Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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For vaccine info, ask your local hospital...over 99% hospitalized for Covid 19 are unvaccinated...
If that's the case and us unvaccinated are being criminalized for not bowing down to big pharma isn't that a good thing for the "smart" vaccinated ones? I mean we'll all be dead soon and the vaccinated can go on and live their happy covid free lives. Why do people get so hell bent on what someone else chooses to do with their life?
Antifa is not anti-fascist, it is anarchist. As far as I’m concerned, they deserve to rot in jail just as much as the far right groups that go looking for violent conflict. Put them all on an island and them them fight it out until both sides have nobody left.

There are some people who were part of the BLM protest who were not violent, were not racist, who truly just wanted people to have equal treatment under the law, and who wanted more accountability for the very few bad apples in uniform. I can respect the opinions of those select few.

However, I will never respect BLM as an organization, nor will I respect its leadership. Racism is not an effective tool to combat racism. Division is not an effective tool to unite. Anger and hate never, ever, lead to love and compassion. Separate is never equal. These truths completely escape the BLM organization and its leadership.
Get out of here with your rational logic...haha.

I have two black supervisors who have openly talked about the discrimination they've faced and they both denounce what BLM stands for. That tells me all I need to know about that organization. Well and now the interview with the BLM person saying anyone flying the American flag is a racist.
If that's the case and us unvaccinated are being criminalized for not bowing down to big pharma isn't that a good thing for the "smart" vaccinated ones? I mean we'll all be dead soon and the vaccinated can go on and live their happy covid free lives. Why do people get so hell bent on what someone else chooses to do with their life?
Why do people get so hell bent on what someone else chooses to do with their life?

I wonder that all the time...
Antifa is not anti-fascist, it is anarchist. As far as I’m concerned, they deserve to rot in jail just as much as the far right groups that go looking for violent conflict. Put them all on an island and them them fight it out until both sides have nobody left.

There are some people who were part of the BLM protest who were not violent, were not racist, who truly just wanted people to have equal treatment under the law, and who wanted more accountability for the very few bad apples in uniform. I can respect the opinions of those select few.

However, I will never respect BLM as an organization, nor will I respect its leadership. Racism is not an effective tool to combat racism. Division is not an effective tool to unite. Anger and hate never, ever, lead to love and compassion. Separate is never equal. These truths completely escape the BLM organization and its leadership.
It is interesting that an obscure group formed in Germany back in the '30's has morphed into what Antifa represents today. They firmly believe in reform through direct conflict, as opposed to change through legislation (which democracy is about). In a previous post, a member states "Sometimes the only way to protect what you believe in is through violence like it or not"...this is a tenet of Antifa, as well as the multiple white supremacists groups that help spawn Antifa in the US. Not only does Antifa represent violent confrontation, but they are against capitalism and promote anarchy at every gov't level...
I don’t see how that’s any different than requiring you o wear a mask on their business. It’s a private business. Don’t like it don’t go.
Exactly my point. Vaccination is a bit more extreme than a mask though.

I'm not against Vaccination at all. In time I'll probably get it. I am against being "forced" to get it by coercion. All these businesses never offered incentives for flu shots, hepatitis vaccines, or HPV vaccines. Sure some of these aren't contagious in the same way, but they still are easily contracted. We shouldn't want a world filled with people who have genital warts. I'll take a free coffee to prevent that spread...haha
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Exactly my point. Vaccination is a bit more extreme than a mask though.

I'm not against Vaccination at all. In time I'll probably get it. I am against being "forced" to get it by coercion. All these businesses never offered incentives for flu shots, hepatitis vaccines, or HPV vaccines. Sure they some of these aren't contagious in the same ways but still are easily contracted. We shouldn't want a world filled with people who have genital warts. I'll take a free coffee to prevent that spread...haha
I don’t see it being more extreme. I was and am against the mask and I am against the vaccine. I will not be getting it and I don’t wear a mask. If I go to a business and they require one or both I’ll walk out or not even go in. No hard feelings. It’s their house not mine. When I will be upset and fight back is if they require that shit to be outside or in public spaces. Fuck that shit.
I don’t see it being more extreme. I was and am against the mask and I am against the vaccine. I will not be getting it and I don’t wear a mask. If I go to a business and they require one or both I’ll walk out or not even go in. No hard feelings. It’s their house not mine. When I will be upset and fight back is if they require that shit to be outside or in public spaces. Fuck that shit.
And the other thing, if the vaccine works why the fuck do people in LA have to wear masks again? That will not get others on board. Fucking joke.
My niece and about 10 of her coworkers at Garwoods just got covid. I think 7 of them (my niece included) were all vaccinated months ago.
I know someone who was vaccinated and just got the covid
My niece and about 10 of her coworkers at Garwoods just got covid. I think 7 of them (my niece included) were all vaccinated months ago.
#Fakenews! :crazyeyes:

Just found a fun stat about the flu shot that is pushed so heavily each year. During the 2019-2020 flu season the average effectiveness was just 39%. That means I still have a 61% chance of getting it even with the shot? I have on gotten the flu shot 3-4 times over the past 3-4 years. Prior to that I didn't and never got sick. Only reason I did was because if became protocol through my licensing medical authority.
#Fakenews! :crazyeyes:

Just found a fun stat about the flu shot that is pushed so heavily each year. During the 2019-2020 flu season the average effectiveness was just 39%. That means I still have a 61% chance of getting it even with the shot? I have on gotten the flu shot 3-4 times over the past 3-4 years. Prior to that I didn't and never got sick. Only reason I did was because if became protocol through my licensing medical authority.
Luckily for us covid practically eradicated the flu last year and the covid vaccine was advertised with a 99% effectiveness so people are actually safer than they used to be :unsure:
Luckily for us covid practically eradicated the flu last year and the covid vaccine was advertised with a 99% effectiveness so people are actually safer than they used to be :unsure:
No COVID-19 vaccine was reported with a 99% effectiveness against getting COVID-19...only not being hospitalized if you do get covid...currently over 99% of deaths due to covid are unvaccinated..


On December 11, 2020, this became the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive an Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), after the company reported positive clinical trial data, which included news that the vaccine was up to 95% effective at preventing symptomatic disease.

Sorry, I was off by 4%


On December 11, 2020, this became the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive an Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), after the company reported positive clinical trial data, which included news that the vaccine was up to 95% effective at preventing symptomatic disease.

Sorry, I was off by 4%
And Moderna


On December 11, 2020, this became the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive an Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), after the company reported positive clinical trial data, which included news that the vaccine was up to 95% effective at preventing symptomatic disease.

Sorry, I was off by 4%
and Moderna at 94.1%, J & J at 71%...these were the numbers produced at the clinical trails prior to emergency authorization by the FDA, which is a relatively small sample size...I suspect now, with much more data, those numbers may be a few points lower still...again, preventing symptomatic disease. What is really interesting is how effective they are against getting ill enough to become hospitalized ...
At this point, anyone over the age of 12 in the US can get vaccinated if they so desire. If they don’t, that’s fine too. That is an individual choice and the individual must be willing to accept the consequences of their choice, if any.

There is no reason to have mask mandates or anything else. People who get covid and make it through (which is still the overwhelming majority of people), acquire natural immunity that statistically is far greater than that provided by the vaccine.

I fully understand there is a tiny, tiny percentage of the population that is immune compromised and cannot get the vaccine even if they wanted to. While I feel badly for those people, I am unwilling to accept destructive widespread public policies that in reality are tailored to 1% of the population.

And, at least according to everything I have read to date, there is no scientific evidence that the Delta variant is more deadly than any other variant. It’s just more transmissible. The two concepts are not the same.
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