Caught the Bug
Hope it works out. :beer:
You and me both brother only time will tell
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Hope it works out. :beer:
Good looking mods :thumb:
Looks good, David! Happy New Year!
Overall "build thread"
DIY trail/tube door build http://wayalife.com/showthread.php?24449-My-DIY-Doors
So the steering definitely feels better little tighter HOWEVER it didn’t solve the DW it’s not as bad as before but still there sadly will keep y’all posted as I keep nibbling at this issue
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Ball joints? Track bar ends/bolts?
Congrats. Can't wait to see what you do with it. Have fun!!
So I finally got to torque all the nuts and bolts checked the track bar and torqued it down the only thing that was loose was the steering stabilizer clamp to the tie rod, tie rod end clamp, and the track bar axle bracket bolt turnt 1/4 turn before it torqued.
The steering feels better but it still wobbles as of this mornin but not as bad so I think I fixed another link in chain now just gotta check my Cs. Thanks Eddie for all the torque specs on Project JK very helpful.
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May not be a bad idea to get that track bar bracket welded on. I assume from what you're describing that you have an aftermarket bolt on bracket? Next thing to check is likely the ball joints.
Have you checked your toe in?
May not be a bad idea to get that track bar bracket welded on. I assume from what you're describing that you have an aftermarket bolt on bracket? Next thing to check is likely the ball joints.
This on the welding ^^^^