Do you work with idiots?-I do

Not really sure what you mean by the on every opportunity part, but I assure you, wasting time on trying to rehabilitate a paste-eating moron who makes zero effort to better themselves makes a supervisor neither petty not incompetent. It makes them effective leaders.

Then fire the fucker and move on. If it’s no sweat off your balls who gives a fuck?
He doesn’t have a family to feed. Doesn’t have any emotionally troubled past that’s feeding his aggression. Doesn’t own an AK-something or other with 500 rounds for you and everyone else that put him where he is to think about what he’s going to do.

Consider it for a moment. What is making them (mouth breathers) feel how they are feeling and what can you do to make it better?

If you’ve exhausted all options, they will leave on their own. Long hours man. Babysitting. Going to their house. Knowing their Mom. I have an employee I have to threaten to call his mom.

Management is a commitment or fuck off and let real men do it.

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paste-eating moron

Im pretty sure it was more than paste :crazyeyes:

This job is not complicated by any means, we bring Sheetrock into a house where the drywall installer has written out on the order (so much in each room). It’s just physically demanding.
Then fire the fucker and move on. If it’s no sweat off your balls who gives a fuck?
He doesn’t have a family to feed. Doesn’t have any emotionally troubled past that’s feeding his aggression. Doesn’t own an AK-something or other with 500 rounds for you and everyone else that put him where he is to think about what he’s going to do.

Consider it for a moment. What is making them (mouth breathers) feel how they are feeling and what can you do to make it better?

If you’ve exhausted all options, they will leave on their own. Long hours man. Babysitting. Going to their house. Knowing their Mom. I have an employee I have to threaten to call his mom.

Management is a commitment or fuck off and let real men do it.

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Must be shitty to live life in fear like you do.

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Then fire the fucker and move on. If it’s no sweat off your balls who gives a fuck?
He doesn’t have a family to feed. Doesn’t have any emotionally troubled past that’s feeding his aggression. Doesn’t own an AK-something or other with 500 rounds for you and everyone else that put him where he is to think about what he’s going to do.

Consider it for a moment. What is making them (mouth breathers) feel how they are feeling and what can you do to make it better?

If you’ve exhausted all options, they will leave on their own. Long hours man. Babysitting. Going to their house. Knowing their Mom. I have an employee I have to threaten to call his mom.

Management is a commitment or fuck off and let real men do it.

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And BOOM we have implosion. :eek: Knowing their Mom that's fucking funny. You must have all sorts of management awards..:naw:
Im pretty sure it was more than paste :crazyeyes:

This job is not complicated by any means, we bring Sheetrock into a house where the drywall installer has written out on the order (so much in each room). It’s just physically demanding.

Oh, well then wtf fire his lazy ass or make him carry drywall while everyone else watches to make sure he does it right.

And if you can’t carry it yourself, grow a pair and start working out fatass.

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Ok...I’m confused. I’ve basically been self employed for forty plus years...thank god...
And if you can’t carry it yourself, grow a pair and start working out fatass.

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Did you relapse or something? What's with all the name calling ReCoVeRY . :thinking:
Wow, that escalated during my 2 hour drive home!

I'm with Days, some are just not worth the effort.

I'm glad some of my work slowed down enough I could loose some of the "help"
Since were on the topic of lazy workers here’s my story.

When i got this management position the owner wanted me to clean house on his current sales crew and revamp it. Current sales crew had been there for probably 8-9 years or so. There were 5 people. I’ll give them just generic names. There was:


Kenny has been there the longest. Good sales guy. Motivated sales guy. Always makes an effort to follow up and follow the road to the sale to a T. Knows the product like the back of his hand and can be persuasive without being pushy. He’s the sales guy every sales director wants to have. He got to stay.

David is just behind Kenny as far as seniority. However David is basically a sloth wrapped in a human body. Slow as fuck with everything and hardly has any idea how to overcome objections or present a product. I tried coaching him but he just could not get it. I moved him to a different position in the office that better suited him. He failed at that too. Just turns out he’s a lazy fucker. He got to go.

Jessica is a lot like Kenny but much more aggressive with her sales approach. She can get pretty pushy but she puts out good numbers so she got to stay.

Bob is a lazy sack of shit. He claimed that he fought in Vietnam and shouldn’t have to work hard for money and should get paid the same for his lack of effort that those who put out huge effort make. He was the first to go.

Victoria is the newest person there. She’s new to sales. I’ve been coaching her a lot and she is drastically improving. I think that if she sticks with it she will be a fantastic saleswoman.

Now that’s just the people that were already there when i started. I brought in about 10 people. It’s shocking how many absolute idiots think they can walk into a sales position and make 10k a month right off the bat. And then when they don’t put any effort into prospecting or following up or having me talk to them prospect to close them, they complain when they get their check and all it shows is their hourly. If ya want a big check you have to make big effort is what I always tell them.

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