Dealing with Covid

sorry to hear your wife is having a rough go at it.
Hope they keep ahead and as Eddie mentioned, ask for additional treatments.
If they deny additional/alternate treatment, don't delay on getting a Dr on your side.
Hope she pulls thru.
You can find a doctor (virtual) and a pharmacy near you or one that will ship to you that will administer ivermectin and hydrochlorquin along with other vitamins. This is what they will recommend for vitamins. Website is covid 19 critical care. Friend of mine just went this route to get proper treatments. Might be too late for your wife in the hospital but for any others out there.
You can find a doctor (virtual) and a pharmacy near you or one that will ship to you that will administer ivermectin and hydrochlorquin along with other vitamins. This is what they will recommend for vitamins. Website is covid 19 critical care. Friend of mine just went this route to get proper treatments. Might be too late for your wife in the hospital but for any others out there.
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Teresa bought us ivermectin through the FLCCC website... no doctor prescription needed.
Teresa bought us ivermectin through the FLCCC website... no doctor prescription needed.
So if you communicate with doctors on it some will say it needs to be used together with hydroxychlorquin. I don’t know if there is truth to that but it is what a doctor just told my buddy a couple weeks ago.
So if you communicate with doctors on it some will say it needs to be used together with hydroxychlorquin. I don’t know if there is truth to that but it is what a doctor just told my buddy a couple weeks ago.
FLCCC gives a protocol using Quercetin in its place along with others like zinc, vitamin d, vitamin c etc..
Kevman, my wifes brother in law had similar symptoms as you describe... he devolped pneumonia and was on 100% oxygen at one point... he could not breathe on his own... he was down for about a month but made a full recovery and is doing great. I hope the same for your wife. All this crap is so confusing and there is no clear answer. Stay positive. Keep her positive.
I’ll add another possible tool for your wife as shes recovering... a year ago I woke up struggling to take a full breath and went to the ER... I thought it was Covid, but ended up being severe acid reflux... during that debacle I stumbled upon videos by Patrick McKeown regarding Breathing with Covid... He is a Breath coach and teaches you how to breathe correctly. It was very helpful for me and I think an important tool for anyone. He explains the importance of slow nose breathing... and how most people breathe wrong.. I highly suggest looking him up. He has a 45min video about breathing with covid.
Praying for you and your wife. My wife and I also have Covid now but it hasn't been severe. We are triple vaxed but also took some Ivermectin when we first got sick. There is a massive outbreak in our town.
Talked to a Dr here and they are not prescribing anything to help pretreat. I asked what to do to help prevent catching it and she said get vaccinated . that's it no other alternatives offered. no wonder they are overloaded, they do nothing to help prevent outbreaks.
Talked to a Dr here and they are not prescribing anything to help pretreat. I asked what to do to help prevent catching it and she said get vaccinated . that's it no other alternatives offered. no wonder they are overloaded, they do nothing to help prevent outbreaks.
Colin Powell was vaccinated too. Tell the doc to give him a call and get his thoughts. See what he says. Oh wait…
Teresa bought us ivermectin through the FLCCC website... no doctor prescription needed.

USPS is now confiscating envelopes. Don't know if this is everyone or just obvious ones they can catch. Mine shipped from India and was clearly marked on the label what it was, but this was months ago
USPS is now confiscating envelopes. Don't know if this is everyone or just obvious ones they can catch. Mine shipped from India and was clearly marked on the label what it was, but this was months ago
Not saying they won’t take it but FLCCC prescribes legit prescriptions. Not some bootleg from India.
Colin Powell was vaccinated too. Tell the doc to give him a call and get his thoughts. See what he says. Oh wait…
I know it’s difficult for you, but try stop being an asshole all the time…this man’s wife is in an ICU fighting for her life….not a good time for a tasteless joke
I know it’s difficult for you, but try stop being an asshole all the time…this man’s wife is in an ICU fighting for her life….not a good time for a tasteless joke
This has nothing to do with that guys wife. Try reading the context of a post before responding to something to try and make yourself look better. If you read my post and the one I quoted it had to do with a guy in Canada saying doctors are not prescribing anything to pretreat. Nothing to do with this dudes wife.
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This has nothing to do with that guys with. Try reading the context of a post before responding to something to try and make yourself look better. If you read my post and the one I quoted it had to do with a guy in Canada saying doctors are not prescribing anything to pretreat. Nothing to do with this dudes wife.
I don’t give a fuck about making myself look better…this man started this thread about his wife…and this is where you took it
Sorry guys, I just need to ramble and get it out and you bunch of unknown people with a common interest seems as good a place as any.

My wife and I both tested positive for Covid last week, her on Tuesday, me on Wednesday. I am vaccinated due to work requirements, she is not.
I basically had a nasty cold for 5 days. My wife is one of the unlucky ones. She is currently in an ICU at a local hospital. When I called for an ambulance Tuesday morning I thought I would never see her alive again. She was gasping for breath and unresponsive, her blood O2 was dangerously low. They took her to ER where she spent 13 hours on a BiPap machine and getting various meds. She was taken off the BiPap, put on just oxygen, and taken to her ICU room.
This is all major improvements versus her condition when admitted.
She spent most of yesterday sitting in a chair instead of the bed, still getting oxygen through a nasal tube. She was able to talk on the phone and be her normal self. We both were optimistic that this might be a short visit and she'd be able to come home this weekend.

Last night her blood O2 dropped again and she had to go back on a BiPap machine. Major step backwards. They have had to give her various other meds to fight what this fucking virus does to the body after it gets a toehold. The nurse I've spoken with says her blood O2 numbers come up while on the BiPap, but start to drop off as they try to wean her off of it. She says they are ahead of the other problems that are popping up, but it can go backwards fast.

So, thanks for letting me getting it out, I apologize for being a downer. Hard to stay positive when just about everywhere lies about all the information just so they can push their agenda.
Hey kev, just wanted to see how your wife is doing? Also, how are you doing?
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