Dealing with Covid


Becky takes a driving test Monday to verify her ability to operate a motor vehicle. She already did an in clinic session checking eyesight, reaction times, being able to observe multiple things at same time. She passed the first part and I have faith in her passing the second part. Going to get her out in her car and practice in an empty parking lot some.

I put in for a job today, will know in the morning if I got it. If I do then I start back to work Monday. After being off since 11 Jan I am SO ready to go back to work. It's either that or you guys may see me on the late evening national news, nekkid and shooting things up 🤪

Becky takes a driving test Monday to verify her ability to operate a motor vehicle. She already did an in clinic session checking eyesight, reaction times, being able to observe multiple things at same time. She passed the first part and I have faith in her passing the second part. Going to get her out in her car and practice in an empty parking lot some.

I put in for a job today, will know in the morning if I got it. If I do then I start back to work Monday. After being off since 11 Jan I am SO ready to go back to work. It's either that or you guys may see me on the late evening national news, nekkid and shooting things up 🤪

Great! Glad things are getting back to normal for you guys! Good luck on that job, you probably won’t have any trouble since you’re so dang knowledgeable! 👍
Oh damn, that felt good.

If you've made it this deep then you know I haven't worked since early January.

Well today I went to back to work and DAMN it helps. Felt great to get out of my head for an 8 hour day. Felt great to not be worrying constantly.

Not to mention, I get to help support all of Joe's buddies with my tax dollars again 🤪
glad to hear your wife is continuing to do well and you're back to work.

It is good to get out of your own head for several hours a day (y)
Milestone day.

Becky was able to climb into the JT today for the first time. She had a helper, have a single step stool with a high handle. She got onto the stool, grabbed a grab handle, put a foot on the slider bar, then put other foot onto door sill then spun and sat down. Came back out the same way as going in and back to the ground.

What this means is, I can KEEP the JEEP :cool:
Milestone day.

Becky was able to climb into the JT today for the first time. She had a helper, have a single step stool with a high handle. She got onto the stool, grabbed a grab handle, put a foot on the slider bar, then put other foot onto door sill then spun and sat down. Came back out the same way as going in and back to the ground.

What this means is, I can KEEP the JEEP :cool:
Win win!!!
Milestone day.

Becky was able to climb into the JT today for the first time. She had a helper, have a single step stool with a high handle. She got onto the stool, grabbed a grab handle, put a foot on the slider bar, then put other foot onto door sill then spun and sat down. Came back out the same way as going in and back to the ground.

What this means is, I can KEEP the JEEP :cool:
That's' fantastic progress!
So, today made living through hell for a few months worth it.

My wife is a hummingbird NUT. She saw her first one of this year awhile ago and there's no 5 year old girl on Christmas morning that holds a candle to what I saw.

Yup, not afraid to admit I cried. She's alive and she got to see a hummingbird again.
So, today made living through hell for a few months worth it.

My wife is a hummingbird NUT. She saw her first one of this year awhile ago and there's no 5 year old girl on Christmas morning that holds a candle to what I saw.

Yup, not afraid to admit I cried. She's alive and she got to see a hummingbird again.
that's fantastic!
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