Word Ninja
Getting into the spirit and counting down the days!!!
That's a great picture.:yup:
Getting into the spirit and counting down the days!!!
Getting into the spirit and counting down the days!!!
T-minus 5 days until we head out to the starting point of our epic journey across the emigrant trail!!
Last call before packing it all.
Food-wise, is there anything we need to pack to help chip in with the meals? Or will that be decided on the road?
Camp-wise, do we need to pack our two burner stove to help with cooking? Or do we have sufficient stove coverage already? Anything else that might be of help?
Tool-wise, I am packing my cordless impact wrench and my electrical odds and ends tool box. Can I count on other's generosity if I need any real tools?
Trail-wise, we are packing the privacy tent and 3-legged potty for Susan and the ladies (and guys too) should the surroundings dictate it's need. Anything else you can think of for trail tranquility?
I'm in the dark on this one as for meals. I packed for the Rubicon and made that work. we have multiple impact drivers, but that's ok. I have a full set of tools if needed and other goodies. we'll work as group if issue comes up?
Getting antsy I'm ready to go. Too bad got 2 days of work left.
As always, whatever tools and parts and whatever it takes to help each other out. No soldier left behind. There was a post last week on what some of us are traveling with as far as tools and parts. As far as food, we are taking snacks and stuff to make sandwiches on the road, but besides that I would imagine with most nights in hotels we should be good. The nights we camp we will need to hit a market.
As mentioned, there should be more than enough tools and gear to help out everyone. As far as food goes, most of our trip will be passing through towns and we'll just be eating on the road. Breakfasts will be at restaurants as well as dinners and lunches will be determined on a day to day basis. Some days will be fast food and some will be picnic days. Of course, for the camping nights, we'll have to stock up the night before. :yup:
Dang. I somehow completely passed over your response. Senior moment combined with computer machine thingy that has way too many moving parts and options. Thanks to you too, Eddie. :blush:
Thanks, Don and Doug. Susan is a detail person and this will go a long way to reassure her that details are in place to cover her concerns. As for me, I was just going to go around with Moochie and scavenge what he drops while on his rounds. :brows:
You can shadow me but, I don't leave anything behind.![]()
You can shadow me but, I don't leave anything behind.![]()