Any interest in Google Earth and trails?

Not sure why your having a hard time understanding this H8. It was asked to keep it off the forum. End of discussion beyond that.

So out of east coast curiosity, all trails are online and mapped here, how do responsible people from other parts of the country plan trips out west?
So out of east coast curiosity, all trails are online and mapped here, how do responsible people from other parts of the country plan trips out west?

There are tons of trails that are public knowledge and already mapped out. The issue at hand is for those trails that are not mapped out already staying that way. This keeps asshats from going out and destroying them with graffiti and ruining the standing structures that are still standing! A good example is the Defense mine trail that Eddie has a video off. If you know the trail then you know where it is. You don't post up gps locations and such giving it away. If people what to run it then you show them or speak to them privately. That is the only way to keep these places free from destruction
Maybe it's just a Nevada thing but out here, posting up trails on the internet is typically looked at as being bad form. It's hard enough to keep the douchebags away and ruining it for everyone. If you guys do something, I'd be grateful if you kept the exchange of information PRIVATE or at least, off of WAYALIFE.

Two thumbs up for this! It is different talking trails with people you know personally and trust, putting location info on the open internet is begging for d!(k h*^ds to trash up a trail and get it shut down.
Oops! Sorry, late to the party and just had to respond before I finished the thread (I'm too impatient). Shoulda known you guys were already all over this ^^
Yea, like everyone else said...keep the trails off the public spectrum. It's just opening it up to people that "come across them", rather than doing their research and finding them from sites that are dedicated to detail them, which are out there. By putting trails on google maps, you are somewhat taking the "enthusiast" attitude out of it...
There are tons of trails that are public knowledge and already mapped out. The issue at hand is for those trails that are not mapped out already staying that way. This keeps asshats from going out and destroying them with graffiti and ruining the standing structures that are still standing! A good example is the Defense mine trail that Eddie has a video off. If you know the trail then you know where it is. You don't post up gps locations and such giving it away. If people what to run it then you show them or speak to them privately. That is the only way to keep these places free from destruction

Ok cool I didn't realize that's what they were doing. I thought they were doing the public trails. We all have our own spots that we like to keep on the side.
Yea, like everyone else said...keep the trails off the public spectrum. It's just opening it up to people that "come across them", rather than doing their research and finding them from sites that are dedicated to detail them, which are out there. By putting trails on google maps, you are somewhat taking the "enthusiast" attitude out of it...

Google earth. Not maps. Big difference.
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