Ah, that's how this place got it's reputation huh

About to hit the gym, talk soon sweethearts!
Hope your main focus is cardio with all that chub... :naw:

this guy shows how strong he is with a weak ass bicep pose... :hmm: IMPRESSIVE... :cheesy:

Now I am about to hit the gym. I'll be longer then 2 minutes... but i'm sure you got one hell of a workout :crazyeyes:
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Wow. Just wow. I actually took the time to read all this. Nothing has changed. Still a jackass. Just wow. And the reputation of this place that you speak of.......is because of wonderful people like you. :blush:

You get the bad rap you deserve. You guys live for shit like this. There's a reason the entire jeep community looks at Eddie and his followers the way they do :crazyeyes:

Even if I was in good graces here, I would never rep a Wayalife banner, or anything that people would directly affiliate my Jeep with this place (no, once again, the jk logo reps another club, most ppl have no idea about your jk logo in reality. Get on eBay and look at all of them).

You have YouTube videos of people removing Wayalife banners FFS.

Or they can go on like they have been the last 5 plus years, bc no one gives a fuck about you or your "jk logo". Track them down if you want a cease and desist.

Lol, it's great entertainment value at this point.

Awwww, that's so heart felt. I'm sure you made all kinds of BFF fuck buddies here, Hentai style.

It's a shame my barber won't cut my hair like yours either.

Where are the Florida members? I just want to see a Wayalife banner in person, bet they look so cool. There's thousands of jeeps in Florida, I've been too many massive topless days, meet ups, fuck even jeep beach. I never see your banners. You guys that ashamed? Only rep via the interwebzz?

The women & whether make it really good actually.

Lmao...I don't participate largely in any forum. I participate in real life.

YouTube views, wow....that's so cool bro!

I have a seriously question though....Do you guys even lift?

Too late for me to purchase a Wayalife banner? Srs. :D

Does Eddie Oh still work for Evo? What's the discount for Wayalife members, I'm looking for a long arm kit. These beach dunes can be treacherous.

Those pics are old AF! Lol

Address too. Are you threatening?

About to hit the gym, talk soon sweethearts!

Oh man, that was suspenseful.

It's entertaining for me too! Not into getting that personal w information but if that's how you guys roll I can't stop ya!

I'm not registered to vote... Have never voted. I'm for #Trump btw.

I really don't think I'm registered. Who the fuck is Rosery Barber?? I rented a house on 911 like 7 years ago.

Scared? You pussies would never try me in person. You're fat middle aged men.

I'm super fat

I'm guarantee that's me.

Obviously you do, you wanted to find who I "stole" it from.

Uhh....Good one.

Gay jokes, hilarious. No surprise for the Wayalife crowd though.

In all seriousness: I was planning on being a casual member like I am on multiple platforms. 3 posts in and you guys were crying about a JK sticker. Smh. I probably got defensive too quickly but it happens. The broader ones resources for information are, the better.

Oops, I better get back on topic. "You're gay".....

So what did you expect? Should I have removed immediately and begged for forgiveness? Please.

To be fair, copyright infringement is a reality, a Wayalife if you will, for almost every company. Deal with it, it's free promotion.

No end game really, just conversing.

I offered to PayPal $2, $1 per inch is usually the going rate for vinyl.

:cheesy: :cheesy:
You posted pictures of your muscles. :cheesy:
Things just got serious. :cheesy:

So this is who we are dealing with in this thread.........He is registered with the Florida Democratic Party... figures.

^So sorry we laughed at your expense, amick. This explains a lot. Best of luck to you with your condition. Hopefully your big muscles can save you from being such a pansy.
Is this dumb fucker still here?!? :cheesy:

Isn't this like the third day? :grayno:

No shit. Reminds me of that Al Bundy thread. This guy is way worse though. This guy here lifts weights so much it some how popped all the respect out of his sorry ass.
No shit. Reminds me of that Al Bundy thread. This guy is way worse though. This guy here lifts weights so much it some how popped all the respect out of his sorry ass.

ooooooo a Broski, huh? Good for him. :yawn37:
For some stupid reason I went back to see his photo....Hahahahahahaha! :cheesy::cheesy:
Cant believe the dumbass actually posted that! I'd be embarrassed as fuck to actually brag on that photo!
Loud color jeep, thinly veiled insecurity masked by dismissive trolling attitude, classic bicep flex in early 2000's IKEA wavy mirror (mostly owned by chicks, but whatever), revealing modest muscle tone suggesting you still believe benching is the only thing worth doing in the gym, tank top with assertive catchphrase on front and rear..but not just the rear, along the assline. Yeah, pretty much an aging attention whore living in FL combing the beaches for desperate (insert gender)'s to ensnare with your dudebro peacock feathers. Likely balding.
Loud color jeep, thinly veiled insecurity masked by dismissive trolling attitude, classic bicep flex in early 2000's IKEA wavy mirror (mostly owned by chicks, but whatever), revealing modest muscle tone suggesting you still believe benching is the only thing worth doing in the gym, tank top with assertive catchphrase on front and rear..but not just the rear, along the assline. Yeah, pretty much an aging attention whore living in FL combing the beaches for desperate (insert gender)'s to ensnare with your dudebro peacock feathers. Likely balding.
View attachment 197019


Loud color jeep, thinly veiled insecurity masked by dismissive trolling attitude, classic bicep flex in early 2000's IKEA wavy mirror (mostly owned by chicks, but whatever), revealing modest muscle tone suggesting you still believe benching is the only thing worth doing in the gym, tank top with assertive catchphrase on front and rear..but not just the rear, along the assline. Yeah, pretty much an aging attention whore living in FL combing the beaches for desperate (insert gender)'s to ensnare with your dudebro peacock feathers. Likely balding.
View attachment 197019

I'm 29....not balding, are you projecting? Post pictures of yourselves, lol. You're all most likely in your late 30s/40s, I'd bet either 170lbs of skinny fat or 270lbs of super sloppy. I've earned the right to wear gym tanks with catch phrases, the fact that you acknowledge modest muscle tone was once nothing but a pipe dream of mine (you all are too predictable, I'll be waiting on the gay joke).

Kudos on the Ikea mirror, impressive actually. A chick did buy that lol
I'm 29....not balding, are you projecting? Post pictures of yourselves, lol. You're all most likely in your late 30s/40s, I'd bet either 170lbs of skinny fat or 270lbs of super sloppy. I've earned the right to wear gym tanks with catch phrases, the fact that you acknowledge modest muscle tone was once nothing but a pipe dream of mine (you all are too predictable, I'll be waiting on the gay joke).

Kudos on the Ikea mirror, impressive actually. A chick did buy that lol

27, 6'2", 194#, 8%bf but nice try... :thumb:

You want me to post a pic? why would I do that? I dont need the internet to justify my self worth? :thinking: ...there will ALWAYS be somebody who is bigger/stronger/more cut. But you don't hate on them or start shit, you watch them, learn the exercises they do differently then you, learn what they eat that you are not eating, what you are eating that they are not (TACOS judging by your pics). you fucking humble up and realize your shit stinks just as much as anyone elses you entitled fuck

This a jeep forum, not a fitness forum. I'm glad you have taken a personal interest in your physical health but keep it to yourself. :asshat:
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