Ah, that's how this place got it's reputation huh

I've been down this road with JK Forum....coincidence? Oh no...same guy, same cult. :crazyeyes:

Please transfer this thread to the I hate Eddie/Wayalife thread.

Kidding, I still don't hate you. You messaged me and welcomed me immediately upon sign up. I apologize for the sticker, but I think it was unnecessary to harp all over me about it. Go harp the people selling them or giving them out.

I think I'll stick around, keep things lively ;) unless I'm banned, but then you guys would get bored, it must be fun having a live one on the hook, with the census being so low in here and all..

You mistook an auto response for a caring note. How cute. Sorry, never saw any resemblance of an apology for the sticker. Nor was an apology even asked for.

At this point you are not welcomed here. "Cult".....ha ha. Let's see you forgot another troll favorite about "coolaid". You really are a:


Aren't you.

Yeah, we care about census. It's fucking 2pm on a Thursday. Some of us are lucky enough to browse at work.
You mistook an auto response for a caring note. How cute. Sorry, never saw any resemblance of an apology for the sticker. Nor was an apology even asked for.

At this point you are not welcomed here. "Cult".....ha ha. Let's see you forgot another troll favorite about "coolaid". You really are a:

View attachment 196848

Aren't you.

Yeah, we care about census. It's fucking 2pm on a Thursday. Some of us are lucky enough to browse at work.
First one was auto response, not the correspondence thereafter. A for effort though!

If I'm not welcome here, drop the ban hammer. Don't talk about it, be about it! :cheesy:
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First one was auto response, not the correspondence thereafter. A for effort though!

If I'm not welcome here, drop the ban hammer. Don't talk about it, be about it! :cheesy:

You aren't welcome here, but still want to stick around for some reason......
First one was auto response, not the correspondence thereafter. A for effort though!

If I'm not welcome here, drop the ban hammer. Don't talk about it, be about it! :cheesy:

You wish it was that simple. We're about jeeping and having fun. We hold no hammers. We'll just take turns commenting how lame and sorry you are when we each have a minute or two. There are 20k of us and one of you. We've got all the time in world. Have fun with your thread.
You wish it was that simple. We're about jeeping and having fun. We hold no hammers. We'll just take turns commenting how lame and sorry you are when we each have a minute or two. There are 20k of us and one of you. We've got all the time in world. Have fun with your thread.
About jeeping and having fun? I know all about that. You could've fooled me though.

20k...damn, you think I would've seen atleast ONE Wayalife decal in person by the age of 29.
About jeeping and having fun? I know all about that. You could've fooled me though.

20k...damn, you think I would've seen atleast ONE Wayalife decal in person by the age of 29.

Funny you have a jk logo on your jeep dumbfuck
Reading comprehension, not your strong suit my friend.

I said Wayalife banner.

Also, it's a pirated jk logo and design, not sure if that would've counted anyway.

Kinda slow aren't you. Jk logo is Wayalife. It's one in the same.

You are getting boring. Any new lines ?
Kinda slow aren't you. Jk logo is Wayalife. It's one in the same.

You are getting boring. Any new lines ?

Good recovery attempt.

You know Amick, I have to thank you. I have come to this website to learn from other people's mistakes. I just learned something from you and for that, I am grateful. Please keep being a douche bag so that others can continue to learn from you. You add a great service to human kind by showing what not to do and how not to be. Thank you.
All of this over a 2x2 sticker. That is intellectual property and belongs to someone. Who makes a living promoting their brand.

You're right, shame on us. We should have pampered you like the miss guided millenial that you are.
Good recovery attempt.

Obviously in "29years" you haven't made much money so grandma stepped up and had to knit you some seat covers but seriously if you want to post non "Poser" pics please take them on something other than a fire road please.
blah blah bullshit, etc...........20k...damn, you think I would've seen atleast ONE Wayalife decal in person by the age of 29.

Funny you have a jk logo on your jeep dumbfuck

Reading comprehension, not your strong suit my friend.

I said Wayalife banner.....blah blah more bullshit

Kinda slow aren't you. Jk logo is Wayalife. It's one in the same.

Just for the record, you didn't say 'banner,' you said 'decal.' Either way, you're still a jackass. You've made it clear from the beginning you don't know much about the stickers on your Jeep.
You mistook an auto response for a caring note.

First one was auto response, not the correspondence thereafter. A for effort though!

To be fair, I really do send out the welcome PM's. I don't get to everyone but I try to get who I can when I can. If people are nice enough to respond, I do respond in kind.

If I'm not welcome here, drop the ban hammer. Don't talk about it, be about it! :cheesy:

Being that you "knew you wouldn't want to stick around here eventually" and that it "happened so fast", just man up and leave already. Don't talk about it, be about it! :thumb:
About jeeping and having fun? I know all about that. You could've fooled me though.

20k...damn, you think I would've seen atleast ONE Wayalife decal in person by the age of 29.
And you won't see one as long as your head is still shoved so far up your ass! Just leave now and take your 2" with you.
20k...damn, you think I would've seen atleast ONE Wayalife decal in person by the age of 29.

Yeah, this is just a piss ant forum with nobody on it. How you found it at all will remain one of life's great mysteries. That you would actually chose to sign up on such a loser forum at all and actually try to be a contributing member on it in spite of what you think about it will remain a mystery to me.

Reading comprehension, not your strong suit my friend.

I said Wayalife banner.

Thought comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong suit my friend, I do believe you said "decal", NOT "banner" - there is a difference.

Also, it's a pirated jk logo and design, not sure if that would've counted anyway.

Being that it's my logo that represents my interests, it counts to me that it's been pirated.

Kinda slow aren't you. Jk logo is Wayalife. It's one in the same.

Good recovery attempt.

piginajeep is right, the JK logo is not only something that represents WAYALIFE, LLC. it's still once that's used on decals today to show as much.

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