Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Case and point. This popped up on my wife's Facebook feed. Don't know the couple, but I doubt a mask is protecting her. I don't wish anyone to get sick or lose their life, however if they were so concerned about getting sick why did they go on vacation a month ago? Thays the issue im having. Its not my job to keep others safe. Its my job to keep myself and family safe using the information provided.

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I like the line “I’ll spare you the awful details”

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Apparently in Kentucky, if you test positive for the Rona and refuse to sign away your civil liberties to a contact tracer, you get to wear ankle bracelets until you have a negative test.

Now even less people will get tested because of this states response instead of handling it in a responsible manor. Genius.

2015 JKUR AEV JK350
1985 CJ8 Scrambler

Less tests the numbers should start dropping

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I wonder how many of these mask nazis, screaming at everyone they see, are taking steps to get healthier. Like lose some weight, get active, stop smoking, etc. I know the answer. None. The truth is, this virus will come for all of us, eventually. Once in circulation, it will make its way around. If and when they figure out a vaccine, I won't be lining up to be first.
But, remember, these same screamers will be demanding the govt. force us all to take it.
And that is when shit will really hit the fan.
I wonder how many of these mask nazis, screaming at everyone they see, are taking steps to get healthier. Like lose some weight, get active, stop smoking, etc. I know the answer. None. The truth is, this virus will come for all of us, eventually. Once in circulation, it will make its way around. If and when they figure out a vaccine, I won't be lining up to be first.
But, remember, these same screamers will be demanding the govt. force us all to take it.
And that is when shit will really hit the fan.
My new response to people who give me shit for not wearing a mask is. "Well you're wearing one to protect me so I'm good"

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But, remember, these same screamers will be demanding the govt. force us all to take it.

And that is when shit will really hit the fan.

There is a fair chance that will happen if a large enough percent of the population does not voluntarily agree to take the vaccine.

And unfortunately, many Constitutional
scholars contend that it is permissible for the gov’t to forcibly give you a vaccine if the public health emergency is deemed severe enough...regardless of your religious beliefs or theoretical risk factors to vaccinations.

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I rescued this little guy by my work elevator. He was baking in the sun.


I love the irony of using a mask to save a bat. I placed him somewhere safe, still in the mask, because you know...masks save lives.

I think he may have coughed on me though...dammit!

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