Best skids / armor?

Actually I’m working up a set right now. If this thing works out I’m going to give them away as gifts this Christmas. And I’m NOT GIVING YOU ANY ASSHAT, SO DON’T ASK.

Holy cow, you see all them caps? I sound righter, and, and taller.
Dude, just run your skids. Holy shit. It's obvious you're happy with them. Be yourself. You do you. Others have opinions the skids are unnecessary. It's clear you don't care and that's fine. I've personally seen the bolts fuck up and cause major removal issues. But whatever. Just be happy with your purchase.
Actually I’m working up a set right now. If this thing works out I’m going to give them away as gifts this Christmas. And I’m NOT GIVING YOU ANY ASSHAT, SO DON’T ASK.

Holy cow, you see all them caps? I sound righter, and, and taller.
Watching your comments to my posts, are like watching segments about Trump on CNN. 👍
Holy shit dude - and you sound like the typical lefty unable to accept other's opinions. Grow a pair and run your skids and tell us in all caps later how much more heat you trap in, how many leaks you never noticed, and how much more lengthy maintenance is. (y)
Dude, just run your skids. Holy shit. It's obvious you're happy with them. Be yourself. You do you. Others have opinions the skids are unnecessary. It's clear you don't care and that's fine. I've personally seen the bolts fuck up and cause major removal issues. But whatever. Just be happy with your purchase.
I’m totally cool with OverlanderJK. He was razzing me about tail light skids on another thread so I was giving it back. Then admin. moved it here.
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Holy shit dude - and you sound like the typical lefty unable to accept other's opinions. Grow a pair and run your skids and tell us in all caps later how much more heat you trap in, how many leaks you never noticed, and how much more lengthy maintenance is. (y)
I’m actually not a leftist, that’s why the CNN joke. And what happened is, I was over on another members build and OverlanderJK was razzing me about skids. The whole thing got moved over to here.
I’m certainly not trying to defend my need for full skids. Whoever told you that is incorrect. I’m am saying one thing, if the only reason you’re not interested in them is heat, don’t worry about that. All the other aspects are far as difficulty of maintaining the vehicle, is true. That’s easy for me because it’s not a daily. If I’m in the Jeep it’s usually full on mode so investment protection is the cheapest route for me. Im over the topic until someone brings me proof. I hope we’re cool.
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I’m actually not a leftist, that’s why the CNN joke.
I’m certainly not trying to defend my need for full skids. Whoever told you that is incorrect. I’m am saying one thing, if the only reason you’re not interested in them is heat, don’t worry about that. All the other aspects are far as difficulty of maintaining the vehicle, is true. That’s easy for me because it’s not a daily. If I’m in the Jeep it’s usually full on mode so investment protection is the cheapest route for me. I hope we’re cool.
Tropical Force/ Wheatus
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