Chill Out - It's "our" forum

Hopefully I don't fall into this category. I'm sorry I said plastidip suxs..... hahahhaha

No worries OTG. Disagreeing is cool. Being a dick about it over and over is not. You don't fall into this. 👍

Yeah I think a lot of us have sought refuge here for the peaceful helpful Jeepers. Unlike how the 'other' forum has really gotten rough with drama and 'know it alls'. I'd hope WAL is easily ready to ban people from here that go spouting off, this is not the place for those people. Jeep on:rock:

That's why I posted this. I think we can control these peeps by basically calling them out ourselves. That's what I meant by its "our" forum. I feel bad that one person or mods have to step in.

well said everyone. i concur. JAGS has balls. :rock:

Uh thanks. ⚽⚾🎾🎱🏀 Only when my wife forgets to take them with her. Today must have been one of those days. 😋

I just happen to like the people here and simply got tired when nearly every thread I read through this morning had D Bags making it a stick measuring contest. There's a respectful way to post and fit in.
I've noticed over the last days its looked like around here. People being hostile. Giving opinions like they are the inventor of the Dana 30 and yea it can take 40 inch tires on any trail in the world. /facepalm

People need to chill. There is never any angry posts on wayalife. Unless your Eddie and got blacklisted by Chrysler. Then its ok ;)

Sent from my EVO-3d using WAYALIFE app.
People need to chill. There is never any angry posts on wayalife. Unless your Eddie and got blacklisted by Chrysler. Then its ok ;)

Sent from my EVO-3d using WAYALIFE app.

Poor guy... We need to start a "Free Moby" campaign similar to the Free Kevin campaign!
ssh6314 said:
I've noticed over the last days its looked like around here. People being hostile. Giving opinions like they are the inventor of the Dana 30 and yea it can take 40 inch tires on any trail in the world. /facepalm

People need to chill. There is never any angry posts on wayalife. Unless your Eddie and got blacklisted by Chrysler. Then its ok ;)

Sent from my EVO-3d using WAYALIFE app.

Well sead brother I could not of sead it better my self I'm glad to be apart of wayalife I never thought that I would of had a big family out there and scenes I've been here meeting new family members I can't wait to meet you all some time on the trails are on the road it's a big world and there's a lot to see so KEEP JEEPING IT'S THE WAYALIFE
WAL is a forum that it pleases to log in daily, just to see what's new or to share things with our fellows. I've been over so many forums in my life, and there is wayyyy to much broken male ego's and hate that I just left and never came back.

Just to show you how much, I'll tell you something. Here in Quebec, we have a 4x4 forum that regroups any kind of automotive 4x4 enthusiast. Wether it be a samurai, ½ ton chevy or jeeps. But the thing is, that there will always be brandwars with broken male ego's in there, so chevy guys come into toyota section and spray their shit over, toyota do the same in the jeep section, jeep guys into samurai... on and on. And I don't really like it when I come across one post that been hijacked into hate of "mine is better than your's". Ho yeah, I tried to tell them their dickheads and stop acting like kids, but it turned into hate about me, so I just decided to leave.

On WAL, we feel like home, with friends, brothers and sisters (don't forget cindy heh!) We all suffer from the same sickness (ok maybe we're at the psychiatric hospital here? :D ), and we just enjoy helping other with our knowledge :thumb:

I'm pretty sure that if someday I go down your way, and need somewhere to stay, someone here would be happy to keep a place for me in his garden to camp for the night. THAT'S a familly! Eddie, you can be proud of what you've created, or well, helped to grow some more.

That said, keep on jeepin :standing wave:
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I'm pretty sure that if someday I go down your way, and need somewhere to stay, someone here would be happy to keep a place for me in his garden to camp for the night. THAT'S a familly! Eddie, you can be proud of what you've created, or well, helped to grow some more.

We have a guest bedroom and it's yours any time you come south to see what saguaro cactus look like. Eh!:yup:
Gotta back a fellow Canadian here. Well said bro. I'm not really much into the club scene or forums like you described for the same reasons. Doesnt matter what you drive, but we tend to stick with people on the same wave length as us. Here, we get that. This is a great place with great people. To be honest, I'm more active here than with my own club. If you have a question, it is answered without any BS. If you have a review, good or bad, you get a no BS story on it. My wife and I love seeing pics from everyone's adventures (and builds) and are always highly jealous from the adventures in the south...... You we hate...... hahahaha (jking)

WAL is a forum that it pleases to log in daily, just to see what's new or to share things with our fellows. I've been over so many forums in my life, and there is wayyyy to much broken male ego's and hate that I just left and never came back.

Just to show you how much, I'll tell you something. Here in Quebec, we have a 4x4 forum that regroups any kind of automotive 4x4 enthusiast. Wether it be a samurai, ½ ton chevy or jeeps. But the thing is, that there will always be brandwars with broken male ego's in there, so chevy guys come into toyota section and spray their shit over, toyota do the same in the jeep section, jeep guys into samurai... on and on. And I don't really like it when I come across one post that been hijacked into hate of "mine is better than your's". Ho yeah, I tried to tell them their dickheads and stop acting like kids, but it turned into hate about me, so I just decided to leave.

On WAL, we feel like home, with friends, brothers and sisters (don't forget cindy heh!) We all suffer from the same sickness (ok maybe we're at the psychiatric hospital here? :D ), and we just enjoy helping other with our knowledge :thumb:

I'm pretty sure that if someday I go down your way, and need somewhere to stay, someone here would be happy to keep a place for me in his garden to camp for the night. THAT'S a familly! Eddie, you can be proud of what you've created, or well, helped to grow some more.

That said, keep on jeepin :standing wave:
I don't want to re-post this in about 5 or so current threads, but I would like to tell some newer forum members to just chill out. This is our forum, and some people are coming in and just think they own the place. If you have first hand knowledge on a topic, provide it. If you are here to be a pit bull at the junk yard, this scene aint for you.

Take the time to get to know people on the forum, be positive, thoughtful, considerate and no hate. You know, like adults. So if you come in and start with guns blasting, you're going to get blasted back. I came over to WAL to get away from the school-yard-chest-puffing taking place in a few other places, so just chill out or you will get called out. And if you don't like it, then you don't need to join or be part of it. I think I can speak for most of us here in that we won't miss you.

But if your cool, be cool and we'll explore the Wayalife together.

Could not agree more. Leave the chest puffing at home no one is interested.
Well said. I couldn't agree more. I can't stand the other "sites" and I'm glad I found WAL. WAL provides great tips for this newbie.
Love this forum. I found people are very quick to answer questions and give out useful tips. Let's keep it that way!
Our forum, the best forum

I 'd like to thank everyone on this forum for their knowledge and great conversations, in the short time I've been here I've learned so much I can't put a price on it. The money I've saved and the things I've learned by doing things myself with your help, I'll never forget. Eddie in particular has walk me through some mods I thought I'd never do myself. Thank you Eddie. I think your next project should be a book, it would be handy to have to refer to while doing work on the Jeep away from the computer.:):thumb:
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