Baseball bat in car

No that's when you need the police.

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I was trying to find a cop that night. None of them were at the normal hangouts. After he seized his motor a casino security guard on a bicycle took the driver and passenger into custody. He only made it a few hundred yards after I took out his front end. Cell phones are way more common now than then. My phone was locked in my console that night. Removing the key from the ignition was not an option until the end. I was on the phone with dispatch as they were being cuffed. This spanned about twenty miles from the time I first noticed that car until they were in cuffs. No LEOs of any type were seen until after they were already in cuffs about ten minutes. Had I been carrying that night it still would not have come into play the way things went down. Training and instincts come out when under pressure. I was trying to evade the other car while looking for back up. A 91 YJ does not out run a hot rodded Camaro very well. I knew the streets were it ended very well and used that to my advantage. They followed me right to the casino security in the parking lot. Trust me bashing up my month old (to me) Sahara was not my first choice. It was just better than being in the cross hairs.

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I was trying to find a cop that night. None of them were at the normal hangouts. After he seized his motor a casino security guard on a bicycle took the driver and passenger into custody. He only made it a few hundred yards after I took out his front end. Cell phones are way more common now than then. My phone was locked in my console that night. Removing the key from the ignition was not an option until the end. I was on the phone with dispatch as they were being cuffed. This spanned about twenty miles from the time I first noticed that car until they were in cuffs. No LEOs of any type were seen until after they already in cuffs about ten minutes. Had been carrying that night it still would not have come into play the way things went down. Training and instincts come out when under pressure. I was trying to evade the other car while looking for back up. A 91 YJ does not out run a hot rodded Camaro very well. I knew the streets were it ended very well and used that to my advantage. They followed me right to the casino security in the parking lot. Trust me bashing up my month old Sahara was not my first choice. It just better than being in the crosshairs.

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Good plan and perfect execution. You used your head and stayed on top of a situation that could have gone south fast! A universal truth is that there is never a cop around when you need them most! Question for you, do you carry a firearm? If you do, I applaud the restraint and discretion to not resort to deadly force.... If you do not, would you have felt better knowing that if all else had failed you still had a fall-back option?

Please don't answer if you feel its none of my business, I just try to learn from other people's experiences and different perspectives to enhance my tactical perspective..... thanks.
I was trying to find a cop that night. None of them were at the normal hangouts. After he seized his motor a casino security guard on a bicycle took the driver and passenger into custody. He only made it a few hundred yards after I took out his front end. Cell phones are way more common now than then. My phone was locked in my console that night. Removing the key from the ignition was not an option until the end. I was on the phone with dispatch as they were being cuffed. This spanned about twenty miles from the time I first noticed that car until they were in cuffs. No LEOs of any type were seen until after they already in cuffs about ten minutes. Had been carrying that night it still would not have come into play the way things went down. Training and instincts come out when under pressure. I was trying to evade the other car while looking for back up. A 91 YJ does not out run a hot rodded Camaro very well. I knew the streets were it ended very well and used that to my advantage. They followed me right to the casino security in the parking lot. Trust me bashing up my month old Sahara was not my first choice. It just better than being in the crosshairs.

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Way to keep ur cool and do what needed to be done!

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Good plan and perfect execution. You used your head and stayed on top of a situation that could have gone south fast! A universal truth is that there is never a cop around when you need them most! Question for you, do you carry a firearm? If you do, I applaud the restraint and discretion to not resort to deadly force.... If you do not, would you have felt better knowing that if all else had failed you still had a fall-back option?

Please don't answer if you feel its none of my business, I just try to learn from other people's experiences and different perspectives to enhance my tactical perspective..... thanks.

Kind of derailing the thread, but not that night. I was working graveyard and got up late. At that time I was training almost daily to the tune of about five hundred rounds a week. One of the few days I did not carry. I t would have changed things because I would not have left the freeway. My console with the phone would have been unlocked. I would have called for a trooper to meet up with me. I tried to pull the console door open but instead it came off the floor and ended up in the backseat. Different may or may not have been better. I tried to shorten the story as much as I could. I saw they were smoking dope the first time I passed them. I did not want to find out how they were armed. When I locked up the brakes after u turning in front of the casino he hit me so hard the drivers door on his car would not open and the rear quarter panel was wrinkled. Use what is at your disposal.

I have been questioned about things in my jeep on traffic stops before. A bat would be harder for me to explain than the 4 foot crowbar on my backseat at 1am.

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Wondering what y'all thought about keeping a baseball bat in the car. I live in Texas and sometimes the drivers here aren't too friendly

Bat too long to use from drivers seat. Bat hard to explain on traffic stops. Having a bat may sound like you were out looking for trouble to a panel of twelve. Avoidance best course if at all possible then have plans B and C ready. Hopefully we are back on track.

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I have been questioned about things in my jeep on traffic stops before. A bat would be harder for me to explain than the 4 foot crowbar on my backseat at 1am.

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Isn't that the truth. I got stopped once on the way home from a church members baptism. It was really wierd. The officer then asked me what I was doing traveling that late at night. I told him and he continued to check the vehicle. There were some grass clippings in the cab from moving the lawn earlier that day....the officer reached into my car and started sniffing them. I looked at him like, what in the world. He said, "You'd be surprised ma'am." To summarize, you never know what people think. Best to keep any lethal looking objects out of your car.
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Isn't that the truth. I got stopped once on the way home from a church members baptism. It was really wierd. The officer then asked me what I was doing traveling that late at night. I told him and he continued to check the vehicle. There were some grass clippings in the cab from moving the lawn earlier that day....the officer reached into my car and started sniffing them. I looked at him like, what in the world. He said, "You'd be surprised ma'am." To summarize, you never know what people think. Best to keep any lethal looking objects out of your car.

What he did was illegal
True, true. But I guess what I mean is you never know why your going to get stopped. Better not to give them a justification with any unorthodox objects in your cab :D :D

No, you are right, they will pull people over and search illegally so best not to give them something to haul you in for. I was 16 and coming back from a baseball game with a bat (they gave them out to the first 1000 fans through the gates) and got stopped for the heinous crime of being a teenager in a hot-rod. Guy was going to take me to jail for having a weapon in the car. I had to prove to the cop that it was a 'door prize' and I was on my way straight (40 miles) home after the game. Not a fun intro to law enforcement.
No, you are right, they will pull people over and search illegally so best not to give them something to haul you in for. I was 16 and coming back from a baseball game with a bat (they gave them out to the first 1000 fans through the gates) and got stopped for the heinous crime of being a teenager in a hot-rod. Guy was going to take me to jail for having a weapon in the car. I had to prove to the cop that it was a 'door prize' and I was on my way straight (40 miles) home after the game. Not a fun intro to law enforcement.

wow :( I'm sorry that happened to you :( That kind of thing is super stressful! I think I would have cried, which probably would have made it worse :tearsdrip:
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