Dealing with Covid


Sorry guys, I just need to ramble and get it out and you bunch of unknown people with a common interest seems as good a place as any.

My wife and I both tested positive for Covid last week, her on Tuesday, me on Wednesday. I am vaccinated due to work requirements, she is not.
I basically had a nasty cold for 5 days. My wife is one of the unlucky ones. She is currently in an ICU at a local hospital. When I called for an ambulance Tuesday morning I thought I would never see her alive again. She was gasping for breath and unresponsive, her blood O2 was dangerously low. They took her to ER where she spent 13 hours on a BiPap machine and getting various meds. She was taken off the BiPap, put on just oxygen, and taken to her ICU room.
This is all major improvements versus her condition when admitted.
She spent most of yesterday sitting in a chair instead of the bed, still getting oxygen through a nasal tube. She was able to talk on the phone and be her normal self. We both were optimistic that this might be a short visit and she'd be able to come home this weekend.

Last night her blood O2 dropped again and she had to go back on a BiPap machine. Major step backwards. They have had to give her various other meds to fight what this fucking virus does to the body after it gets a toehold. The nurse I've spoken with says her blood O2 numbers come up while on the BiPap, but start to drop off as they try to wean her off of it. She says they are ahead of the other problems that are popping up, but it can go backwards fast.

So, thanks for letting me getting it out, I apologize for being a downer. Hard to stay positive when just about everywhere lies about all the information just so they can push their agenda.
I’m really sorry to hear about this and hope your wife gets better soon. Is she being given any therapeutics?
Hospitals don’t treat the disease, they treat the problems from the disease.

Any underlying health conditions or perfectly healthy?
I’m really sorry to hear about this and hope your wife gets better soon. Is she being given any therapeutics?
I know little about what is being done. Since I was also positive I am not allowed in the hospital. I have talked to one of her nurses today, I hate bothering them because I know this all has to be tearing them apart. To be honest I didn't absorb much of what I was told. I caught some of the positives, some of the negatives, and the rest just went through my head and didn't take.

They have her on blood thinners, because her blood was starting to clot. They have her on steroids, antibiotics, and lasix (sp?) to get fluid out of her body. She has midlobe pneumonia but not severe. Physical therapy started something yesterday to start getting her strength back up, but I imagine that is on hold at this point.

I am an information type person, but have little to go on because I can't be there and I don't want to call them every time I have doubt in my fat head.
Hospitals don’t treat the disease, they treat the problems from the disease.

Any underlying health conditions or perfectly healthy?

She is short, old, and overweight. She has chronic bronchitis. She is on lowest dosage for blood pressure. She is borderline diabetic.
Oh Man...Our thoughts are with you...

My wife started to have flu like symptoms around the 13th, tested positive 2 days later; and I also started showing symptoms three days after her, so I assumed I also had it...she was only mildly affected, while I had two days of chills and severe congestion. She is fine now, and I'm just about there as well. We both are triple vaxxed, and thankful for it, since we both have underlying conditions (her, elevated blood pressure)...
Basically, if they don't have to insert a tube, her chances are decent.

If they have to insert a tube, her odds go way down.
So sorry you guys are going though this. I can't even imagine how you are feeling. Hoping for the best for you.
Sorry guys, I just need to ramble and get it out and you bunch of unknown people with a common interest seems as good a place as any.

My wife and I both tested positive for Covid last week, her on Tuesday, me on Wednesday. I am vaccinated due to work requirements, she is not.
I basically had a nasty cold for 5 days. My wife is one of the unlucky ones. She is currently in an ICU at a local hospital. When I called for an ambulance Tuesday morning I thought I would never see her alive again. She was gasping for breath and unresponsive, her blood O2 was dangerously low. They took her to ER where she spent 13 hours on a BiPap machine and getting various meds. She was taken off the BiPap, put on just oxygen, and taken to her ICU room.
This is all major improvements versus her condition when admitted.
She spent most of yesterday sitting in a chair instead of the bed, still getting oxygen through a nasal tube. She was able to talk on the phone and be her normal self. We both were optimistic that this might be a short visit and she'd be able to come home this weekend.

Last night her blood O2 dropped again and she had to go back on a BiPap machine. Major step backwards. They have had to give her various other meds to fight what this fucking virus does to the body after it gets a toehold. The nurse I've spoken with says her blood O2 numbers come up while on the BiPap, but start to drop off as they try to wean her off of it. She says they are ahead of the other problems that are popping up, but it can go backwards fast.

So, thanks for letting me getting it out, I apologize for being a downer. Hard to stay positive when just about everywhere lies about all the information just so they can push their agenda.
Man, that's horrible I am so sorry you and your wife are having to go through that. Prayers to you and your wife.
Sorry to hear that your wife is struggling. I’ve had six family members test positive this month. Everyone is on the mend now. Two were able to get antibody transfusions. Is that an option for her? The hospital had a list of people that they had to go on before getting the transfusions. Hope to hear about a good outcome for you.
Sorry to hear this hope she gets through it quickly.
my wife’s uncle went through it like that. Ended up staying in the hospital for six weeks and had to have oxygen once home as well. Almost fully back to normal now. My 7 year old daughter just had it, fortunately she had a mild case.
I know little about what is being done. Since I was also positive I am not allowed in the hospital. I have talked to one of her nurses today, I hate bothering them because I know this all has to be tearing them apart. To be honest I didn't absorb much of what I was told. I caught some of the positives, some of the negatives, and the rest just went through my head and didn't take.

They have her on blood thinners, because her blood was starting to clot. They have her on steroids, antibiotics, and lasix (sp?) to get fluid out of her body. She has midlobe pneumonia but not severe. Physical therapy started something yesterday to start getting her strength back up, but I imagine that is on hold at this point.

I am an information type person, but have little to go on because I can't be there and I don't want to call them every time I have doubt in my fat head.
I would strongly encourage you to ask for additional treatments. Antibody or even politically incorrect drugs. If you don't push for it, they will not administer it.
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