BULLSH!T BINGO 2024 - Round 1

I didn't watch the fiasco.

But from the way media outlets are dogging Biden, it must have been a terrible night.

So, how long until they "retire" Uncle Joe and sneak in their real choice?
Harris might as well pack her bags, because one way she's on the losing ticket and the other way she's not even invited to the party.

In the words of Montgomery Brewster, "None of the Above".
I didn't watch the fiasco.

But from the way media outlets are dogging Biden, it must have been a terrible night.

So, how long until they "retire" Uncle Joe and sneak in their real choice?
Harris might as well pack her bags, because one way she's on the losing ticket and the other way she's not even invited to the party.

In the words of Montgomery Brewster, "None of the Above".
I have a bad feeling… Newsome will Run last minute.
What the Nation saw last night is what they would have seen during the 2020 election if the media would have been fair and balanced instead of a propaganda machine for the Dem party. It’s what they would have seen if they would have utilized logic instead of the emotion of “Orange Man hurts my feelings and makes me uncomfortable” to make decisions. Biden won because he was the familiar image of a politician and promised to go back to the status quo and political niceties.

Oh yeah, and voter fraud. Lots of voter fraud.
What the Nation saw last night is what they would have seen during the 2020 election if the media would have been fair and balanced instead of a propaganda machine for the Dem party. It’s what they would have seen if they would have utilized logic instead of the emotion of “Orange Man hurts my feelings and makes me uncomfortable” to make decisions. Biden won because he was the familiar image of a politician and promised to go back to the status quo and political niceties.

Oh yeah, and voter fraud. Lots of voter fraud.
Couldn't agree more!
I fixed it for you Jeremy!
Oh... I wouldn't put anything past these guys.
I just can't help but feel bad for Biden. What is he even doing there? His energy is on the floor, he has some sort of mild shake, and his speech is severely impeded. For what it's worth, I hope he is not reelected so that he can focus on his health and his family. Obviously more reasons but I chose to not be violent today.
I just can't help but feel bad for Biden. What is he even doing there? His energy is on the floor, he has some sort of mild shake, and his speech is severely impeded. For what it's worth, I hope he is not reelected so that he can focus on his health and his family. Obviously more reasons but I chose to not be violent today.
I had a similar sentiment until he decided to run again. On his first run I figured his puppet masters were pulling his string but it's clear to me that even the deep state doesn't want him but he is running anyway. Biden had his chance to walk off into the sunset.
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