Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Sums up my thoughts...

Over the years there has been a steady erosion of social mores.
This "social distancing" BS has caused many to loose what little bit of courtesy to others they may have had left.

On the other hand, some people are going out of their way to be polite and courteous. It's like we have devolved into one extreme or the other.
On the other hand, some people are going out of their way to be polite and courteous. It's like we have devolved into one extreme or the other.
This is true of damn near everything. There’s no middle ground anywhere anymore.

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Thing that gets me, is that the way this has been handled has definitely been more about the politics. It’s a given the left wants trump out so bad even they are dumb enough to vote for senile, creepy, Biden. However, how to make it a sweep? I noticed Obama had been really quiet. Then he finally endorses Biden. What kind of back room deal happened to urge that along. I have this sneaky suspicion we may see Michelle pop up as Biden’s running mate, then everyone goes wild. Because, fuck whether she’s qualified, she’s A. Black, B, female, C an Obama. Give it a couple months, Biden “steps down” due to health issues and Michelle is running the show. I may be wrong, but if I was on the other side, that’s how I’d play it and the only real way I see the Dems having a hope in hell of winning.

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Thing that gets me, is that the way this has been handled has definitely been more about the politics. It’s a given the left wants trump out so bad even they are dumb enough to vote for senile, creepy, Biden. However, how to make it a sweep? I noticed Obama had been really quiet. Then he finally endorses Biden. What kind of back room deal happened to urge that along. I have this sneaky suspicion we may see Michelle pop up as Biden’s running mate, then everyone goes wild. Because, fuck whether she’s qualified, she’s A. Black, B, female, C an Obama. Give it a couple months, Biden “steps down” due to health issues and Michelle is running the show. I may be wrong, but if I was on the other side, that’s how I’d play it and the only real way I see the Dems having a hope in hell of winning.

I don't think Michelle Obama is a female. I could be wrong though.
Here's one we can all agree on.

And the sooner the better


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This is the same media that wants us to believe everything they say.


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