I finally got a chance to install the front bumper. The instructions are not yet available on the EVO MFG site, however they were nice enough to send me some pictures which were very helpful.
The install was not hard, however there are some tricks in the order of installation that can make it easier.
The hardest parts were taking apart the factory bumper to salvage the driving lights and harness, dropping the winch into the tight space without crushing your fingers, and threading the winch line through the drum. In order to get the synthetic winch line to pull through the drum easier I used a bar of soap to lube the line up a bit. Everything slides in easier when lubed. (That’s what she said)
Factory bumper held together by about 50 screws

Factory driving light harness and lights.

Adapter for the winch plate

The winch plate is well anchored

Don’t tighten the tow hooks on until after the winch is dropped in.

The finished product

It’s a tight fit!!

The install was not hard, however there are some tricks in the order of installation that can make it easier.
The hardest parts were taking apart the factory bumper to salvage the driving lights and harness, dropping the winch into the tight space without crushing your fingers, and threading the winch line through the drum. In order to get the synthetic winch line to pull through the drum easier I used a bar of soap to lube the line up a bit. Everything slides in easier when lubed. (That’s what she said)
Factory bumper held together by about 50 screws

Factory driving light harness and lights.

Adapter for the winch plate

The winch plate is well anchored

Don’t tighten the tow hooks on until after the winch is dropped in.

The finished product

It’s a tight fit!!