Ah, that's how this place got it's reputation huh

I never claimed I would leave on my own, I predicted I would down the line but that's it lol.

:sigh: Fair enough. Being that you "predicted" you "wouldn't want to stick around here eventually" and that it "happened so fast", how about you man up and live up to that prediction. Don't talk about it, be about it!
I'm going to watch Trailer Park Boys. I'll talk to you fine gents later, unless Eddie mans up and boots me ;) :cheesy:
I'm going to watch Trailer Park Boys. I'll talk to you fine gents later, unless Eddie mans up and boots me ;) :cheesy:

Funny, you came looking for my tiny forum you say is a "cult", purposefully signed up to be a member on it in spite of your "prediction" that you "wouldn't want to stick around here eventually" and even though nobody here like you, it is I who somehow needs to give you the "boot" in order to be a man. Yeah, got it.
I'll send you $2 for the sticker eddie, will that settle? :D PM me your PayPal

As you said yourself, you were given the decal for free so really, the only thing you're guilty of is how you chose to respond to others asking you about it.
If a 2x2 sticker on my rig is such a problem for you or anyone else, I told you to talk to a lawyer. Or boot me, I don't care honestly.

So if you found out your seat covers were stolen, would you continue to use them? You now know that a Jeep club stole a copyrighted logo that is on your rig. How can you in good conscious continue to use it? Have you gone too far down the rabbit hole to man up and do the right thing? Show us you have integrity...
I love the arrogance of most people these days. I would just like to point out that I'm not originally from Florida, although, as good friend once said, "Stupidity knows no geographical boundary.". Just saying...LOL
Well that was an entertaining 10 minutes. I did learn that the first PM was not auto sent and I now feel bad I did not reply, and i saved(stole) the fire roads picture, that was funny. See this thread ended up being educational and entertaining for a new member. Thanks from a super new guy enjoying what you all built after eddie's hard work.
I just don't get it. All it would have taken would have been something along the lines of "Oh well when I received them I was unaware of the trademark, I'll take them off out of respect", but instead he had to turn it into this. People amaze me.
I just don't get it. All it would have taken would have been something along the lines of "Oh well when I received them I was unaware of the trademark, I'll take them off out of respect", but instead he had to turn it into this. People amaze me.

That's because now-a-days nobody is responsible for anything. It's always someone else's fault.
The last PM I got from him - just for the record.

wayoflife said:
Amick218 said:
wayoflife said:
Amick218 said:
wayoflife said:
Funny, seems to me like your PM's are working just fine :naw:

Testing testing. It wasn't letting my send out, lemme see if it works..

Sure it wasn't :naw:

Now, if you're done, maybe you can go back to one of the other awesome forums out there that are filled with tons of great people.

It wasn't...maybe it was phone.

I didn't want it to end this way Eddie.. Lol

Well, you did predict it.
Lol they're regular green color, just poor lighting under the car port. They're handy for this fella.

I had the same thought when I saw the picture :)

(Oops! I responded to the post as I was reading, and totally missed the impending degradation. Then I got so caught up in the read, I forgot that I posted this[emoji85] Took me by surprise when I got to the end and saw my post.)
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I just don't get it. All it would have taken would have been something along the lines of "Oh well when I received them I was unaware of the trademark, I'll take them off out of respect", but instead he had to turn it into this. People amaze me.

That's exactly how I feel. I feel Frank, JAGS, and myself were more than willing to let it go and give this guy a decent chance when the issue first came up. But he clearly had no respect at all for this place nor does he even still understand the situation. And even if the sticker hadn't been on his rig at all, he has made it more than clear that he didn't really want to be here anyway.
You don't see the problem with a guy getting pissed about people stealing his design and using it for the logo of their club? I bet you have a whole room full of participation trophies and ribbons that your parents proudly show off to the neighbors because I'm sure you still live at home. I mean after you finished the 6 years of junior college they couldn't expect you to get out on your own so they probably let you continue living at home while you "figure things out". Instead of getting out and finding a job that would take you somewhere, you're still holding out for that management position that's owed to you. In the meantime you'll continue driving the jeep they bought you and modding it with the birthday money your grandma gives you every year.

You're part of his entitled fucking culture that's too lazy to get out and earn their way in this world. Instead of your club seasoning their own shit, they rip Eddie off instead and in your eyes that's ok. Fucking pathetic. Now go to your safe space and reflect on how much the world hurts and how unfair it is that people here don't agree with you.

Jesus! For a minute there I thought you were talking about my sister but then you got to the jeep part.
Ah, that's how this place got it's reputation huh.

Actually, I came in with good intentions, but you had to have a power trip. I knew I wouldn't want to stick around here eventually, just didn't think it'd happen so fast.

I think you might be able to relate to this song. It's clearly about people like you.


As a side note how good was 90s Aus Punk? I think I saw Frenzal Rhomb live a good 10 times in the late 90s
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