Eddie - I'm gonna crush your jeep and your stupid ankle biting dog!

Hey piggy...so far everyone siding with the Leo is saying fear was his motive for shooting the victim multiple times twice in the head. Why chose a job if you fear for your life in the community you serve?
Compassion was lacking...most of the black youth in poor areas are raised looking up to drug dealers which is even reinforced in their cool hip hop music. They are misguided and miss understood.

I kno you guys...poor blacks right?

So... as I said earlier... it has NOTHING to do with the color of the kids skin and EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE WAY HE WAS RAISED BY THE COMMUNITY HE WAS RAISED IN.

There are no black officers in that community because the youth in that predominantly black community are raised not to respect the police.

Which led to the situation that we see today. Young punk ass kid (regardless of the color of his skin) who has been raised his entire life not to respect the police gets into it with an officer and lost his life as a result, something that can happen to anyone who chooses to act that way.

Now, the community is proving their overall disrespect for any forms of authority by acting the way they are continuing to act.

You are a fucking idiot. Go fuck yourself.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
This has to be Matti. Coming on here to try and make us all look racist. Just like we all hate vets and America.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
Hey piggy...so far everyone siding with the Leo is saying fear was his motive for shooting the victim multiple times twice in the head. Why chose a job if you fear for your life in the community you serve?
Compassion was lacking...most of the black youth in poor areas are raised looking up to drug dealers which is even reinforced in their cool hip hop music. They are misguided and miss understood.

I kno you guys...poor blacks right?

So the answer is no since you avoided my question.

if you would read the statistics ( you are not the only idiot spouting your breath hole off). You would see this certainly is not true. But then again, that's not your agenda.
I understand...it's tough to be a cop! A lot also die getting hit by motorists in routine traffic stops! I have been misjudged by officers...I have been helped by officers...my uncle was an officer.. My cousin is struggling to become one...
We enjoy all life has to offer...some of us work our asses off..some mooch off their parents wealth...some mooch off the system. We are all guaranteed death
I like modding my jeep.. I just bought new spacers and rims but I'm poor and it's taking me forever to save for tires.
Lol..yet you are still reading what my dumb ass is posting...ahhh gotta love them gat daym trolls. Always peeping through the white Pickett fence!
Sadly, I won't ever know enough about wheeling and fixing my jeep but I will say I know a little bit about policing.

I'm a black Police Officer having worked the last 15 years in a major metropolitan city. 5 of those years on a full time SWAT team. I now work a plain clothes assignment that puts me right up close to a segment of society that at times would make your skin crawl. 3 years as a Border Patrol Agent and 8 years Infantry. I've got a few road miles on the highway of life.

Having said all that, it shouldnt but does surprise me that there are so many uneducated people. I'm trying not to say moron but damn, it's hard.

It is not reasonable nor sound to expect anyone to attempt to wound a person that has shown a pure disregard for the laws of society and is hell bent on killing you. Turn your freaking tv off and educate yourself. If I were to put you in a cage with a lion would you shoot to wound him? What makes you think a human is less dangerous? Again educate yourself. I shoot alot. At least 1000-2000 rounds a month and thats just pistol and I couldn't pull off the television stunts you speak of.

There is a reason I don't tell a surgeon how to do their job. If I did, I would sound just like you.

I highly suggest you go look at the national stats (FBI) and see who is doing what to whom and with what. If you dropped your magic fairy wand and opened your eyes to the real world, you might get an education.

Sorry for the rant, I'll go back to working on my jeeps.

Sent from my SM-G900P using WAYALIFE mobile app
Seems pretty simple to me. Regardless of race, gender or age. If an officer tells you to freeze (stop) and you instead turn and charge at him. You will get shot in the head.

Until otherwise proven, that is the truth.

So abide by the laws and those enforcing them, and you won't get shot in head. That's what I'll be teaching my kids. 👍

- Jason
Sadly, I won't ever know enough about wheeling and fixing my jeep but I will say I know a little bit about policing.

I'm a black Police Officer having worked the last 15 years in a major metropolitan city. 5 of those years on a full time SWAT team. I now work a plain clothes assignment that puts me right up close to a segment of society that at times would make your skin crawl. 3 years as a Border Patrol Agent and 8 years Infantry. I've got a few road miles on the highway of life.

Having said all that, it shouldnt but does surprise me that there are so many uneducated people. I'm trying not to say moron but damn, it's hard.

It is not reasonable nor sound to expect anyone to attempt to wound a person that has shown a pure disregard for the laws of society and is hell bent on killing you. Turn your freaking tv off and educate yourself. If I were to put you in a cage with a lion would you shoot to wound him? What makes you think a human is less dangerous? Again educate yourself. I shoot alot. At least 1000-2000 rounds a month and thats just pistol and I couldn't pull off the television stunts you speak of.

There is a reason I don't tell a surgeon how to do their job. If I did, I would sound just like you.

I highly suggest you go look at the national stats (FBI) and see who is doing what to whom and with what. If you dropped your magic fairy wand and opened your eyes to the real world, you might get an education.

Sorry for the rant, I'll go back to working on my jeeps.

Sent from my SM-G900P using WAYALIFE mobile app

Amen brother.

Seems pretty simple to me. Regardless of race, gender or age. If an officer tells you to freeze (stop) and you instead turn and charge at him. You will get shot in the head.

Until otherwise proven, that is the truth.

So abide by the laws and those enforcing them, and you won't get shot in head. That's what I'll be teaching my kids. 👍

- Jason

It really is a simple concept. All we can do is try to teach our own the ways of the world before they learn them on the fly and end up getting hurt or worse.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
I understand...it's tough to be a cop! A lot also die getting hit by motorists in routine traffic stops! I have been misjudged by officers...I have been helped by officers...my uncle was an officer.. My cousin is struggling to become one...

As I said before, enjoy the good life in your safe, snuggly bed, behind your keyboard.

Your an idiot for trying to say one way or the other that the officer coulda, shoulda woulda, blah blah blah.

How many times have you been in a fight for your life? Tell you what, next time you find yourself face to face with evil and your life may be ending, call the police and ask them to take their time, and if they can safely do so, take the suspect safely to jail without hurting him too much.

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