Baseball bat in car

In the eyes of the law, anything can be viewed as a weapon in the right context. Since you decided to start a thread inquiring about this subject, I can only assume that you intend to fit that context like a glove. I'm not saying that you will get arrested for merely having a baseball bat in your Jeep, but it will certainly throw up red flags to any cop with half a brain. Unless you can prove that you are going to, or coming from, some sort of baseball/softball event you will, at best, get hassled and earn yourself a spot on that officer's radar, and at worst, get charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Furthermore, the minute you decide use it for anything beyond baseball it automatically becomes classified as a potential lethal weapon and your day becomes extremely shitty, extremely quickly. It will make your subsequent self defense argument a much tougher sell, that is, if your lucky enough to even be able to mount a defense and not lying in the morgue with a 45 cal. hole in your chest.

What I can't figure out is, why, as an American citizen, you wouldn't just apply for a LTC permit if you are legitimately concerned about your safety? Are you a underage? An ex-felon? A baseball bat is only going to get you jammed up or killed.

Absolutely correct, and the laws and definitions change from state to state...knowledge is power my friend....the knowledge of the law, knowledge of verbal jujitsu, and knowledge of proper use of how you choose to protect yourself. Yes a bat on the car can get you jammed up, but the flashlight I mentioned will not...although the 6 cell D mag lite is extreme. In CT a gun is a deadly weapon, a bat, while not a deadly weapon, is classified as a dangerous instrument. A dangerous instrument is basically anything that specific design was not intended to be used as a weapon, but is capable of causing serious physical injury or death if used as a weapon. I have a 3 cell D led Mag lite tucked between the passengers seat and center is clearly visible to any law enforcement officer that may approachy vehicle in the event of a traffic stop. I choose to place this specific light in my vehicle for numerous reasons, but mainly because you should always have a good reliable light....and because I can and will use it for protection if needed. Its twofold as protection in an emergency, especially at night. The light is bright enough that I can temporarily blind a potential attacker, giving the time needed to provide space, yet heavy enough that I can disable an attacker that gets close enough.... Key being, they get close enough, not me approaching them. I have a permit to carry, but sometimes choose not to because of where I activities, events at public schools, if I plan on having a drink, etc.

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In the video, all ended well and they guy in the BMW clearly knew what he was doing. He made sure that the rednecks actions were clearly to threaten and harass...and knowing they were recording he even asked numerous times..."are you following me?" Trust me, it was no accident that he drove to the end of a dirt road where he was 'trapped' before he got out of his car. His actions were very calculated, and based of his actions, calm demeanor, and appearance...I'm sure he is/was in law enforcement in some capacity. My biggest problem in the video, and would be a point of question in a court, was him calling out the guys in the truck and constantly flipping them off. Those are actions that instigate a conflict....although I can't say I wouldn't have done that.

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my .45 says he would need a bigger baseball bat, in mass we do not have a "stand your ground" or "castle" Doc it has to be a fight or die type thing with zero chances for you to run or flee. but at the end of the day mylife is worth more and i would rather be "judged by 12 then carried by 6"
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Wondering what y'all thought about keeping a baseball bat in the car. I live in Texas and sometimes the drivers here aren't too friendly

Why in heavens name would anyone do that? Honestly, there are disturbed, inebriated, and unfriendly people no matter where you go--why would you want to join the crowd? The only way a bat would help you is if you purposely stop your Jeep and get out...and I have to ask, why oh why do that? You are only escalating the situation and more than likely will make it worse.

If your in a situation where you may be being harassed (IN your jeep) by a gang of Tuffs and cannot get away, then the best thing to do is call for help on your CB or call the police.
In the eyes of the law, anything can be viewed as a weapon in the right context. Unless you can prove that you are going to, or coming from, some sort of baseball/softball event you will, at best, get hassled and earn yourself a spot on that officer's radar, and at worst, get charged with carrying a concealed weapon.

so your saying that if i have my hockey skates and my stick in my jeep that i would need to prove that i am going to or coming from a rink or a pond? What if i have them back their just incase i come across a frozen pond and want to play? :idontknow:
What would happen...

YOU escalate the situation or argument by getting out of your car with a bat.


The perp Panics and either 1) gets back in his car or 2) stays in his car and then proceeds to run you over. End of story.
Bad, bad idea man.

Enjoyable conversation. A lot I agree with in this thread. Get a permit and carry! It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it!! Train with the carry gun you have chosen, stress reactions must become muscle memory if you plan on depending on them when your life of the life of those you love is on the line. Walk or run away from every potential conflict. Every time! The BMW driver in the video WAS wrong. PERIOD. he verbally engaged in the confrontation and his actions led to the continuation and escalation of the hostility. PERIOD. a court would find him culpable to some degree- count on it.

Walk or run away, talk the person down not up, give him your wallet and keys if it comes to that ( personal experience) but have your gun on you ready if he decides he wants to take your life as well. Train for the worse possible situation. Pray for only peaceful ones.

Either way, if a situation degrades to require deadly force prepare for a long painful court process. Prepare for the bad guy who made you shoot him to be portrayed as a choir boy saint and you as a right wing nut job killer. But rejoice in the fact that you and your loved ones are alive and well for the journey. Oh, by the way if you do everything right in the eyes of 12 Monday-morning quarterbacks who have no real idea of what it felt like having this choir boy try to kill you- when the criminal case is finally over, get ready for the civil court process to begin.....

My Montra is that I will never die as a victim. I do not delude myself into thinking that I am the shit and can triumph in every possible shitty situation that could and might happen, but I am confident that I will at least be an equal combatant in the struggle and not die on my knees!
so your saying that if i have my hockey skates and my stick in my jeep that i would need to prove that i am going to or coming from a rink or a pond? What if i have them back their just in case i come across a frozen pond and want to play? :idontknow:

No, not at all. Having that equipment in your car would certainly not cause any red flags to law enforcement. For one, hockey skates and sticks aren't nearly as commonly used for assaults as baseball bats are. Secondly, you having a bunch of equipment implies that you actually intend to use it to play hockey and aren't just looking for a quick weapon to beat someone with when they cut you off in traffic.

That being said, as soon as you decided to use your skates or stick in a fight, obviously, they would then be classified as weapons. Basically, with a full set of sports equipment, you will always look more legitimate than some dude driving around with only a Louisville Slugger behind his seat. I was more trying to make the point that a baseball bat is a shitty weapon in the eyes of the law and for the purpose of true self defense. To carry around baseball equipment all the time to disguise your "self defense" weapon is ridiculous. If the OP is serious about protecting himself from road rager's then he should remember that his best defense is to not pull over and engage the douchebags. However, if he seriously thinks it would be so bad that he would be forced over to the side and forced to engage in a fight then a baseball bat doesn't seem like it's going to be enough to stop the inevitable "whacking" that is about to occur.
No, not at all. Having that equipment in your car would certainly not cause any red flags to law enforcement. For one, hockey skates and sticks aren't nearly as commonly used for assaults as baseball bats are. Secondly, you having a bunch of equipment implies that you actually intend to use it to play hockey and aren't just looking for a quick weapon to beat someone with when they cut you off in traffic.

That being said, as soon as you decided to use your skates or stick in a fight, obviously, they would then be classified as weapons. Basically, with a full set of sports equipment, you will always look more legitimate than some dude driving around with only a Louisville Slugger behind his seat. I was more trying to make the point that a baseball bat is a shitty weapon in the eyes of the law and for the purpose of true self defense. To carry around baseball equipment all the time to disguise your "self defense" weapon is ridiculous. If the OP is serious about protecting himself from road rager's then he should remember that his best defense is to not pull over and engage the douchebags. However, if he seriously thinks it would be so bad that he would be forced over to the side and forced to engage in a fight then a baseball bat doesn't seem like it's going to be enough to stop the inevitable "whacking" that is about to occur.

Hack makes very valid points. I would add that often we forget that the very rig we are driving is an effective weapon if needed. The motorcycle vs SUV incident in NYC proves this contention. That guy seemed to have no alternative but to run one of the out of control bikers over. City traffic was his undoing or else I don't think he would have ever stopped. He was not charged in the incident despite "public" calls to the contrary. And to further illustrate my point. The bikers involved were portrait as guiltless on the media even after several off duty cops were disciplined for being part of the incident.
My Montra is that I will never die as a victim.... but I am confident that I will at least be an equal combatant in the struggle and not die on my knees!

Really? Do people really worry about this alot? I mean...dying in some kind of violent act? :( My biggest concern when thinking of death is dying in a nursing home :( :( :(
Really? Do people really worry about this alot? I mean...dying in some kind of violent act? :( My biggest concern when thinking of death is dying in a nursing home :( :( :(

I dont think you understand what he is getting at.... I get it cause I feel the same way. I can explain it on the 8th
Really? Do people really worry about this alot? I mean...dying in some kind of violent act? :( My biggest concern when thinking of death is dying in a nursing home :( :( :(

I had a minor panic a few weeks ago. I had never had this happen before but as I was laying in bed I started thinking to myself, before i know it i will be 30 and then 40 and then 80 (23 right now) and all of these crazy thoughts started rushing through my head like what happens when ai die and blah ba blah. This was the only time that I can think of when i have ever thought about that stuff but there were no violent thoughts.

Oh and Armydog seems to be saying that you must be proud, but be humble as well and live life balanced and handle all situations with the same balance. However i could be totally wrong.
Really? Do people really worry about this alot? I mean...dying in some kind of violent act? :( My biggest concern when thinking of death is dying in a nursing home :( :( :(

Beans, not worried but prepared. I guess we are all the products of our life experiences. I have seen enough violence for my lifetime. There are evil people in this world and random acts of violence are part of our world regardless of personal opinion. I don't mean to be rude by this comment, but watch the evening news for ten minutes any day of the week and tell me I'm wrong.

The newtown school shooting happened ten miles from where I am sitting right now... Mall shootings, the Boston marathon, car jackings... I could go on...

A wise man once said that paranoia is just a heightened sense of awareness. I would agree. I guess that I take Warn's slogan "Go Prepared" to the extreme. Besides, I don't worry - I carry!!
I would try to avoid the situation as best I could but if they were to pull up and stop me and and I had absolutely no choice and see that they didn't have a gun I would use a 6 D cell mag lite I bought today.
I would try to avoid the situation as best I could but if they were to pull up and stop me and and I had absolutely no choice and see that they didn't have a gun I would use a 6 D cell mag lite I bought today.

Mag lights are very durable tools.....
Too obvious if u keep a bat next to ur drivers seat. Even if u carry a ball and glove constantly, cops in jersey will get u for it. I keep a mace can clipped to the sun visor for those times where someone wants to get tough and get out and come up to my window, soon as u open ur mouth ur getting a mouthful of mace:thumbup::D let's see someone try and yell with a mouthful of mace, hell good luck breathing!

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......I would add that often we forget that the very rig we are driving is an effective weapon.....

Been in that situation with a '91 Sahara. After I was able to drive away, the other driver that followed me and tried to run me off the road multiple times over approximately twenty miles had his tricked out classic now totaled with blown motor Camaro towed after being arrested for battery with a deadly weapon. I don't think a bat would have helped that night.

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Been in that situation with a '91 Sahara. After I was able to drive away, the other driver that followed me and tried to run me off the road multiple times over approximately twenty miles had his tricked out classic now totaled with blown motor Camaro towed after being arrested for battery with a deadly weapon. I don't think a bat would have helped that night.

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No that's when you need the police.

Sent from my obama monitoring device
I would try to avoid the situation as best I could but if they were to pull up and stop me and and I had absolutely no choice and see that they didn't have a gun I would use a 6 D cell mag lite I bought today.

This is how I mount my 6D Cell MagLite. I throw it on the floor when I park, I know it's an inconvenient but at least it's always right in front of me when I need it. And it's also great to lean your portable devices on like an iPad mini. And lastly I converted it to LED with 1k lumens. I can pretty much blind someone just waving it at them for defense sake only.

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