Thanks notnalc68 for pointing me to this thread. I'd like to share an experience I had this past summer.
I stayed at the Western Hotel in Ouray, CO in July 2016. A couple buddies of mine were with me. After a long day of riding the trails, midnight was approaching quickly and we had still not found a campsite. Just outside Ouray somewhere along the million dollar highway, we drove up a trail that led us way up the mountain looking for a campsite. We couldn't find anything, and I ended up calling every hotel in town and every single one was booked for the rest of the night.
Eventually we found the Western hotel, and everything about this place was creepy; even the phone call was creepy. But, being as it was so late, we overlooked it and when she told us she had 6 rooms available at $50/night, I told her we would take them all. Now, looking back... there were red flags everywhere. Every...single...hotel in town, was booked for the night, yet this lady had 6 rooms available? And they were only $50/night??? I later found out there was only 12 rooms in the whole hotel, and one of them they didn't use... so 6 out of 11 rooms was available. It was so late and I was so tired, I didn't care. She said she had to drive 10 miles into town but she would be there. I raced down the mountain and back into town, and by the time we had got to the hotel, she still wasn't there.
Quite a while later, this lady pulls in to the parking lot and gets out. Heavy Russian accent, super creepy, and it was about 1am in the morning at this point. She opened the hotel and walked to the counter - dead silent. After paying for my room and saying my thanks for driving into town, I walked upstairs to go find my room. The grand staircase went up, and split off into two hallways. My room was room #12. I went right, and looked down the long, creepy, and dark hallway. My room was the last door on the right (I know, sounds like a horror movie title...). Okay, this was where I started to get a little creeped out. There was three lights going down the hallway, one above me, one about halfway down the hall, and one at the very end. The only light that worked was the one above me. Okay, I thought... no way this place is haunted. I'm just going to go down, and get a good nights rest.
So I walk down the hallway, open the door to my room (which the lock was broke off... so my key was useless), and as soon as I open the door all I could see was the window was wide open, and there was an old wedding dress as a curtain. The curtain was blowing in with the wind, even though it wasn't windy out that night. I reached for the light but low and behold, that doesn't work; who would have thought??? So here I am... 1am, have been camping for quite a few nights already, I smelt horrible, and I was standing at the end of a dark hallway in a room that the lights don't work. All I could see was that wedding dress flowing in the wind with the light of the moon reflecting off.
BUT, I still was just trying to brush it off and I figured oh well.. if this is the end, this is the end. I start looking for a spot to set my phone... and I find a journal. I open the journal and it's stories dating back as far as the early 90s, of people who stayed in room #12. This is where I lost it.... I went back into the hallway, found my buddie's room, and asked to crash on his floor. I was honestly too scared to sleep alone in that room after seeing that journal LOL. It ended up being three of us in one room, and the whole night all I could hear was things creaking above us (even though there were no rooms up there), weird noises in the hallway, etc. It was bizarre...
I looked it up online, and there's some pretty odd stories of things happening in that hotel. I'm not sure how much of it is true, but it's still exciting to read about it. Overall, now that it's over with, I'm glad I can laugh about it but at the time I'm not going to lie, I was a little spooked staying there. And in case you were wondering, no.... I did NOT get a good night's sleep. And I didn't even take a shower the next morning... lol.