F#@k your forum and f@#k you too

So you own a shop.

Don't have the buying power to order direct from Synergy

Don't read invoices

Fuck up the install

Post pictures on what you should do

If it's already fixed,

what's the point in this thread? To make Northridge look bad?

The only thing this thread is done is make people wonder what shop you own so they don't go there.
cool, ban me then. My shop is a private shop and not a business.

No need to ban you, that way people can see what kind of work you do. Need I remind you you started this by calling members here "dick heads" , if me sticking up for fellow members makes me a bad guy, so be it.
Or you can just go away and not post anymore if you don't like it here.
No need to ban you, that way people can see what kind of work you do. Need I remind you you started this by calling members here "dick heads" , if me sticking up for fellow members makes me a bad guy, so be it.
Or you can just go away and not post anymore if you don't like it here.

Not all the members, Just called you and a couple others dick heads. Everyone else seems cool.
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Holy fuck this dumb fuck is still ranting about how he can't read an invoice!? Take your shitty reading skills and just go already.
Holy fuck this dumb fuck is still ranting about how he can't read an invoice!? Take your shitty reading skills and just go already.

Watch out, he'll look at your profile, then make threats. Maybe call you a wanabe also. I've seen it happen.
So you own a shop.

Don't have the buying power to order direct from Synergy

Don't read invoices

Fuck up the install

Post pictures on what you should do

If it's already fixed,

what's the point in this thread? To make Northridge look bad?

The only thing this thread is done is make people wonder what shop you own so they don't go there.

And here is the other dick head now. I have a private shop.There is no point to this thread now, just cheap entertainment feeding the trolls, seeing how many replies I get from them. So again, waht did I say so bad about northridge? I said they sent me the wrong part and did a unprofessional phone call. what else did I say? I know I said they where good guys for the first $5000 in stuff I purchased and took care of me. Ohhhh, thats right your a troll/dick head that likes to just keep the drama going.
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Holy fuck this dumb fuck is still ranting about how he can't read an invoice!? Take your shitty reading skills and just go already.

You gunna say that to my face? remember, we share the same sport, we will cross paths someday, and I am not some yuppie, and have a good memory.
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I'm not sure why I'm compelled to respond, but I am...


You have to admit it's sort of a rookie move to not verify you have all and the correct parts before you start an install. This said, It's a mistake I've made too. After-all, we are only human. Just remember there are humans on the other side of this equation too. David (Northridge) acknowledged the mistake was made by the person who took your call. It's hardly the guys fault that shipped the box (unless somehow he magically knows you personally, every rig you work on, and recognizes your name and/or address).

My personal experience with NR has been great. I used to buy all my parts via online orders, but have more recently been calling to speak to one sales rep because I enjoy the quick catch up and while I know I'm one out of many customers, he has always made me feel like I'm his only customer. As far as their customer service goes... I have actually had NR (David) step in and try to help me with a warranty issue for something they had nothing to do with. All I can say is WOW!

You have called several people here names. Perhaps it's because you have not been here long enough to get a better feel for everyone's personalities. I like it here because you will know EXACTLY what people think. No sugar coating and rarely sympathy. I have also found the best and most technical responses. If a blunt response and jabbing isn't to your liking you will likely not like it here.

TBH, your posting of your other builds only puts a bad taste in my mouth... It is received as an "I know more than you" thing. Maybe I'm misreading it, but I don't think so. Judging ones knowledge or experience is tough to do when all you have are a few blocks of text on the interwebs. Nonetheless, it happens. For me, I started to question your knowledge when you posted the tools you were using to attempt to correct the issue and mentioned you had to go to a store to get them. Honestly, they seem like fairly common shop tools and consumables that anyone doing the level of builds you list should've already had. I also share David's and other's concerns that you are more likely to add damage to your housing than correct the issue.

I digress, Have you called any drive-line or speed shops to ask about a local machine shop that would be up to the task of milling the tube? In my drag racing days, I had more than one bearing seize into the housing and a machine shop near me was able to mill them out. If they have a machine open or are willing to open one up the set-up would only take an hour or so and the the actual work would be done in a few minutes.

Sorry, I guess I put more than $0.02 into this...
I'm not sure why I'm compelled to respond, but I am...


You have to admit it's sort of a rookie move to not verify you have all and the correct parts before you start an install. This said, It's a mistake I've made too. After-all, we are only human. Just remember there are humans on the other side of this equation too. David (Northridge) acknowledged the mistake was made by the person who took your call. It's hardly the guys fault that shipped the box (unless somehow he magically knows you personally, every rig you work on, and recognizes your name and/or address).

My personal experience with NR has been great. I used to buy all my parts via online orders, but have more recently been calling to speak to one sales rep because I enjoy the quick catch up and while I know I'm one out of many customers, he has always made me feel like I'm his only customer. As far as their customer service goes... I have actually had NR (David) step in and try to help me with a warranty issue for something they had nothing to do with. All I can say is WOW!

You have called several people here names. Perhaps it's because you have not been here long enough to get a better feel for everyone's personalities. I like it here because you will know EXACTLY what people think. No sugar coating and rarely sympathy. I have also found the best and most technical responses. If a blunt response and jabbing isn't to your liking you will likely not like it here.

TBH, your posting of your other builds only puts a bad taste in my mouth... It is received as an "I know more than you" thing. Maybe I'm misreading it, but I don't think so. Judging ones knowledge or experience is tough to do when all you have are a few blocks of text on the interwebs. Nonetheless, it happens. For me, I started to question your knowledge when you posted the tools you were using to attempt to correct the issue and mentioned you had to go to a store to get them. Honestly, they seem like fairly common shop tools and consumables that anyone doing the level of builds you list should've already had. I also share David's and other's concerns that you are more likely to add damage to your housing than correct the issue.

I digress, Have you called any drive-line or speed shops to ask about a local machine shop that would be up to the task of milling the tube? In my drag racing days, I had more than one bearing seize into the housing and a machine shop near me was able to mill them out. If they have a machine open or are willing to open one up the set-up would only take an hour or so and the the actual work would be done in a few minutes.

Sorry, I guess I put more than $0.02 into this...

I can respect your reply, and I fully agree I made a mistake by not checking it was the correct part (If you look back to my 4th post or something I already admitted that). I have to respectfully disagree about the tool I used. the tool I was using was correct for the job, that was a 60 grit flapper wheel designed for cutting down meatal/welds without gouging it, I used it to knock the tube down to paper thing and then moved to a small diamond cut wheel to finish the rest. If I was to use a carbite bit it would have jumped all over the place and made a mess, there was no way jig the axle hosing up in my mill, and using a endmil or a carbite cutter would have just made a mess and killedsome expensive bits. I just watched a teraflex install video for their long arm install and you will notice they use a flapper wheel to knock down all their welds also, I also seen instructions posted by EVO where they where using flapper wheels to knock their welds down too, its a pretty common tool of the trade. I also talked to the guys at faber (Where I get my tools at) and they also though it was the safest and best tool for the job. I am honislty curious what tool you would use? I am always like to learn. The reason I had to go to the store was not cause I didnt have a die grinder, it was that the collection of die grinders I have are way to large to fit inside the axle housing, so I bought a smaller one which ended up still being to large also. As for calling names, I only called the guys being trolls dick heads, cause im sorry they are being dick heads and I will call it as I see it. I am nice to everyone and get along with pretty much anyone, as long as they are respectful, which these guys are not at all. I was raised in the country and raised with respect, but we where also raised to not take shit from no one (I have ended up with many lose teeth and broken noses because of that moral). Treat me good and I will treat you better, treat me bad and I will treat you worse. I wasent trying to say I was smarter then anyone, simply stating I kno a couple things and I am not some dumb ass like the dick heads where trying to make me sound like, and the reason they may have thought that is cause I didnt come in here bragging about how many 4x4s I have built. I keep saying this over and over, but norhtridge was always good to me, liek I said, I order $5000 in parts from them and they delivered on everything, but I am not going to lie and say I felt taken care of on the last order. I felt like their random call was unprofessional, im sorry, not going to change my opinion on that and I am sure no one here will believe me cause they all have had good experiences with them, and thats fine. So with that said, all I have said about northridge is, again, they sent me the wrong parts and made a unprofessional phone call to me. end of story.

With that said, I have been learking around this forum since 2012 and have seen all the videos thats been put out on youtube. There seems to be some pretty cool people here and was hoping to do some wheelin with ya all, but again, there are a few dick heads, and I am not gunna change my ways calling a disrespectful people out like that, so I guess ban me. Thanks for the respectful criticism and being an adult. :thumb:
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You gunna say that to my face? remember, we share the same sport, we will cross paths someday, and I am not some yuppie, and have a good memory.

Keyboard warrior over here lol yea I would say it to your face. Just go away and stop making yourself look like a bigger moron than you are
So it's ok for you to call it like you see it, but when I do, I'm a trolling dickhead?

Seems to me you don't like being called out for fucking up. It's the truth, it's not trolling.

You fucked up, you won't even admit you didn't read the invoice.
You should look back through this thread a little more. The people you are calling dick heads simply gave you their opinions on how to resolve your problem. You chose to take their opinion, because you disagreed with it, and turn it into them being dick heads. Yup, that makes sense.
What made you decide to look UNDER a shipping label, and how is it that the sticker pulled off well enough (without ripping the printed cardboard under it) for you to see D30 printed on the shipping box? Seems kind of odd to me. :crazyeyes:

I'd have thought with all that experience you had you wouldn't rely on Northridge to suggest sleeves.:idontknow:

Anyway the question is probably moot at this point of the thread..
Keyboard warrior over here lol yea I would say it to your face. Just go away and stop making yourself look like a bigger moron than you are

Any time buddy. Big talk coming from a guy who looks like a chick (Seriously, look at his profile pictures, its funny trying to picture the girly man acting tough). I got your face and your jeep memorized. trust me, I am not a keyboard worrier my friend.
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Any time buddy. Big talk coming from a guy who looks like a chick (Seriously, look at his profile pictures, its funny trying to picture the girly man acting tough). I got your face and your jeep memorized. trust me, I am not a keyboard worrier my friend.

Wow. Just WOW.
Any time buddy. Big talk coming from a guy who looks like a chick (Seriously, look at his profile pictures, its funny trying to picture the girly man acting tough). I got your face and your jeep memorized. trust me, I am not a keyboard worrier my friend.

Ok. You've proven you are a badass with your awesome fab skills, wordy responses and excellent Google search skills. Why are you still here?
Since you asked...

First I would've let NR fix it. IF I chose to take it on myself, I would've consulted some local machine shops as I suggested. I work and design the machines they use for a living and know there are ways to setup and mill the tube out. If that didn't pan out, I would've drilled and cut the welds and then attempted sleeve removal. I would not have worked from the differential case by hand with any tool.

I'm confused on the flapper disk rant. I never said it was the wrong tool to knock down welds or sand. But that isn't what you were doing. You were using it to cut, mill, and grind. A painfully slow process and the end product will be inconsistent as the disk conforms too much.

All this said, I acknowledge I wasn't there and I don't know exactly what you are dealing with. It just seems you are stacking negatives and hoping enough of them will turn into a positive.
Wow... This has escalated.
Don't mind me, I have no dog in this fight, just expressing my satisfaction with the entertainment level.
Please continue if you must...
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