Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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My wife follows a bunch of teacher bloggers (since she was a teacher for several years) and this one shared some books to replace dr. Seuss books. IMG_7829.jpgIMG_7830.jpg I definitely want my wife to homeschool our daughter... fuck teachers like this

Also saw this last night
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It’s sad that this kids book even exists along with a few other books that is part of the series...


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It’s sad that this kids book even exists along with a few other books that is part of the series...
Put those in the waiting rooms of the doctors offices. Then the kiddos can read a new chapter every year when they get their annual Covid Booster shots...
It’s sad that this kids book even exists along with a few other books that is part of the series...
I bet it's conveniently missing the chapters about how we worked out asses off, and we're willing to get out and take risks in order to get somewhere in life, instead of sitting around blaming others for our lack of success.
I bet it's conveniently missing the chapters about how we worked out asses off, and we're willing to get out and take risks in order to get somewhere in life, instead of sitting around blaming others for our lack of success.
I always find it quite ironic when these millionaire celebrities and athletes (that happen to be black) try to lecture the entire white race that white people are more privileged.
My wife follows a bunch of teacher bloggers (since she was a teacher for several years) and this one shared some books to replace dr. Seuss books. View attachment 359654View attachment 359655 I definitely want my wife to homeschool our daughter... fuck teachers like this

Also saw this last night

That's straight up indoctrination. If only there was a program where we got tax vouchers for our kids and got to pull the money to another school of our choice if they were pulling this shit.
10-year-old transgender girl speaks to state Senators about attempt to criminalize medical transitions in minors
Fast forward ten years:

20 year old sues doctor, parents, and state of Texas for allowing his penis to be cut off as a minor. Texas settles case for $1B.
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