Eddie - I'm gonna crush your jeep and your stupid ankle biting dog!

Your point is clear and rational...you are a cop you made the choice to be. Man of the law. My ideals are from a fairy tale! No man should have the right to take another mans life...that's just my opinion.there are people that aren't as fortunate to be and think as rational as you or I. Animals "lions" don't have the ability to reason. We do. Well sane ppl and those not under the influence of drugs. Does that give me the right to kill your schizophrenic brother when I can take him down? ( just example)
No man should have the right to take another mans life...that's just my opinion.

Holy shit! Seriously?

Are you smoking dope? Are you so much of a pussy that you wouldn't defend your own life if it was about to be taken? Hahaha

This is healthy convo...I don't care to be insulted..I like to see how others think and process..the world would be boring if we were all the same
This is healthy convo...I don't care to be insulted..I like to see how others think and process..the world would be boring if we were all the same

Go join a dope smoking hippie, non-violent, non-conformist forum. This one is clearly not here for you to propagate your skewed world views.
Yes overland that is my best...not really the confrontational type..I would be behind bars or dead if I was...I don't pretend to be tough
Ok, makes sense now this guy's such an idiot. Just block the ISP on this guy. What and absolute loser!!!

- Jason
I was molested by two officers in an interrogation room with no criminal background trying to cross the border with my at the time girlfriend and her son..the officers joked with each other about touching me in appropriately and threatened me to keep my hands on the wall..

I was constantly harrassed by officers in the neighbourhood I grew up in..reporting did no use..
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