Eddie - I'm gonna crush your jeep and your stupid ankle biting dog!

Sadly, I won't ever know enough about wheeling and fixing my jeep but I will say I know a little bit about policing.

I'm a black Police Officer having worked the last 15 years in a major metropolitan city. 5 of those years on a full time SWAT team. I now work a plain clothes assignment that puts me right up close to a segment of society that at times would make your skin crawl. 3 years as a Border Patrol Agent and 8 years Infantry. I've got a few road miles on the highway of life.

Having said all that, it shouldnt but does surprise me that there are so many uneducated people. I'm trying not to say moron but damn, it's hard.

It is not reasonable nor sound to expect anyone to attempt to wound a person that has shown a pure disregard for the laws of society and is hell bent on killing you. Turn your freaking tv off and educate yourself. If I were to put you in a cage with a lion would you shoot to wound him? What makes you think a human is less dangerous? Again educate yourself. I shoot alot. At least 1000-2000 rounds a month and thats just pistol and I couldn't pull off the television stunts you speak of.

There is a reason I don't tell a surgeon how to do their job. If I did, I would sound just like you.

I highly suggest you go look at the national stats (FBI) and see who is doing what to whom and with what. If you dropped your magic fairy wand and opened your eyes to the real world, you might get an education.

Sorry for the rant, I'll go back to working on my jeeps.

Sent from my SM-G900P using WAYALIFE mobile app

Just want to throw a thank you for your service brother and continued service putting yourself in harms way. Hope to pursue a similar route after this enlistment. Stay safe and watch your six.
What a creep. What's with stalkers these days?

Like I keep saying, I simply can't make this shit up. It's one thing to troll me on the internet but you really have to have a hard on for me to wanna face time call me. :naw:
So if I remember correctly, you met this guy once at some event and since then he has some kind of vendetta against you? :confused::confused:

Eddie, I would seriously consider a restraining order. The fascination this guy has for you could, quite possibly, escalate to something dangerous...

Sent from my SCH-I545 using WAYALIFE mobile app
So if I remember correctly, you met this guy once at some event and since then he has some kind of vendetta against you? :confused::confused:

Eddie, I would seriously consider a restraining order. The fascination this guy has for you could, quite possibly, escalate to something dangerous...

Sent from my SCH-I545 using WAYALIFE mobile app

If it means riding around in Moby and rubicat I'll volunteer to be his personal bodyguard!

Sent from my whatchamacallit
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