BrankZ thread

Bump... Is there a CL review/finds thread that I can post this to?

This is not a crazy ad, but I couldn't find a craigslist review thread or anything. So, I saw these set of atx slabs in SD that looks like an ok deal (he offered me $1500). Also seeing if anybody maybe knows the guy trying to sell because I don't really like buying things of CL, thanks in advance for the help!
Bump... Is there a CL review/finds thread that I can post this to?

No, there isn't. We pretty much frown upon CL and links to CL being posted on this forum. If someone wants to sell to a member here, they need to be a member and take the time to actively participate in this forum. Otherwise, you get people signing up just to pimp and sell stuff.
Yea that's definitely the right way because CL sucks! Just on a budget that's all, I wish I would've checked the forum last night :(

No, there isn't. We pretty much frown upon CL and links to CL being posted on this forum. If someone wants to sell to a member here, they need to be a member and take the time to actively participate in this forum. Otherwise, you get people signing up just to pimp and sell stuff.
Rare '91 RUBICON. ;)

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