Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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The far left is as bad as the far right...there is no more middle ground...
I'd say the Far Left is not quite as bad as the Far Right. You don't see "Antifa" and BLM killing people and carrying AR-15's in the open carry into statehouses, or attacking the US Capital because they've been indoctrinated into a Fascist movement, Nor are they Nazis...

Don't get me wrong, I'm against any extremists, but they don't really compare Nazis to Nazis...
I'd say the Far Left is not quite as bad as the Far Right. You don't see "Antifa" and BLM killing people and carrying AR-15's in the open carry into statehouses, or attacking the US Capital because they've been indoctrinated into a Fascist movement, Nor are they Nazis...

Don't get me wrong, I'm against any extremists, but they don't really compare Nazis to Nazis...
You cannot possibly be serious with this comment.
I'd say the Far Left is not quite as bad as the Far Right. You don't see "Antifa" and BLM killing people and carrying AR-15's in the open carry into statehouses, or attacking the US Capital because they've been indoctrinated into a Fascist movement, Nor are they Nazis...

Don't get me wrong, I'm against any extremists, but they don't really compare Nazis to Nazis...
How many people were killed at the capitol on January 6th? How many had AR-15s?
I'll wait...
I'd say the Far Left is not quite as bad as the Far Right. You don't see "Antifa" and BLM killing people and carrying AR-15's in the open carry into statehouses, or attacking the US Capital because they've been indoctrinated into a Fascist movement, Nor are they Nazis...

Don't get me wrong, I'm against any extremists, but they don't really compare Nazis to Nazis...
I'll have to assume you're joking. Antifa and BLM are probably the most extreme and violent groups I've seen in my entire life time. And if 'death to white people' from the BLM riots isn't a 'nazi to nazi' comparison, I'm not sure what is.
I'd say the Far Left is not quite as bad as the Far Right. You don't see "Antifa" and BLM killing people and carrying AR-15's in the open carry into statehouses, or attacking the US Capital because they've been indoctrinated into a Fascist movement, Nor are they Nazis...

Don't get me wrong, I'm against any extremists, but they don't really compare Nazis to Nazis...
Lol. I don't the the folks in Portland or several other major cities across the nation would agree with that statement. 😂
Lol. I don't the the folks in Portland or several other major cities across the nation would agree with that statement. 😂
What was the name of that asshole that declared himself to be the Sherriff of CHAZ... That dude extorted everyone he could and had beat downs issued to the rest.
I'd say the Far Left is not quite as bad as the Far Right. You don't see "Antifa" and BLM killing people and carrying AR-15's in the open carry into statehouses, or attacking the US Capital because they've been indoctrinated into a Fascist movement, Nor are they Nazis...

Don't get me wrong, I'm against any extremists, but they don't really compare Nazis to Nazis...
I think you’re wrong...extremism is extremism...Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization, same as the Proud Boys or the Oath Keepers
Lol. I don't the the folks in Portland or several other major cities across the nation would agree with that statement. 😂
I've seen it first hand in Seattle...our spineless state gov't let the keepers of the asylum take a police station...then burn many places of business that are still closed to this day. It kills me and my wife to see the shuttered windows when you drive downtown...unfortunately many plans of a peaceful protest in many places are waylaid by those who want to effect change through violence...this is the reality of our times.

I also think this is what happened on Jan 6th...
How many people were killed at the capitol on January 6th? How many had AR-15s?
I'll wait...
The AR-15 open carry as I said was into a Statehouse. I said that the "or attacking the US Capital because they've been indoctrinated into a Fascist movement, Nor are they Nazis..." was the Capitol. And there were 5 killed during the Jan 6th Insurrection/Sedition attempt against our Democracy. Only 3 of which were killed due to violence, (A Policeman, One Trumper Shot while breaking through a barricade, and one killed by her own protesters in a crush to get to the front), two others because of Stroke and Heart Attack, not necessarily violence-related)

So here is for the Statehouse... Armed Men storm the Michigan Capitol
(And can be Cited from 100s of media sources internationally if you feel that Business Insider is Biased)

Here is an article on just one Meathead 17 year old with an AR-15 gunning unarmed people down in the streets. again citeable across 100s of media sources. 17-year-old gunman in Kenosha

Please Educate me on the many killed by BLM?? I have friends in the BLM Movement, and all of the protests stop at either Dusk or Just after Curfew imposed by Law Enforcement. the BLM "Riots" you see happening at night are not BLM, but the Lawless groups using the BLM protest as a front to wreak havoc. Trust me, I've seen it first hand in Boston. the BLM protest broke up at Sundown and blocks away there were Gangs and others already starting violence and looting before BLM even started to break up, using the BLM protest (where all the Cops were) as cover to Loot stores...

I understand what happened out in Seattle is different from anything I've seen. But reading about it across several media sources (I don't have any first-hand info) I read how bad it was, and I am sorry when businesses get damaged during a riot. And I see a lot about how the Police retreated out of areas and Protesters move in and then were not permitting the police back in, repurposing barricades to keep them out. But I don't see anything anywhere about Antifa (which is short for Anti-Fascism, which we all should be) is Killing people. in fact, the only mentions of killings in Seattle were of a Trump supporter that was killed after supposedly attacking Protesters Armed with a Glock, Bear Spray, an expandable baton, and a knife. Then several days later the Antifa Supporter/Protester that didn't show up at his court appearance in the shooting of that Trump supporter, was hunted down, found, and subsequently gunned down by the US Task Force and US Marshals. Here is the Wiki page about those incidents.

So Unlike the Far Right groups who all carry weapons and engage with the Intent and Purpose of committing violence, I don't see the far left doing the same, I see individuals within the crowds doing violence (out of Stupidity I assume), but not the crowd as a whole.

Here is a Guardian article discussing all of the Protest related killings in the US last year. 25 in total 11 of which were directly in the protest (2 Trump Supporters/far-rightists, 9 BLM/Other) and 14 in the Protest vicinity linked to the unrest.

I'm sorry, but yes extremism is bad, in either direction. BUT, you cannot look at a group of BLM and a group of say OathKeepers and say they are the same version of bad. The BLM group is in t-shirts and shorts carrying a sign, where the Oathkeepers are wearing body armor and either armed with Firearms or Melee weapons and shields. One group is there to Protest. One group is there with the specific intent to cause/execute violent acts...

Personally, I'm very Centrist as an Independent. I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats, as I vote for the person that I think is best for the position, I have guns, Knives, I'm a Prepper, but I'm also University-Educated, and believe in Democracy, and that every person in this country deserves respect and dignity until they prove to others that they no longer deserve that respect/dignity. But those people represent themselves, not their ethnic/religious groups...
It’s a good thing we didn’t have the internet in 1776 . Sometimes the only way to protect what you believe in is through violence like it or not. If the left keeps pushing there agenda down our throats they will push to far .
The AR-15 open carry as I said was into a Statehouse. I said that the "or attacking the US Capital because they've been indoctrinated into a Fascist movement, Nor are they Nazis..." was the Capitol. And there were 5 killed during the Jan 6th Insurrection/Sedition attempt against our Democracy. Only 3 of which were killed due to violence, (A Policeman, One Trumper Shot while breaking through a barricade, and one killed by her own protesters in a crush to get to the front), two others because of Stroke and Heart Attack, not necessarily violence-related)

So here is for the Statehouse... Armed Men storm the Michigan Capitol
(And can be Cited from 100s of media sources internationally if you feel that Business Insider is Biased)

Here is an article on just one Meathead 17 year old with an AR-15 gunning unarmed people down in the streets. again citeable across 100s of media sources. 17-year-old gunman in Kenosha

Please Educate me on the many killed by BLM?? I have friends in the BLM Movement, and all of the protests stop at either Dusk or Just after Curfew imposed by Law Enforcement. the BLM "Riots" you see happening at night are not BLM, but the Lawless groups using the BLM protest as a front to wreak havoc. Trust me, I've seen it first hand in Boston. the BLM protest broke up at Sundown and blocks away there were Gangs and others already starting violence and looting before BLM even started to break up, using the BLM protest (where all the Cops were) as cover to Loot stores...

I understand what happened out in Seattle is different from anything I've seen. But reading about it across several media sources (I don't have any first-hand info) I read how bad it was, and I am sorry when businesses get damaged during a riot. And I see a lot about how the Police retreated out of areas and Protesters move in and then were not permitting the police back in, repurposing barricades to keep them out. But I don't see anything anywhere about Antifa (which is short for Anti-Fascism, which we all should be) is Killing people. in fact, the only mentions of killings in Seattle were of a Trump supporter that was killed after supposedly attacking Protesters Armed with a Glock, Bear Spray, an expandable baton, and a knife. Then several days later the Antifa Supporter/Protester that didn't show up at his court appearance in the shooting of that Trump supporter, was hunted down, found, and subsequently gunned down by the US Task Force and US Marshals. Here is the Wiki page about those incidents.

So Unlike the Far Right groups who all carry weapons and engage with the Intent and Purpose of committing violence, I don't see the far left doing the same, I see individuals within the crowds doing violence (out of Stupidity I assume), but not the crowd as a whole.

Here is a Guardian article discussing all of the Protest related killings in the US last year. 25 in total 11 of which were directly in the protest (2 Trump Supporters/far-rightists, 9 BLM/Other) and 14 in the Protest vicinity linked to the unrest.

I'm sorry, but yes extremism is bad, in either direction. BUT, you cannot look at a group of BLM and a group of say OathKeepers and say they are the same version of bad. The BLM group is in t-shirts and shorts carrying a sign, where the Oathkeepers are wearing body armor and either armed with Firearms or Melee weapons and shields. One group is there to Protest. One group is there with the specific intent to cause/execute violent acts...

Personally, I'm very Centrist as an Independent. I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats, as I vote for the person that I think is best for the position, I have guns, Knives, I'm a Prepper, but I'm also University-Educated, and believe in Democracy, and that every person in this country deserves respect and dignity until they prove to others that they no longer deserve that respect/dignity. But those people represent themselves, not their ethnic/religious groups...
I’m curious...are you a black man?
I'm not going to try and defend a bunch of tactical LARPers in Michigan. I'm sure carrying guns into the statehouse is against the law and I condemn that completely. But the media reported over and over again that protestors at the capitol were armed with guns and that simply wasn't true. They also falsely reported a "policeman died due to violence" How exactly did officer Brian Sicknick die? Was his head bashed in with a fire extinguisher? Because that was the "Truth" for almost a month after he passed away. When in reality he died from a stroke a full day later. Why was Ashli Babbitt shot? Was she armed? Was she a threat to that officer's life or anyone else? Why don't we know the name of the officer that killed Ashli Babbitt like we all know the name of every officer that shot a person of color. Why doesn't she get the same treatment as every person that BLM has marched for? Again I condemn everything that happened inside the capitol on that day but to pretend like the story was honestly and fairly reported is crazy especially when compared to anything even loosely connected to BLM.
Antifa is not anti-fascist, it is anarchist. As far as I’m concerned, they deserve to rot in jail just as much as the far right groups that go looking for violent conflict. Put them all on an island and them them fight it out until both sides have nobody left.

There are some people who were part of the BLM protest who were not violent, were not racist, who truly just wanted people to have equal treatment under the law, and who wanted more accountability for the very few bad apples in uniform. I can respect the opinions of those select few.

However, I will never respect BLM as an organization, nor will I respect its leadership. Racism is not an effective tool to combat racism. Division is not an effective tool to unite. Anger and hate never, ever, lead to love and compassion. Separate is never equal. These truths completely escape the BLM organization and its leadership.
Here is an article on just one Meathead 17 year old with an AR-15 gunning unarmed people down in the streets. again citeable across 100s of media sources. 17-year-old gunman in Kenosha
You should watch the multiple videos of the shootings. Anyone who has would never say "gunning unarmed people down" because one of Rittenhouse's assailants was clearly pointing a pistol at him. Going to a riot is really dumb but he clearly wasn't "gunning unarmed people down".
you cannot look at a group of BLM and a group of say OathKeepers and say they are the same version of bad. The BLM group is in t-shirts and shorts carrying a sign, where the Oathkeepers are wearing body armor and either armed with Firearms or Melee weapons and shields. One group is there to Protest. One group is there with the specific intent to cause/execute violent acts...
Exactly… the BLM protestors are out burning down businesses, looting, rioting, fighting police officers and at times killing people. The others are just trying to protect their rights as Americans.
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