
Staff member
I just wanted to say that I'm still pissed as hell about the CHINA VIRUS. In fact, the more I hear and learn from Fauci, his involvement in NIH, the development of gain of function viruses in Wuhan, the bullshit pseudo science he and his cronies were pushing, the benefits that big pharma got from all this stupidness, how many businesses were killed by it, how many lives were destroyed by it, the pain it inflicted on everyone, the way it divided friends and family over stupidness like masks, social distancing or worse, the JAB and of course, how many people died from it... it all just makes me want to kick him and all those who went on and on about how I need to "follow the science" in the fricken nuts!! At the very least, in my opinion, that asshole needs to be thrown in jail and as much as I know it'll never happen, an apology from all the self-righteous pfaithful, the ones that looked down on people like me for not buying into the nonsense, the ones who called people like me a murderer for not wanting to comply, that would be nice too.

Anyway, not that it'll make any difference to anyone but I just wanted to vent a bit.
I've been venting on this for 4 years now. This smelled like a big damn con job from the beginning and it was. Always been slow to believe the narratives but this pushed me over the edge. No more. Looking back at the past 80 years, my thoughts on world events have changed drastically, and none for the better.

Take the red pill
Question everything
Do your own research
Trust your gut
Remember those that have lied
When the jab first came out, and the powers-that-be said everyone had to get it, that should have been a YUGE red flag for everyone. What about the 150 million people who had already acquired natural immunity? That was when my family said no friggin way! Now, with lots of data available about the side effects of the jab, I'd have trouble ever believing anything those "experts" say again.
I've been venting on this for 4 years now. This smelled like a big damn con job from the beginning and it was. Always been slow to believe the narratives but this pushed me over the edge. No more. Looking back at the past 80 years, my thoughts on world events have changed drastically, and none for the better.

Take the red pill
Question everything
Do your own research
Trust your gut
Remember those that have lied
I don't want to just remember who lied. When I hear about how Fauci and his fiend for friends deleted emails, used burner phones and have been covering up all that they've done to avoid FOIA requests, I'd really like to see them be accountable for what they are responsible for.
Yeah man, totally agree with you. I will say I’m extremely proud of everyone that stood their ground and said NO… but hold no ill will to those that made the wrong choice… I just hope they learned a valuable lesson.
How many times had you been berated and chastised or denied service for not wearing a mask, for not social distancing, for not getting jabbed or for not following whatever stupid rules Fauci just pulled out of his ass?

Not gonna lie, I still hold ill will toward anyone who self-righteously went on and on about how they were in the right and how I was just dumb for not 'following the science' and now just move along through life like nothing ever happened. A simple apology would go a long way though.
I don't want to just remember who lied. When I hear about how Fauci and his fiend for friends deleted emails, used burner phones and have been covering up all that they've done to avoid FOIA requests, I'd really like to see them be accountable for what they are responsible for.

It's going to be up to us to remember all of these fuckers because NOTHING will happen to them in the end. Oh, sure, everyone on capitol hill is holding hearings and issuing statements of outrage on social media platforms, but when was the last time anyone in that town was held accountable for anything?

It's going to be up to us to remember all of these fuckers because NOTHING will happen to them in the end. Oh, sure, everyone on capitol hill is holding hearings and issuing statements of outrage on social media platforms, but when was the last time anyone in that town was held accountable for anything?

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That's because they're all in on the gig. The only person I see really trying to do something is Rand Paul but he's just one guy.
Complete scam lining the pockets of criminals. Couldn’t agree more with your post, but sadly nothing will happen to any of them.

The scariest part of it all is, it showed the government and the world how easily people can be manipulated and controlled. This is definitely not the last of something like this.
It’s amazing how fast most politicians went full tyranny. What’s even worse is how fast the average American went tyrant and went after their fellow citizens. Most of us are familiar with the various social experiments to this effect.

Bottom line is Totalitarianism CAN happen here. You are your only defense.
Agree completely. Was just talking about this last week with a local bee keeper. The only positive that came out of it was social distancing while standing in lines. I hate that jack ass who pushes their cart into my heels or stands so close you can feel their nasty breath. Those should be a common courtesy though.
Beyond the lessons learned already mentioned here: never have a single residence that is in a dense population center. Having your main residence or another residence in a rural area may save your freedoms. Here in NM, for a time the governor was mandating masks even while outdoor exercising. Most of us just ignored crap like that. Being under the jurisdiction of a sheriffs’ department versus a city police department allows for lax to zero enforcement of state policies that don’t make sense.
How many times had you been berated and chastised or denied service for not wearing a mask, for not social distancing, for not getting jabbed or for not following whatever stupid rules Fauci just pulled out of his ass?

Not gonna lie, I still hold ill will toward anyone who self-righteously went on and on about how they were in the right and how I was just dumb for not 'following the science' and now just move along through life like nothing ever happened. A simple apology would go a long way though.
Oh yeah... fuck those people 100%... I was speaking more of the everyday person that was about to lose their job or just didn't do enough research and got the Jab but wasn't necessarily pushing that shit on everyone.
The woo flu was simply a precursor to the death jabs. I’ve buried five friends in the last eighteen months and will be burying my mom this week. All from cancer and all took the death jab. The whole thing was a depopulation measure and a sick mind fuck on people. They’re going to pull this shit again. When they do be prepared there’s a lot of people like me out there that have lost loved ones IDGAF if someone tries that shit again it’s not going to be pretty.
I don’t want an apology. I don’t want a reason to rethink and forgive them fucks. In fact I still refuse to eat at restaurants or shop at businesses that enforced the edicts. Actually just like getting blasted with emails on June 1st with the alphabet soup marketing. I’m thankful these idiots identified themselves and I can shop accordingly.
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