BULLSHIT Awareness - Help Me Build Up a Jeep & Fight this Debilitating Disease


Staff member
Hi, my name is Eddie and while some of you might think that I’m a Jeeper who owns this forum, I am in fact a French speaking Nigerian Prince – BONJOUR! Today, I am announcing that I will be building the most badass Jeep anyone has ever seen complete with a 20.4L V15 supercharged turbo Yugo engine and Edsel exhaust complete with Harley Davidson muffler bearings. To help light the way, I will have 37 LED light bars surrounding this Jeep and for better visibility, they’ll even come with high performance blinker fluid. Of course, the whole purpose for me building this Jeep is to help raise awareness for BULLSHIT.

Some of you may never have heard of BULLSHIT or how a guy like me raising awareness for it does absolutely NOTHING and that’s all the more reason why you should send me money and or Jeep parts to help complete my build. I will even be sure to add a sticker on the side of my Jeep to help show everyone just how much you care.

To make yourself feel special and feel like you’ve actually done something meaningful, simply send me your full name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, driver’s license number and bank account information complete with routing number. Also, I just found that your generosity will unearth a secret account in Russia filled with millions of dollars worth of gold plated horse shit. In order to unlock this account and get this horse shit to you, simply send me your life savings by Western Union within the next 10 minutes.

Thank you for caring about BULLSHIT and for your desire to help raise awareness for it. Please be sure to film yourself sending me your money and Jeep parts and post up a video of it on needle point forums, cat lover forums and any place on the internet where you’d never purposefully choose to spend time on. Your good deeds will make people feel good about themselves during this charitable time of year.

BULLSHIT... it's real... Please help me to raise awareness about it. My Jeep and my bank account are counting on you.

Sending money now. So sorry to hear about your condition. One request, can you please take a photo of yourself cashing the check with my name on it, that way people will know it's legit and that I care about shit like this.
I have a family member who suffers from BULLSHIT. It's a horrible disease. Please allow me to fully sponsor your Jeep build to raise awareness instead of sending that large amount of money to an actual BULLSHIT research and treatment foundation. We all know a flashy Jeep is far more crucial to the ongoing BULLSHIT battle then a monetary donation is.
Can I send nudes

Only if you own the rights to them and I can post them on porn sites for profit.

Let me be the first to contribute. Bullshit is everywhere. Careful you might step in it!

View attachment 236118

Thank you for taking this very real problem so seriously! BULLSHIT is everywhere and without care, you just might step in it.

How much do I need to send and where?

If you really want to help build my Jeep and fill my bank account, I will need you to send me everything you have. Time is of the essence!
Sending money now. So sorry to hear about your condition. One request, can you please take a photo of yourself cashing the check with my name on it, that way people will know it's legit and that I care about shit like this.

I appreciate your concern and for taking me at my word regarding my BULLSHIT. Regarding a photo, I will do one better and I will send you a photo of a poor child starving in Ethiopia. You can even write letters to this child and that will give you all the legitimacy and good feelings you need.

My last name is Stark and i wear a iron suit. Where do i send my money. ALL OF IT

Sweet! Thank you for your generous contribution. :thumb:

I have a family member who suffers from BULLSHIT. It's a horrible disease. Please allow me to fully sponsor your Jeep build to raise awareness instead of sending that large amount of money to an actual BULLSHIT research and treatment foundation. We all know a flashy Jeep is far more crucial to the ongoing BULLSHIT battle then a monetary donation is.

Wow... I mean, just wow. I am so sorry to hear about your family member suffering from BULLSHIT and I so appreciate your understanding how sending me your money to raise awareness about it will be so much more effective than sending it to a BULLSHIT research and treatment foundation. Without question, a flashy Jeep will do so much more good to fight BULLSHIT :yup:
I'd love to contribute to a worthy cause but I need to know if we are talking about the same things. Am I to understand that you too support BULLSHIT:


Or is your BULLSHIT different from mine?

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OMG!! The Chuck Noris?! That is just too cool - thank you :blush:

I'd love to contribute to a worthy cause but I need to know if we are talking about the same things. Am I to understand that you too support BULLSHIT:


Or is your BULLSHIT different from mine?

My BULLSHIT is whatever BULLSHIT you need it to be in order to get you sending me Jeep parts and money. :yup:

See everyone, even Mr. Spock can detect the BULLSHIT! :yup:
thank you for using your forum as a platform for airing out your issues, just so everyone know I will be stopping by the bank today to I too can support this amazing cause 😂😉🤔.. BTW im really looking fwd to seeing that supercharged turbo jeep, I'll keep an out for a mini series of the build!!

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I'm happy to contribute to your BULLSHIT, but I have a request that you send my a participation trophy. I'm really into those! Thank You - The check is in the mail!
BULLSHIT Awareness - Help Me Build Up a Jeep & Fight this Debilitating Disease

BULLSHIT is real, and it's every where. Sometimes it can go almost undetected, but in severe cases it can be so bad that the BULLSHIT will literally fall out as soon as the inflicted try to speak. Unfortunately the symptoms are really hard to treat, and won't typically get any better.
This is why I'm so glad to see Eddie bringing this to the forefront, and fighting so hard to bring awareness to this condition.
In addition to sending you everything I own, and all my financial info, I will make the ultimate sacrifice and send you my jeep to do with as you see fit to bring awareness to this disease.
But, I will need a good photo, and a BULLSHIT awareness ribbon decal to put on my... aww crap, I already sent you my jeep...

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
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