Escondido Draw Recreation Area. April 8-10

A few of us out of Midland were out there a few weeks ago clearing the 101 and the rim trail. Do you guys mind if we plan on meeting you there on that Saturday to help clear some trails?

Sure. Were you guys the ones that left part of your hardtop in a cedar and the glass on the trail?
That tree made for a good challenge.
This guy just slipped into it. No one rubbed anything on the driver side though. It was getting dark and we had a stock rubicon and an fj with us we had to get out of there so cleaning up that guys glass was for the next trip out. We picked up plenty of trash off the trail that day.
Where are y'all located? It's just a few hours from here. We were planning on clearing the short rocky trail that goes down from the start of the rim trail next time. Not sure of the name.
That tree made for a good challenge.
This guy just slipped into it. No one rubbed anything on the driver side though. It was getting dark and we had a stock rubicon and an fj with us we had to get out of there so cleaning up that guys glass was for the next trip out. We picked up plenty of trash off the trail that day.
Where are y'all located? It's just a few hours from here. We were planning on clearing the short rocky trail that goes down from the start of the rim trail next time. Not sure of the name.

I think the trail you're talking about is middle fork, but I could be wrong. There's three trails that split in that canyon. I ran east fork last time and I don't recommend doing it without a winch.
So as we near closer to this trip. Is there anything in particular we need to bring along with us for that Friday? Such as shovels, bags, cutters etc. Or is all of that already supplied by the owners of the park?

I highly recommend these for cutting:

It's mostly cedar and cuts super easy. Pretty much all you need. Shovels aren't necessary and we'll just toss everything to the side of the trail if we cut it down. Trash bags to carry your trash out. I'll be camping there and plan on bringing enough water to wash off every evening. Firewood will also be something to bring. I mean there should be plenty to pick up along the trail but just in case you want to cook something, cedar is terrible.
Awesome, all i needed to know :thumb:

I too was going to bring along a 5gal tank of water for rinsing off if need be.
I know it's getting close but I have a couple things working against me. Installing my front axle this weekend which will leave me 2 wheel drive until I can regear my rear. I just don't have time to get it done before the trip. I was really looking forward to it but I just don't think I can get it done in time.

Maybe next time.
I know it's getting close but I have a couple things working against me. Installing my front axle this weekend which will leave me 2 wheel drive until I can regear my rear. I just don't have time to get it done before the trip. I was really looking forward to it but I just don't think I can get it done in time.

Maybe next time.

Well that's too bad, but totally understandable. Hopefully your axle install goes smooth and you get the regear knocked out soon.
Ok, I hate to say it but I may have to push this run back to possibly June. I'll know for sure next week but wanted to give as much heads up as possible. I would've pushed to the beginning of May but I don't want to risk being out of town in case my wife goes into labor early. I know some are already aware and this kind of works out for them, but please let me know if this interferes with anyone else's plans.
Ok, I hate to say it but I may have to push this run back to possibly June. I'll know for sure next week but wanted to give as much heads up as possible. I would've pushed to the beginning of May but I don't want to risk being out of town in case my wife goes into labor early. I know some are already aware and this kind of works out for them, but please let me know if this interferes with anyone else's plans.

I'm down for June.
Yeah, I know. We'll see what happens. Worse comes to worse we could always push it out to October. They for sure would have the rest of the facilities up and going by then.

I would like to maybe hit this place and tag along big bend park, (daverawr s trip) all put together being as they are located so close together. It could be a great "prep trip" before the exudes? What do you guys think? I know the "wheeling" at big bend isn't that challenging, maybe do big bend first, then hit "the draw" on the way back?

While going or not to big bend won't discurage me from making the trip, just thought it could be a cool, multi day overlanding trip ending with some wheeling
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I would like to maybe hit this place and tag along big bend park, (daverawr s trip) all put together being as they are located so close together. It could be a great "prep trip" before the exudes? What do you guys think? I know the "wheeling" at big bend isn't that challenging, maybe do big bend first, then hit "the draw" on the way back?

While going or not to big bend won't discurage me from making the trip, just thought it could be a cool, multi day overlanding trip ending with some wheeling

Did he ever nail down a date on that run and start a thread?
Ended up canceling it, let me grab the link


I love the Big Bend area. The trails are pretty uneventful, but the park is something everyone should experience. I think we could combine the 2 runs, with EDRA being the last stop just in case someone has the unfortunate luck of breaking something. Give me a couple more days to know for sure if the April date won't work. If it turns out I have to change it then I'll put something together and let everyone know. Good call man.

By the way, have you heard from him lately?
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