Best skids / armor?

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but I’m not having the problems that I’m hearing about. When I pull the trailer hunting, it has enough stuff for 6 people, 7 days which includes the wall tent and stove. I climb Cabbage Hill to get to our destination and it’s about 6%, 6 miles long. I’d call that a long steep grade. That little 3.6 is pulling her ass off. Looking forward to the diesel in the JT to take over this task. But anyway, this is the fourth year I’ve had the skids on and it sounds like the plastic under there is toast if skids killed a new Jeep. The way I read this thread, I’m in deep shit.
LOL - relax dude. Clearly, you feel a need to justify your purchase and we all get it. It would totally suck to have to admit that you've maybe made a mistake. So that it's clear, some of us are just trying to SAVE PEOPLE SOME MONEY by sharing our experiences and explaining why we think aftermarket skid plates are a complete waste of money. If you're happy with yours, if you're not having any problems - awesome (y)
To say the temps under the Jeep elevate is something I’m sure everybody would agree upon. To say skids are killers to the components under the Jeep, which is what a lot of people are contending, sounds like a good topic for a thread where we can see proof. Then we can look at it from a monetary stand point and make an educated choice. To warn people that they won’t like working on their equipment with them, I would say is up to the beholder.
LOL - nobody is "contending" anything. Some of us are just sharing what we've seen - things like how hard it is to replace a $2 broken bushing or changing out a drive shaft because of full belly skids getting in the way. Hell, I've even seen fires caused by transmission fluid being pumped out of the dip stick - don't know what made it so hot but hell, it certainly would never be heat. Granted, they were on a JK and back when they still had dip sticks but the fact remains. Don't like what you're hearing? Don't listen to what I'm saying and just keep on being happy with what you've got. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT - certainly not me (y)
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Dumb aftermarket skids aside, I don't know why but I can't help but not take that company seriously. I see so much praise about all their crap all over the internet and social media but have yet to meet someone who actually likes and runs their products.

...I just told you I run their products? Any intelligent person will say everything can have ups and downs and you have to weight risk vs reward. I bash my skid all the time and they stopped me from putting a hole in my oil pan which is a win. But they are heavy and add weight. I haven't seen any heat issues even in the brutal az summer but I don't tow trailers so I'll let others speak on that. On another note I see motobilt bobbed beds all over az and everyone loves them.
...I just told you I run their products? Any intelligent person will say everything can have ups and downs and you have to weight risk vs reward. I bash my skid all the time and they stopped me from putting a hole in my oil pan which is a win. But they are heavy and add weight. I haven't seen any heat issues even in the brutal az summer but I don't tow trailers so I'll let others speak on that. On another note I see motobilt bobbed beds all over az and everyone loves them.
Guess I don't know Everyone but he seems interesting. Lol.
I am relaxed. Not one word in all caps and I actually didn’t think I was justifying my purchase. Didn’t buy them. I can’t afford to buy fancy parts so I have to skab shit together the best I can. If I make a mistake, it would be really easy to unbolt them and go a different route, I’ve done it many times. That is not the case here. Ive had fantastic luck with mine and I wanted to explain why they worked in my application. My question was why don’t they work in my application, I seem to think they do.

I too would suggest saving people money, so let’s talk about what the negative effects are, and put a dollar value on that. With all the input on this thread it should be really easy to get all the proof we need to make a decision. If it’s inconvenience during trail fixes, that’s an opinion, but also holds value. I thought the OP was looking for input on aftermarket skids. Didn’t chime in because I don’t have any opinion on who’s best. It appears the jump to “no aftermarket skids needed unless you’re a dumbass,” is when I thought other opinions could chime in. No?
I still would love to hear from someone that has had a heat related issue that has set them back because of shrouding. I’m very close to starting skids on my current project so I’m interested in hearing what works and what doesn’t so I can pick a design accordingly.
I can’t afford to buy fancy parts


It was gift.
On sale.
I am relaxed. Not one word in all caps and I actually didn’t think I was justifying my purchase.
Cool dude and obviously you didn't think you were trying to justify your purchase. People like you never do.
Didn’t buy them. I can’t afford to buy fancy parts so I have to skab shit together the best I can.
I can. And, if I really thought they were so awesome, I can assure you that they'd be on all my Jeeps.
If I make a mistake, it would be really easy to unbolt them and go a different route, I’ve done it many times. That is not the case here. Ive had fantastic luck with mine
Yeah, we got that and like I said before and in all caps, AWESOME!!
...and I wanted to explain why they worked in my application.
Yeah, we got that too. Now pat yourself on the head for buying something that you clearly like.
My question was why don’t they work in my application, I seem to think they do.
Umm, I think we got that loud and clear.
I too would suggest saving people money
By buying aftermarket skid plates. Got it. let’s talk about what the negative effects are, and put a dollar value on that. With all the input on this thread it should be really easy to get all the proof we need to make a decision.
Since you seemed to have missed it, I already stated that aftermarket skid plates and the negative effects of them include:

1. They cost a lot of money.
2. They add a lot of weight.
3.They trap in a lot of heat.
4. They make it difficult to service your Jeep.
5. They make it hard to spot things like leaks.
6. They can make it near impossible to fix something like a broken shift linkage on the trail or replace a drive shaft especially if you have allen bolts that get mashed up.

The dollar value of sticking with the skid plates that come from the factory is that you don't have to buy anything else and take the time to replace what you already have.
If it’s inconvenience during trail fixes, that’s an opinion, but also holds value.
LOL - yeah, it's definitely just my "opinion" that staying up until 2 am, trying to get a screaming hot skid plate off enough to make a simple fix, on an event that you have to be ready to roll at 6am, is a bit of an "inconvenience".
I thought the OP was looking for input on aftermarket skids.
Since you seemed to have missed it, the title of the thread states "Best skids / armor?" Maybe it's just me but that would include the ones that comes on your Jeep when you buy it. And, guys like me gave input on them as well.
Didn’t chime in because I don’t have any opinion on who’s best. It appears the jump to “no aftermarket skids needed unless you’re a dumbass,” is when I thought other opinions could chime in. No?
LOL - right, because god forbid you're a dumbass.

In spite of what you're choosing to believe, we heard your opinion and I even said that it was awesome that you're happy with what you chose to buy.
I still would love to hear from someone that has had a heat related issue that has set them back because of shrouding. I’m very close to starting skids on my current project so I’m interested in hearing what works and what doesn’t so I can pick a design accordingly.
Obviously, I don't run aftermarket skids so I've never had the heat related problems caused by them. However, I have personally seen the negative affect of it with aftermarket skids. Just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't mean I haven't actually seen it. And really, you need to ask yourself, why would I make any of this up? What do I have to gain by trying to help people save their money?

As I stated before, if you're happy with what you chose to buy - AWESOME!! It's your money, your Jeep and you should absolutely do what you think is best with both. (y)

Peace ✌️
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Do they make a skid plate for the tail light?
If Jeep doesn’t properly protect your investment for your application, wouldn’t you?
Oh wait a second.
I first would ask someone who’s never had a set and get his take. Then I’d keep parroting that without any evidence of my own. Do I sound smarter now? And if someone came along that could prove otherwise, I’d stick my fingers in my ears and shuffle back into line. Asshat.
I first would ask someone who’s never had a set and get his take.
LOL - Because seeing them out on the trail and in person would never be enough to understand just how unnecessary they are and how they can actually be enough of a liability to not want them.
Then I’d keep parroting that without any evidence of my own.
LOL - Just because you feel a need to justify what you've chosen to buy for your Jeep doesn't mean that others haven't seen for themselves what works, what doesn't, what's actually needed and what's not.
If Jeep doesn’t properly protect your investment for your application, wouldn’t you?
Oh wait a second.
I first would ask someone who’s never had a set and get his take. Then I’d keep parroting that without any evidence of my own. Do I sound smarter now? And if someone came along that could prove otherwise, I’d stick my fingers in my ears and shuffle back into line. Asshat.
Sooooo…... is there a skid?
LOL - Because seeing them out on the trail and in person would never be enough to understand just how unnecessary they are and how they can actually be enough of a liability to not want them.

LOL - Just because you feel a need to justify what you've chosen to buy for your Jeep doesn't mean that others haven't seen for themselves what works, what doesn't, what's actually needed and what's not.
So if I’ve seen what works, and doesn’t work on the trail, what should I do with that information?
You seem to promote experience here like that’s what allows someone to speak with confidence. What if I bought my first set of 40s in 1986? What should I do with all the information I’ve been collecting since then? I’ve had both factory skids prior to, and full belly skids for 4 years now. Would that be ample time to at least somewhat have a feel for what I need for my application?
You keep saying that I’m promoting full belly skids. Not true. What I am saying is that I can prove, that what you’re advocating about full belly skids is inaccurate. That seems to bother you.
So if I’ve seen what works, and doesn’t work on the trail, what should I do with that information?
You seem to promote experience here like that’s what allows someone to speak with confidence. What if I bought my first set of 40s in 1986? What should I do with all the information I’ve been collecting since then? I’ve had both factory skids prior to, and full belly skids for 4 years now. Would that be ample time to at least somewhat have a feel for what I need for my application?
LOL - calm down dude. Like I keep saying, your Jeep, your money and you should always do what you think is best with both (y)
You keep saying that I’m promoting full belly skids. Not true. What I am saying is that I can prove, that what you’re advocating about full belly skids is inaccurate. That seems to bother you.
LOL - umm, never said you were promoting anything, just that you feel a need to justify what you chose to buy. Why that gets your panties in such a bunch is really a wonder to me.
LOL - calm down dude. Like I keep saying, your Jeep, your money and you should always do what you think is best with both (y)

LOL - umm, never said you were promoting anything, just that you feel a need to justify what you chose to buy. Why that gets your panties in such a bunch is really a wonder to me.
Watching your comments to my posts, are like watching segments about Trump on CNN. 👍
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