Anything paranormal/abnormal/spiritual/ghosts/bizarre...etc.

Thanks notnalc68 for pointing me to this thread. I'd like to share an experience I had this past summer.

I stayed at the Western Hotel in Ouray, CO in July 2016. A couple buddies of mine were with me. After a long day of riding the trails, midnight was approaching quickly and we had still not found a campsite. Just outside Ouray somewhere along the million dollar highway, we drove up a trail that led us way up the mountain looking for a campsite. We couldn't find anything, and I ended up calling every hotel in town and every single one was booked for the rest of the night.

Eventually we found the Western hotel, and everything about this place was creepy; even the phone call was creepy. But, being as it was so late, we overlooked it and when she told us she had 6 rooms available at $50/night, I told her we would take them all. Now, looking back... there were red flags everywhere. Every...single...hotel in town, was booked for the night, yet this lady had 6 rooms available? And they were only $50/night??? I later found out there was only 12 rooms in the whole hotel, and one of them they didn't use... so 6 out of 11 rooms was available. It was so late and I was so tired, I didn't care. She said she had to drive 10 miles into town but she would be there. I raced down the mountain and back into town, and by the time we had got to the hotel, she still wasn't there.

Quite a while later, this lady pulls in to the parking lot and gets out. Heavy Russian accent, super creepy, and it was about 1am in the morning at this point. She opened the hotel and walked to the counter - dead silent. After paying for my room and saying my thanks for driving into town, I walked upstairs to go find my room. The grand staircase went up, and split off into two hallways. My room was room #12. I went right, and looked down the long, creepy, and dark hallway. My room was the last door on the right (I know, sounds like a horror movie title...). Okay, this was where I started to get a little creeped out. There was three lights going down the hallway, one above me, one about halfway down the hall, and one at the very end. The only light that worked was the one above me. Okay, I thought... no way this place is haunted. I'm just going to go down, and get a good nights rest.

So I walk down the hallway, open the door to my room (which the lock was broke off... so my key was useless), and as soon as I open the door all I could see was the window was wide open, and there was an old wedding dress as a curtain. The curtain was blowing in with the wind, even though it wasn't windy out that night. I reached for the light but low and behold, that doesn't work; who would have thought??? So here I am... 1am, have been camping for quite a few nights already, I smelt horrible, and I was standing at the end of a dark hallway in a room that the lights don't work. All I could see was that wedding dress flowing in the wind with the light of the moon reflecting off.

BUT, I still was just trying to brush it off and I figured oh well.. if this is the end, this is the end. I start looking for a spot to set my phone... and I find a journal. I open the journal and it's stories dating back as far as the early 90s, of people who stayed in room #12. This is where I lost it.... I went back into the hallway, found my buddie's room, and asked to crash on his floor. I was honestly too scared to sleep alone in that room after seeing that journal LOL. It ended up being three of us in one room, and the whole night all I could hear was things creaking above us (even though there were no rooms up there), weird noises in the hallway, etc. It was bizarre...

I looked it up online, and there's some pretty odd stories of things happening in that hotel. I'm not sure how much of it is true, but it's still exciting to read about it. Overall, now that it's over with, I'm glad I can laugh about it but at the time I'm not going to lie, I was a little spooked staying there. And in case you were wondering, no.... I did NOT get a good night's sleep. And I didn't even take a shower the next morning... lol.

View attachment 259219
That's frickin hilarious. Thanks for sharing.
My daughter hAd an imaginary friend from the moment she started talking (not any more thankfully) and she would reference "melody"

After about 3 years of this, we found out there was a murder across the street involving the young lady who lived in our house.

Care to guess her name?

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My daughter hAd an imaginary friend from the moment she started talking (not any more thankfully) and she would reference "melody"

After about 3 years of this, we found out there was a murder across the street involving the young lady who lived in our house.

Care to guess her name?

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Wow. That'll give you the chills. Our daughter had an imaginary friend when she first started talking and was extremely confident about it. We didn't even own a tv at that time, so not sure where she got the name from. But she talked about her all the time. I was always a little suspicious of it myself. Maybe there's some history there.....
Wow. That'll give you the chills. Our daughter had an imaginary friend when she first started talking and was extremely confident about it. We didn't even own a tv at that time, so not sure where she got the name from. But she talked about her all the time. I was always a little suspicious of it myself. Maybe there's some history there.....

When I found out I turned as white as a ghost and it felt like time stood still... like someone hit a pause button. Totally insane and I didn't buy into that stuff before that
I really really hate this fucking thread :shock:

My wife watches all of those stupid ghost shows. For some reason this ghost shit scares the hell outta me.
I always had Deja vu, as a kid to teenager. The first part would come to me in a dream. But I would never know the other people in the situation - it was the future (which I didn't know at the time) And the situation was always an argument or confrontation. So I'd wake up the next day and - huh that's weird, really odd, but I don't know who those people were.

By the time I was 16, if I started to feel the Deja Vu , I would just STFU, to avoid it. Because when the scenario was set up, all the people were there and variables present, it would start to play out.

These didn't happen a bunch maybe 8 times, and I think I only cut it off twice, but those 2 times it felt like I controlled the world.

I will say I have never spoke of this before, because I just figured people would think I'm crazy.

This is a great thread. I love it when it pops back through.


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Ok got one for u guys cuz I love this shit.... so my wife's bosses wife over sees a bunch of schools in the area were I live there is some old ass schools here anyway in one of our surrounding towns she was visiting a school to do an audit or some shit and the people working there had stories for her about the weird things happening at the school stuff falling over things being moved to different places on there own so the place seems a little creepy...anyway this is were it gets weird they tell her all the stories then they say they were taking pictures for ID cards for the teachers...the teachers would stand a pic would be snapped with a normal camera then they would download it to the computer crop it and put it on the card....well one stood out...they saw something in the background and when blown up here it is that lol so she took a pic of is sent it to her husband which sent it to my wife and sent it to me....creepy as hell I'd say looks like a creepy nun or bride or I don't know but I'd love to go check that school out IMG_3335.JPG

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I work in law enforcement, in So Cal. During a holiday weekend, a lady was working alone at a local church. She called because a subject had entered the building and had left the back door open. He was refusing to leave.

The building was huge and had multiple levels. We surrounded it and called for a K9 to help search. While waiting for the dog, we heard someone walking around upstairs... back and forth. We made announcements but He refused to come down. At one point we heard him throw something BIG and it sounded like he was breaking through a wall.

The dog got there, we searched SLOWLY and Methodically. Every room. Every closet. Every cabinet. It took over 3 hours.

During the search, We still heard him moving around and tossing things on the floor above us. We could literally hear him in one corner of the building, inside a large room.

The dog alerted to a small office within that room and went crazy. We opened that door, empty.

The whole place was empty.

We had the entire building surrounded. No way to get out. We heard him on the top floor, loudly marching around and throwing things.

Everything was in place. Nothing was damaged or disturbed. There was no sign that anyone had thrown or broken anything.

We did secondary and tertiary searches. Again looking in EVERY nook n cranny. We were certain he was there, hiding very well.


I cannot explain that.

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Awesome story!

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Ok got one for u guys cuz I love this shit.... so my wife's bosses wife over sees a bunch of schools in the area were I live there is some old ass schools here anyway in one of our surrounding towns she was visiting a school to do an audit or some shit and the people working there had stories for her about the weird things happening at the school stuff falling over things being moved to different places on there own so the place seems a little creepy...anyway this is were it gets weird they tell her all the stories then they say they were taking pictures for ID cards for the teachers...the teachers would stand a pic would be snapped with a normal camera then they would download it to the computer crop it and put it on the card....well one stood out...they saw something in the background and when blown up here it is that lol so she took a pic of is sent it to her husband which sent it to my wife and sent it to me....creepy as hell I'd say looks like a creepy nun or bride or I don't know but I'd love to go check that school out View attachment 260298

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That is creepy!
I have a couple of odd things I cannot explain.

One was when I was a kid my mom said I had a imaginary friend that probably wasn't so imaginary named "billy." She said I use to talk to him and play with him when I was a child and she came in on time and she said a toy was moving when I wasn't touching it and it freaked her out. My mom isn't one to believe in spirits and still denies it to this day. I remember my door opening at night and "billy" calling my name. One time I got up in the middle the night (I was about five) and followed him outside and was playing in the backyard. My mom says I was believes I was sleep walking.

When I lived in my apartment with room mates we had some odd things go on. Use to see shadows and here things move. One time I was at work and my room mate was in his room with his gf. We had a bathroom between our bedrooms and it was connected to min. Well the light kept turning on and off in the bathroom and he thought I was fucking with him. He then yells my name (I wasn't there) and heard a laugh and turned the laugh off and saw a shadow walk by. I never believed him until the same thing happened to me when I was alone by myself. Another one that I had happen was I was sitting in my bed with my door open. The kitchen was right out my door and we had a closet next to the kitchen. The door kept opening and I'd get up and close it. I was alone and getting freaked out. The last time I went to close it, as soon as I closed it and took too steps it opened, I turned around and saw a figure run into my room mates room. I left after that.

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I wonder why it is that so many of us have "déjà vu" dreams as kids and young adults then seem to " lose the ability?" Once older. I do this on occasion but used to dream very vivid realistic dreams that I would live (to the T) shortly after.

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I still have them from time to time. The one that has freaked me out is I had one about work and a coworker getting ran over by an rtd (rubber tire dozer) but it was someone I have never met before. Hope it never becomes a deja vu. Hope it never comes true.

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I have a couple of odd things I cannot explain.

One was when I was a kid my mom said I had a imaginary friend that probably wasn't so imaginary named "billy." She said I use to talk to him and play with him when I was a child and she came in on time and she said a toy was moving when I wasn't touching it and it freaked her out. My mom isn't one to believe in spirits and still denies it to this day. I remember my door opening at night and "billy" calling my name. One time I got up in the middle the night (I was about five) and followed him outside and was playing in the backyard. My mom says I was believes I was sleep walking.

When I lived in my apartment with room mates we had some odd things go on. Use to see shadows and here things move. One time I was at work and my room mate was in his room with his gf. We had a bathroom between our bedrooms and it was connected to min. Well the light kept turning on and off in the bathroom and he thought I was fucking with him. He then yells my name (I wasn't there) and heard a laugh and turned the laugh off and saw a shadow walk by. I never believed him until the same thing happened to me when I was alone by myself. Another one that I had happen was I was sitting in my bed with my door open. The kitchen was right out my door and we had a closet next to the kitchen. The door kept opening and I'd get up and close it. I was alone and getting freaked out. The last time I went to close it, as soon as I closed it and took too steps it opened, I turned around and saw a figure run into my room mates room. I left after that.

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Those shadow people are real. I myself have seen them and have known others in the same building that have seen them. No one was ever harmed by them, but they seem like they're on a mission just to jack with people. It's not like angels in the Bible that actually have a message to deliver, these shadow figures just mess with people for kicks. They scared me at first, but eventually we used to laugh about it because we began to see them so often and they never did us any harm. Definitely freaky when you're alone though.
Those shadow people are real. I myself have seen them and have known others in the same building that have seen them. No one was ever harmed by them, but they seem like they're on a mission just to jack with people. It's not like angels in the Bible that actually have a message to deliver, these shadow figures just mess with people for kicks. They scared me at first, but eventually we used to laugh about it because we began to see them so often and they never did us any harm. Definitely freaky when you're alone though.

I do agree. Really freaks me out is with my daughter from one to her being two now is watching things walk by and she pointed at something one time in a corner that I couldn't see anything.

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Note to self: never hang out with "Mybadjk".

He sees dead people.

I do agree. Really freaks me out is with my daughter from one to her being two now is watching things walk by and she pointed at something one time in a corner that I couldn't see anything.

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Kids are super in tune with that stuff. Just go with it. I see shadows in empty rooms in my old house plenty. Disconcerting when you see a shadow go past the shower curtain but no one came into the bathroom. I figure next time I will whip open the curtain and scare them to life....

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