Anything paranormal/abnormal/spiritual/ghosts/bizarre...etc.

Hahaha! :) that is funny you you find a talkin dog in your near future be sure to post

Sent from my iPhone on the west coast of florida
That would be freaky!

Edit: did you change rooms?

Nope thought it was kind of cool nothing else happened sadly but we stayed pretty wasted the whole trip so if a ghost tried messing with us we would never know it.
Damn you all! Guess who had a dream about aliens, evil cats, and talking dogs! LOL. Although the talking dog part was pretty cool, right up until I asked him if he liked cats. Then he freaked out and stopped talking.

I know, not exactly what the thread is for, but I thought I'd let you all know it is having tangible impacts.

Cats. Who knew.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

Obviously, you have yet to watch the movie Cats and Dogs.:p
Damn you all! Guess who had a dream about aliens, evil cats, and talking dogs! LOL. Although the talking dog part was pretty cool, right up until I asked him if he liked cats. Then he freaked out and stopped talking.

I know, not exactly what the thread is for, but I thought I'd let you all know it is having tangible impacts.

Cats. Who knew.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

Speaking of which, alien discussion appropriate for this thread or should me make another just for that? Lol
Great stories and experiences. Being born and raised Catholic, the Church teaches that souls are immediately judged as soon as we pass (heaven or hell). However, I personally believe, as does the Church, that angels and demons do exist and are very active. I also believe in purgatory. It is here where I part ways with the Church, somewhat (Catholics believe in purgatory, but no specifics (location, etc.). My personal belief is that purgatory is here on earth and many of the experiences and sightings (loved ones or otherwise) are in that half-way zone. So, I do believe in spirits and believe some carry messages, lessons, or warnings. Possible, in my book. Just my $.02.
For anyone that didn't read my post about how I look to possibilities more than anything and I think we do have a metaphysical form whether there is a god or not, I do believe we are beings of the universe (multiverse) and that the universe and nature holds all the mystery. The answers are all there its just a matter of where and how we look for them, but I came across these pics that I found to fit right into how I was developing my own beliefs. Even if you disagree, you have to admit this is really cool


Here in Tampa there is a historic city (ybor city) with a very dark history . First the pirates invaded killed and did what pirates do then the Cubans came and story's tell of slave labor(immigrants) would hand roll cigars if they weren't fast enough or died of the conditions they were thrown in the cellars and these 4 and 5 story cigar factories are the spookiest buildings at night to be around . The downtown area also was destroyed by hurricanes several times in the 1900's with mass casualties and deaths it's said when a hurricane comes close to tampa all of the victims spirits become active. Folk lore ? Who knows but definetly creepy areas

Sent from my iPhone on the west coast of florida
One of my own stories and a friends. To start and explain I used to (moved away) have friends that "said" they could see ghosts. I do beleive but was skeptical of both of them, untill I took the one who was from NJ to a local spot that was said to have something in the woods/trails. He had never been to the area and knew exactly where it was from driving past a few times. It was always interesting learning from him what to look for and stuff like that. To get back to what actually happened my family own a large warehouse that has an old office building that is seperate that we do not use. My friend and I went to basically just take some pics and explore a little (i was in a few times before). Literally every single door but 1 was open in the building. So naturally we had to open it to see what was inside. The floor has old tiles that are peeling up everywhere so the door was wedged open to where it couldnt be closed or opened anymore. We just barely slipped through the opening. After being around my friend enough to read him I knew something was up but he kept his mouth shut. He told me I looked directly at whatever was/is in that room and it also left and went right past me, then back in. I decided to leave after figuring he saw something and we were standing in the hallway when we both hear a very loud bang. He thought I kicked a piece of ducting that was near me and I thought the same that he hit something when we looked and the door was shut again. Deffinitly not wind or something else like that since we deffinitly had the door stuck when we opened it. Last time I was in the office building lol. He said there was also an older man at the one end of our building that wasnt bad, but did like to mess with lights and fans late at night. (old train warehouse)

When I was younger, while sitting in bed which faced our upstairs short hallway with another bedroom across the hall and a bathroom in between, around 3am I saw a black shaddow leave the bathroom and go downstairs. Scared the crap out of me. My mom also thinks she still hears things in the house once and a while. My cat also used to stare up at the ceiling and my skylight non-stop at times and it wasnt very easy to get him to stop.
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Anyone part of, or has worked with, any investigation teams (amateur or professional)? If so, has it changed your mind one way or another?
One of my own stories and a friends. To start and explain I used to (moved away) have friends that "said" they could see ghosts. I do beleive but was skeptical of both of them, untill I took the one who was from NJ to a local spot that was said to have something in the woods/trails. He had never been to the area and knew exactly where it was from driving past a few times. It was always interesting learning from him what to look for and stuff like that. To get back to what actually happened my family own a large warehouse that has an old office building that is seperate that we do not use. My friend and I went to basically just take some pics and explore a little (i was in a few times before). Literally every single door but 1 was open in the building. So naturally we had to open it to see what was inside. The floor has old tiles that are peeling up everywhere so the door was wedged open to where it couldnt be closed or opened anymore. We just barely slipped through the opening. After being around my friend enough to read him I knew something was up but he kept his mouth shut. He told me I looked directly at whatever was/is in that room and it also left and went right past me, then back in. I decided to leave after figuring he saw something and we were standing in the hallway when we both hear a very loud bang. He thought I kicked a piece of ducting that was near me and I thought the same that he hit something when we looked and the door was shut again. Deffinitly not wind or something else like that since we deffinitly had the door stuck when we opened it. Last time I was in the office building lol. He said there was also an older man at the one end of our building that wasnt bad, but did like to mess with lights and fans late at night. (old train warehouse)

When I was younger, while sitting in bed which faced our upstairs short hallway with another bedroom across the hall and a bathroom in between, around 3am I saw a black shaddow leave the bathroom and go downstairs. Scared the crap out of me. My mom also thinks she still hears things in the house once and a while. My cat also used to stare up at the ceiling and my skylight non-stop at times and it wasnt very easy to get him to stop.

That's pretty intense. Also, for those who don't know but 3am is a significant time for supernatural activity. Its said to be the demonic witching hour. Jesus supposedly died at 3pm and so 3am being the inverse of that, many demonic spirits like to operate at that time as an insult to Jesus. Being that what you saw was a black shadow and it was at that time that definitely wasn't something friendly.
That's pretty intense. Also, for those who don't know but 3am is a significant time for supernatural activity. Its said to be the demonic witching hour. Jesus supposedly died at 3pm and so 3am being the inverse of that, many demonic spirits like to operate at that time as an insult to Jesus. Being that what you saw was a black shadow and it was at that time that definitely wasn't something friendly.

Yeah the 3-330 am time was what scarred me the most, since I knew about that one for some time. I have tons of stories from my friend tho from places in NJ he has been (where he lives) but places that his friends will tell you they have never been before since it was that intense for them. I think it was called penwell (not sure on spelling) but he told me if I really want to start prolly seeing things or deffinitly see something he will take me and anyone else who would like to go. I can not get any friends to go lol. He has enough stories of friends who havve been pushed over small walls and very odd things like that. Also certain spots that are dead silent, and not a few feet away.

My room mate tells me about a road somewhere in pa thats not far from us that weird stuff with a vehicle or something happens on. I told him once I have some more lights for the rear that we will check it out lol. Ill be like a ufo on that road.
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Yeah the 3-330 am time was what scarred me the most, since I knew about that one for some time. I have tons of stories from my friend tho from places in NJ he has been (where he lives) but places that his friends will tell you they have never been before since it was that intense for them. I think it was called penwell (not sure on spelling) but he told me if I really want to start prolly seeing things or deffinitly see something he will take me and anyone else who would like to go. I can not get any friends to go lol. He has enough stories of friends who havve been pushed over small walls and very odd things like that. Also certain spots that are dead silent, and not a few feet away.

My room mate tells me about a road somewhere in pa thats not far from us that weird stuff with a vehicle or something happens on. I told him once I have some more lights for the rear that we will check it out lol. Ill be like a ufo on that road.

That's crazy. I've always wanted to go ghost hunting but only have done very amateur stuff. We should organize a Wayalife ghost hunt lol
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I was just in Gettysburg last week. With all of the death and destruction that took place on 1-3 July of 1863...if there is a place that would be haunted, that would be it.

You all have fun. I'll stick with my talking dog dreams.
I was just in Gettysburg last week. With all of the death and destruction that took place on 1-3 July of 1863...if there is a place that would be haunted, that would be it.

You all have fun. I'll stick with my talking dog dreams.

Oh come on.... don't be a woose sir
For anyone that didn't read my post about how I look to possibilities more than anything and I think we do have a metaphysical form whether there is a god or not, I do believe we are beings of the universe (multiverse) and that the universe and nature holds all the mystery. The answers are all there its just a matter of where and how we look for them, but I came across these pics that I found to fit right into how I was developing my own beliefs. Even if you disagree, you have to admit this is really cool

View attachment 50898

I knew all along that Men in Black was a documentary! People called me crazy :crazyeyes:

Oh come on.... don't be a woose sir

One of the USMC Leadership Principles is, "Employ your unit in accordance with its capabilities". In my case, ghost hunting is not within my capabilities. I'd only slow you down, much like Bill Paxton's character in Aliens. Game over, man!
One of the USMC Leadership Principles is, "Employ your unit in accordance with its capabilities". In my case, ghost hunting is not within my capabilities. I'd only slow you down, much like Bill Paxton's character in Aliens. Game over, man!

Lmao well played sir. You're missing out though
Halloween is this week so I thought this thread deserved a bump. :yup:

Anyone got a good story to add?
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