Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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All I know is that my son, his girlfriend and all the friends they have who used to make a living waiting on tables are all out of a job. Good thing $350 million dollars was included in the package to help relocate refugees :thumb:
Yep. More people die in auto accidents than this virus. More likely to be struck by lighting. It has a 1.5% mortality rate. 59k people have already died this flu season from the regular flu and nothing shut down no one went into a panic. If your older or have a compromised immune system sure take extra precautions but seriously this shit is so far out of proportion.
Yep. More people die in auto accidents than this virus. More likely to be struck by lighting. It has a 1.5% mortality rate. 59k people have already died this flu season from the regular flu and nothing shut down no one went into a panic. If your older or have a compromised immune system sure take extra precautions but seriously this shit is so far out of proportion.

On another note, have you ever been to the G.W. Zoo?
Yep. More people die in auto accidents than this virus. More likely to be struck by lighting. It has a 1.5% mortality rate. 59k people have already died this flu season from the regular flu and nothing shut down no one went into a panic. If your older or have a compromised immune system sure take extra precautions but seriously this shit is so far out of proportion.

On another note, have you ever been to the G.W. Zoo?

Do you watch porn?
Yeah they were ordered no dine in, not closed. They can still do to go and delivery. In fact Colorado even allows alcohol to go and delivery temporarily -we sadly don’t have that here, and I need a fucking pitcher of margaritas. Sounds like there were other factors to their decisions to shut. They failed or chose not to adapt. Still would’ve been a hit to their business but could of weathered. They likely still would’ve had to cut their employees either way, who are now covered under the expanded unemployment for up to the next 26 weeks also in the CARES act.

Not saying I agree with any of this shit but we’re here now and these are the options for people going forward. 🤷🏻*♂️

I’m currently out of memes. My apologies to the community 🤣

A dine-in restaurant cannot support its overhead (primarily rent and wages) by doing delivery only. That's why Domino's doesn't have room for seating. Besides, last I checked there were a whole hell of a lot of businesses on the "non-essential" list in most states that have no possible way of providing delivery services. "Hello, I'd like a hair cut to go. Oh, can you add a cardio workout to that and perhaps top it off with a dental cleaning. Thanks."
All this because “grown ups” don’t know how to wash their hands. My opinion this is all bullshit it’s not that bad the risk is minimal and the media has succeeded in whipping the public into mass hysteria.

One of the guys that works for me, a good friend of his passed away this morning. he was 35.
Bottom line, each of us has the absolute control over whether we, as individuals, get this virus. Each of us can choose to stay at home (or wherever) and completely isolate ourselves from every other human until the rest of the population is dead, immune, or whatever (even if it takes months/years). The question becomes how much of that choice are you willing to let your government make for you? How much are you willing to let your government decide for you what is, or is not, acceptable risk? Invariably, different people will answer those questions differently. Some people want their government to protect them from all of the ills in the world. Other people don't.
One of the guys that works for me, a good friend of his passed away this morning. he was 35.

Sorry for your loss. My aunt and uncle passed from this last night. I meant no disrespect I’m just pointing out that it could be worse and the reaction seems overblown. Be safe out there people
Restaurants can do what Cheesecake Factory did; simply stop paying rent and thereby shift much of the financial burden to its landlords.

...and rely on a gov't mandated moratorium against evictions. Should be interesting to see how all of that plays out in the long run.
Bottom line, each of us has the absolute control over whether we, as individuals, get this virus. Each of us can choose to stay at home (or wherever) and completely isolate ourselves from every other human until the rest of the population is dead, immune, or whatever (even if it takes months/years). The question becomes how much of that choice are you willing to let your government make for you? How much are you willing to let your government decide for you what is, or is not, acceptable risk? Invariably, different people will answer those questions differently. Some people want their government to protect them from all of the ills in the world. Other people don't.

Well said my friend.
All this because “grown ups” don’t know how to wash their hands. My opinion this is all bullshit it’s not that bad the risk is minimal and the media has succeeded in whipping the public into mass hysteria.


Yep. More people die in auto accidents than this virus. More likely to be struck by lighting. It has a 1.5% mortality rate. 59k people have already died this flu season from the regular flu and nothing shut down no one went into a panic. If your older or have a compromised immune system sure take extra precautions but seriously this shit is so far out of proportion.

One of the guys that works for me, a good friend of his passed away this morning. he was 35.

Sorry for your loss. My aunt and uncle passed from this last night. I meant no disrespect I’m just pointing out that it could be worse and the reaction seems overblown. Be safe out there people

It could be worse? just mentioned you lost family to much worse could it get?

Dr. Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, hired by Trump predicts best case scenario 100,000 to 200,000 deaths...Dr Anthony Fauci, from the CDC, says worst case scenario, if we do nothing like you suggest (since it's not as bad as the flu or auto accidents) says 1.6 to 2.2 million deaths...

I guess that qualifies as worse...
It could be worse? just mentioned you lost family to much worse could it get?

Dr. Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, hired by Trump predicts best case scenario 100,000 to 200,000 deaths...Dr Anthony Fauci, from the CDC, says worst case scenario, if we do nothing like you suggest (since it's not as bad as the flu or auto accidents) says 1.6 to 2.2 million deaths...

I guess that qualifies as worse...

I didn’t suggest do nothing. I said that the response is overblown. Take precautions if your at risk, wash your damn hands. Stop acting like it’s the damn apocalypse my aunt and uncle were old had health issues and were living in assisted living. It was really just a question of when. That sounds callous but it’s the damn truth again Be safe take precautions if need be
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