He ordered this to happen and we cannot forget that or forgive it either but the cops that did this to people deserve our condemnation as well. The Nuremberg trials showed that simply following orders is NOT an excuse to abuse people.

Well, the sheeple around here are starting with the mask bullshit again so just goes to show the dickheads didn't learn a lesson.
It's unbelievable. I just can't fathom the total lack of curiosity of these people that just continue to follow the narrative of the MSM and so-called experts. These people just don't care to 'do your own research' .
Is the MSM starting to push masks again?
I can’t say that they are 100% but I’ve noticed a sharp uptick in maskers esp older folks
They are probably just reverting to the previous programming
Can’t say I’ve seen many around here luckily, just the occasional one at the grocery store.
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