be the only trail of historical data from beginning to end.

Well then, I'm glad that everyone has done such a good job of posting up everything they have found since this all started. :yup:
Just to set the record straight, we sold JKF to a company called Internet Brands and we retained ALL our "JK" logo copyrights and trademarks. WAYALIFE.com has been around since 2000 but in the form of a blog. We made it into a forum PRIOR to the sale of JKF and had it written into our contract that it was NOT a competing website. By the time we sold JKF, we had about 70,000 members and even if just 1 in a 1000 were worthy of a ban, you can see how that can add up in a hurry. Once we were no longer required to assist with the transition of JKF, Cindy and I left and never looked back. At that point and time, all the people we did ban came back and that's why you see so much hate there for me.

Thanks for the clarity on this...
I'm a member on both (lurker only on JK-F) and I can tell you as a third party, that if God forbid something happened to Eddie, they would be celebrating on JK-F. There is allot of hate there...

:thinking: I would rather be "HATED" for all the good I do, then to be "LIKED" for doing NOTHING! :yup:
:thinking: I would rather be "HATED" for all the good I do, then to be "LIKED" for doing NOTHING! :yup:

I agree with that one brotha I may not have been on here long but I know that I'm happy to be a part of it and wouldn't trade it for anything :clap2:
I agree with that one brotha I may not have been on here long but I know that I'm happy to be a part of it and wouldn't trade it for anything :clap2:

Right there with you.
People get into Jeeps for different reasons. They build, or not, in different ways and for different reasons. One thing I believe is that many do it because it is a definitive lifestyle choice. A "Wayalife". One that represents a sense of adventure, wanderlust and freedom. The freedom to go places and see things that others can't.
I have explored about 10-12 different forums over the year I have owned a Jeep.
For me, this forum and the people on it, seem to embrace this lifestyle choice with a more sincere understanding and a far greater sense of community. That is why I choose to "be here" as opposed to the others forums.

Oh, and the videos are awesome too.:applaudit:

Sorry for the thread hi-jack.
U guys should check out his Instagram page if u haven't already.


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