The whole mask thing is just so stupid. It's just a way to give a visible presence to a problem that no longer really exists. Sure, "cases" are on the rise but so is testing. Across the board, "deaths" are on the decline and recoveries are on the climb but no on in the MSM seems to be talking about that.
I'll be honest, it annoyed me to no end that companies like Costco implemented their own mask rule a while back but as a private business, I could respect their decision to do so. It is their right just as it is my right not to shop there. What's really pissing me off is the GOVERNMENT "mandating" this shit and forcing everyone to just shut up and obey. Even worse, they're essentially using this mask bullshit to pit Americans against each other and get loyalists to rat out anyone who doesn't comply. This is the kind of shit East Germans lived through during the cold war and North Koreans still live through today.