Ha! That's easy Mr. Flyboy, and I won't even charge you a dime.
(1) Abortion - I think it is unfortunate and sad that some people use abortion as a means of birth control, but I am absolutely against making abortion categorically illegal because doing so makes zero economic sense. If you want abortion outlawed, fine, then you can be on the hook for paying for the social services for 18+ years of all of the unwanted children (in the millions each year), many of whom will be born into poverty, single-parent households, and emotional squalor. I already pay enough in taxes and have no interest in paying more. Frankly, I don't understand how anyone who cares about long term economic policy can reasonably be in favor of making abortion illegal.
(2) Death Penalty - I have no moral problem with putting someone to death. I believe there are certain people who are so defectively wired that they have no place in our society. That said, I think the death penalty should be abolished. It makes no economic sense because it costs far more to put someone to death than it does to keep them alive and in prison forever. I could easily say that we should just apply it far less often (in less situations) but far more swiftly (with limited right of appeal) but, in reality, I know that will never happen because our Constitution requires a certain amount of due process. So, in the end, the death penalty does not make dollars and sense (see what I did there?)
(3) Illegal Immigration - neither party really cares about illegal immigration because both parties benefit from it. Frankly, the American people benefit from it. You want to stop it? Start putting the business owners and individuals who hire illegal immigrants in jail. Moreover, the immigration system is a train wreck because there is a huge incentive to come here illegally. It should be profoundly easier to come here legally and profoundly harder to come here illegally. In addition to that, unless you are willing to start paying $15 for a head of lettuce, we need to seriously look at expanding our migrant worker programs (don't tell me that jobs are being taken from Americans...I haven't met an American yet that is willing to pick vegetables in the hot central valley heat, or clean toilets and rooms at hotels, for $5 an hour).
(4) Gun Control - you do not have some "God" given right to own whatever the hell you want to own and use it in whatever the hell way you want to use it. We live in a nation of laws. Those laws were created by people...not by some benevolent "God". In a civilized society, people have to be willing to make compromises that balance social utility with social risk. That same balancing act must be applied to gun ownership. Sorry, but you don't get to have a rocket launcher...or armor piercing bullets.
(5) Gay Marriage - If you think gay marriage lessens the value and legitimacy of your own marriage, then I feel badly for your spouse. Regardless, it's difficult for me to hear people complain about the degradation of marriage when more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce and an even greater number of marriages suffer through physical and mental abuse, and infidelity. In my opinion, the government should not be in the business of marriage at all. I don't need local officials telling me that my love for my wife is real or legitimate any more than I need your church to do so.
I have a feeling that your God (and related teachings) guide who you are and what you think. That's great, I have no issue with that...until you start telling me that I have to have the same beliefs.
As an aside, I find it ironic that you continue to make quips about me being a lawyer, and about your belief that I don't have a position unless I am paid to have one. Of the two of us, you (the pilot and trucker) are the one who gets paid to take people where they want to go, or to haul people's shit to where they want it hauled. I'm pretty sure that makes you the bitch, not me.
“Mic” drop. Seems fitting here.